8 Weird Habits Of An INTP Personality Type

8 Weird Habits Of An INTP Personality Type

Psychology Refresh

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d00zy - csgo bs
d00zy - csgo bs - 30.09.2023 00:46

Ayee.. other logicians Hmu let’s chatttt

Maha Essoussi
Maha Essoussi - 29.09.2023 13:36

when you're an INTP and see that fact number 2 is written Number 1 so it turns you off and makes you want to stop watching 😅

Eridanus Kelpi
Eridanus Kelpi - 27.09.2023 11:03

You get what you deserve and we are what we seem like. This directness is hard to handle but one of our higgest assets.

Meek and Humble
Meek and Humble - 26.09.2023 16:54

INTP here 🤣

Talya K
Talya K - 25.09.2023 17:56

Jezzz I never realized I m dat irritating to others 😂 but why would I care, when dat others aren’t the ppl I care about

A Olander
A Olander - 25.09.2023 09:15

“Autority” made it really difficult to keep watching this

Shadow Gear
Shadow Gear - 21.09.2023 02:49

Being a crippled human isn’t a personality it’s a problem grow up and use logic as to why being more rounded as a human is more beneficial

Ryan Williams
Ryan Williams - 19.09.2023 02:15

So what I hear the video saying, is that the world perceives us as odd, but realistically they're misunderstanding that we're geniuses. 😃

Cameron Brown
Cameron Brown - 18.09.2023 22:56

exhibit A: "You are not some weirdo"

exhibit B: "Here are 8 Weird Habits Of An INTP"

"can be ruthlessly frank, caustic, and snarky with people who display personal bias [i.e., exhibit B], unreasonable assessment, or insincere [i.e., exhibit A] beliefs."

the defense rests.

Raelyn - 15.09.2023 01:14

The fact that as an intp, I'm usually called out as being a "a sheldon cooper" or even get eyerolls for correcting stuff or trying to attribute logic to everything, from behaviour to religion to normal statements (again, how can things happen without a cause?)

Plus legit scene starts if im spontaneous with my answer on a 'think n answer' question in class + life goes downhill if you just cant seem to understand why the heck school has sooooo many pointless rules - teachers go get your head for legit no reason at all wow yep i definitely relate heh-

Dren - 14.09.2023 23:10

Me: There's no way any of this will resonate...
Video: #1 - Tendency to be passive aggressive

Micheal Cornell
Micheal Cornell - 14.09.2023 10:01

This just sounds like aquarius is

Juan Clodio Duss
Juan Clodio Duss - 13.09.2023 20:54

4 ... My BFF

EE - 13.09.2023 08:17

At the beginning of number 2 it was listed as number 1

Ellen Szokky
Ellen Szokky - 11.09.2023 06:28

Interesting. I took a test (several different ones actually) and according to all of them I am INTP. And all those points in the video are true.

Ange - 11.09.2023 01:15

Idk if any of you did English Literature but, I always used to get frustrated with myself because when analysing text everybody would always pick out the obvious or clear interpretation of something and I'd always seem to miss that. At first I lacked coherence cause of the "half-baked" ideas and being far too open-minded bouncing from one idea and the other without concluding it, but once I got a hold of my ideas I did manage to get consistent B's.

My ideas, altho unique, were never wrong (cause nothing in Lite is) but it'd always make it difficult to link quotes and come to one conclusion. Now I realise that I wasn't incapable in any way, It was either: 1.ordinary things just didn't stand out to me 2. I can't emotionally appeal to the writer cause it just doesn't make sense to me ToT 3. (TOP REASON I FAILED) I CANNOT for the life of me conclude all of my thoughts on 2 essay questions about different characters or themes on paper coherently in an hour and a half! When I'm passionate I get SO many ideas and inspirations yet with the time given I can only stick to the basics bc of the time and the way were taught to approach, its so robotic and barely gives you space for creativity, innovation. Then again University is the ideal place for that... My teacher would often put notes like "I never thought of this" and I'd think I'm peculiar when really I just can't subject my brain to thinking the same way as the UK School Board.

I appreciate these kinda videos cause it helps you appreciate urself. Also the education system makes you believe your broken when in reality your probably far smarter then the system itself cause you don't operate according to it...but for the sake of good grades we must adapt and take our unique strengths into our future careers.

Theres this pesky voice in my head saying that I might be completely wrong cause I need to research and I cannot be bothered researching...so INTP...

Ange - 11.09.2023 00:36

INTP's: Okay but my opinions are unbiased and objective
...or is it?

Llinn_p - 10.09.2023 17:12

#6 and 7 is what really stood out to me because I'm exactly that lol.
A few times I've had crushes and knew someone had a crush on me, I made no effort trying to talk or bond with them. Eventually he reached out and we talked for a few months,he said he's willing to wait but apparently in the end he can't take my bluntness and me being "not committed" to the relationship we were building. He in fact did not see that I was trying my best. All he cared about was the results. As an INTP, I care about the steps I'm taking to ensure a clear outcome.

