Follow your dream? What if you're good at more than 1 thing?

Follow your dream? What if you're good at more than 1 thing?

Douglas Kruger

2 года назад

2,669 Просмотров

You have more than one talent. You have more than one career-option. Should you ditch one and pursue the other? Is it possible to do both?

Here are 5 ways of approaching this problem, in order to live to the fullest.

Douglas Kruger is an author and speaker. Meet him at


# #Talent #grow_your_talent #develop_talent #what_if_I'm_good_at_two_things? #follow_your_dream? #motivation_for_success #make_the_most_of_your_talent #talented_at_two_things #inspiration #focus #discipline #personal_growth #Douglas_Kruger
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