Jennifer Bangs
Jennifer Bangs - 09.09.2023 08:57

Did they specifically try to find every bad actor out there?

Fake Name
Fake Name - 08.09.2023 03:23

INTPs are not passive aggressive, quite the opposite. Maybe aggressive or just direct but not a weak passive aggressive beta slob.

60Mins - 08.09.2023 01:08

As an INTP, I never answer questions the way one might expect me too. Is the gall half full, or half empty? It's half full of water, half empty of water, and overflowing if we combine how much water and air is in the glass.

SLAYYYYYYY - 06.09.2023 17:10

the 6th is so freaking true

atropineman - 03.09.2023 18:02

I'll finish this video later

random guy
random guy - 03.09.2023 07:47

I think i zoned out for more than 10 times watching this

Ronald Layton
Ronald Layton - 03.09.2023 06:56

Ill Bill Gates is not an InTp. InTp's have a strong desire to help people understand the world and overcome limiting factors so we can live in equality. InTp's would never lie to humanity about disease or the climate in order to trick them into being injected with poison and herded into locked down cities.
F-B.G. !

ULQUIORRA CIFER - 02.09.2023 17:47

can't count how many people told they found me awdward at least at first meeting, but i generally took it as granted and do whatever i feel like doing

NightlyGirl - 28.08.2023 15:19

I wasn't rlly sure if I am an intp or not but after this video I'm sure that I am an intp like man u describe me in 8 habits

K-pop beanie
K-pop beanie - 28.08.2023 10:26

As an INTP, i love procastinating those things which I don't like to do i try to avoid those things a lot for example I'm obsessed with science and maths and most of the time I'm thinking about science, technology, numbers, calculations,quantum mechanics etc... And i avoid literature,history, geography, politics... These all seem boring and worthy of being procastinated.

Oskars Skudra
Oskars Skudra - 25.08.2023 21:37

Strangest thing is that those few friends i have are amazed by my brutal honesty. But in a same time they say im hurting they feelings. But in all honesty i just don't care. If you don't want my opinion, don't ask a question. I will never lie to make anyone feel better.

amazingdoggo - 24.08.2023 10:47

He was wasting his time telling us not to feel bad about being weird.

DW-20 - 21.08.2023 18:15

Holy shit taters, yeah..this video explained why my parents hate me.i always knew I was wierd ..but it's close to dna on me

Marquita - 20.08.2023 21:03


DAMON SALVATORE - 19.08.2023 07:49

Authority was not spelled correctly.

Langa - 11.08.2023 21:18

I am seriously confused between INTP and INTJ. I am INTP, I have an INTJ best friend. He is the awkward one, I help him to interpret social cues and what exactly a girl requires. We he is a encyclopaedia, but in my field of speciality and my interests, he knows I am the go to. So some of the points here are INTJ while lots are INTP

Quwu - 06.08.2023 05:00

Many people misunderstood me being weird and until now I'm regretting why I said that to the person I was very close😭 because I'm very direct without thinking so now those 2 elderly was not very close to me now because of what I said.Yeahh always do procrastinate

Adam - 06.08.2023 03:15

About twice a year i send my wife (esfj) a video of similar content. The reason for this is i do not wish to explain myself to my wife when she starts to feel like i dont care about her feeling or that i am becomming distant and not being very attentive. This can not be further from the truth. I work hard and put alot of time and effort into work souly for my wife and kids so they dont have to. She feels like i care more about work than them. 97% of the world will never understand the struggles of an INTP.

ʸᵘᵃ. - 30.07.2023 03:50

Being an intp and a girl at the same time can be quite challenging. I find it difficult to form girl friendships because of my blunt and awkward nature. And it's the same thing when it comes to dating, guys would always have an impression that I'm a stone cold-hearted bi*c*. But on the brighter side, I find myself easy to make guy friends especially those who have so much in common with me like being awkward and blunt. And I'm also learning to accept and love what I am these days 🤍

Mysterious 🥀
Mysterious 🥀 - 30.07.2023 00:30

I may be intp but still I am hygienic maybe little messy sometimes but not always

Sneha Chouhan
Sneha Chouhan - 27.07.2023 19:33

On Sundays when I have time i think i have to do this and this and end up procrastinating

Nemo - 27.07.2023 09:21

The absorbing facts resonates more with intj, intps talk more about theory and aren't too within the line of data

Eduard Povierin
Eduard Povierin - 21.07.2023 23:08

All facts are 100% true😂. I'm INTP

بركان هادئ
بركان هادئ - 21.07.2023 13:02

أدق تفصيل للحين

Tarun Kumar
Tarun Kumar - 18.07.2023 17:26

Also the INTPs here finishing this video within a minute playing it at 1x and skipping the useless information

Анна Жукова
Анна Жукова - 09.07.2023 19:27

That's too biased, I don't want to listen to this 😶🙃
This question is more flexible than you may think

Hanna.2ndN - 05.07.2023 01:55

This video just read me like a book. Especially, the part about embarrassment of showing your emotions.
