Casual Chat: Smilegate is cooking. Lost Ark keeps improving!

Casual Chat: Smilegate is cooking. Lost Ark keeps improving!


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Fumble - 22.09.2023 12:10

We need an arpg with lost ark raids. lost ark p2w gatekeeping aint cutting it for me

aKai - 20.09.2023 05:07

Mark Cuban - cost plus drugs. Spread the word

Ryxxi - 14.09.2023 18:05

Bruh game is so dead. Tried to play on Jumpstart NA west server and literally no one is doing anything. I tied my normal server and people want 1490min for valtan hard.. No way to catch up in this game. Even in Wow you can slowly catchup. but because you need gear from bosses like brelshaza gear to hone its fucked.

MILKA EXQZME - 06.09.2023 00:30

As a support I think also does not help that you kinda pushed to make alts. It feels retarded make 6x same class, or I can make 3 support/gunlan. Still support gonna make at least one dps and most likely slowly converted due to how better it feels as a dps doing dailies. Ofc If you are hardcore support then you stay, but even if just one person / 20 supp player that turns into dps slowly still...

MyndZero - 04.09.2023 08:23

Having to learn the raids isn't a bad thing, but the more raids you add the worse it becomes so you NEED resets every 1-2 years where newer players can skip the older tier of content and move straight into the new tier. Lost Ark REALLY needs to do a new season... they NEED to learn this fact.

Mic Tan
Mic Tan - 01.09.2023 10:18

We want Lost Ark to succeed, but for that to happen, they need to change a lot of outdated features like multiple alts farming, back attack, etc.

Player's taste changes, and so should they.

Ben Dol
Ben Dol - 31.08.2023 19:47

Lost Ark players seem to be really content starved to the point that when the company does the bare minimum to address the concerns for why their players are leaving and not coming back, it revitalizes the copium reserves immediately. This is literally them on life support making a final attempt to resuscitate their game. Maple Story 2 is probably the destiny that Lost Ark in its current state is headed towards if they ignore all the issues. Props to them for starting this process, but there is a big road ahead of them to get it resolved. It can be done, but it will take serious sit-downs to design everything from the ground up.

The reason I will likely quit the game is due to the time gated content. I want to grind something that takes a lot of time, but I can feel the progression. Dailies are NOT it. It is lazy. Take a look at how BDO has accomplished their longevity, it is a fantastic example of enjoying the grind. Its not perfect but it can be done without dailies and one thousand alts.

calzimer - 31.08.2023 14:43

I feel like supports need extra QoL to make their gameplay better and more rewarding.
A few things that always comes are the shield amount and hp. When a support use their awakening a giant white bar fills up their hp bar and sometimes I just forget if they were full hp or not. A small indicator would be nice so we could save our heals or not (With %hp on the red bar or just shade of red in the group party hp bars)
Indicators that their dps increased properly with icons on their head. Did you just increased their dps on 20% while you buffed him? Let us know. Did my shield saved you from a possible attack that could've killed you? Show it. Things like that would reward the player without noticing.

Roah - 31.08.2023 11:13


Trick Stur
Trick Stur - 30.08.2023 17:16

saintone drip

Petr P
Petr P - 30.08.2023 13:27

Banda was the boss who made me click on first loa video i hve seen on YT. I would love itttt

Aboo Backrr
Aboo Backrr - 30.08.2023 09:41

hell no its not that game its a DEAD game

Convergence - 30.08.2023 06:14

just seems like a lot of shifting content around and rebalancing, but they aren't actually fixing anything. Cash shop is still insane p2w, raids are gatekept, new player experience is trash so no one is actually joining the game anymore so it is slowly dying, no endgame systems for progression outside of raids for those who dont want to always raid, fixed weekly and daily schedule for FOMO.

All they're doing is shortening the grind but it's the exact same grind. What are you even grinding for

If they just had alternate endgame progression it would fix so many problems. But being FORCED to do specific raids which are heavily gatekept if you have never done them is insanity. No other MMO or aRPG has that.

C4V14R - 30.08.2023 05:55

I don't think solo versions are the answer. New players won't learn mechanics that way. Instead, just take out the wipe mechanics and turn them into high damage taken mechanics. This way new players are still doing the mechs, but not punishing the entire raid if they mess up. They just take a lot of damage, which they can pot through, or they die. Also, making it solo content further exacerbates the feeling of it not being a true MMO.

FNFFreak - 30.08.2023 03:38

Can you please explain 1 thing to me? 1 thing that I dont understand....

How can Reaper (Is one of my Main 6 and I wont change it) exist in this game compared to slayer

These 2 classes are like Slayer is Chuck norris u dying when he just looks at u and Reaper is an 90 year old woman that smashes you with her bag that couldnt kill a fly

Nemein - 30.08.2023 00:59

I can't speak for why the mass majority left, but me and all my friends/guildmates left around Brel HM because of honing rates, having tap the same fuckin shit 40 times to see 1.6 iLvl increase (at most), and how long it takes for us to be able to start enjoying a new character. I don't think any veteran who has a sour taste in their mouth from Lost Ark would come back unless the honing/RnG/Gamba/Gatcha system is completely reworked. I love Gold River for attempting all of this, but it feels like too little too late.

ac0rpbg - 29.08.2023 15:54

About the point it doesn't feel like MMO the reason is you are kinda young all MMORPGs used to be like that back in the 90s and early 2000.

marcus - 29.08.2023 09:49

I enjoy Support.

xazndude - 29.08.2023 05:43

Smilegate is cooking? Maybe cooking some pizza.

Pyjters - 28.08.2023 23:52

fate emers yea first weak got like 14 of them next week only 4 shadow nerf?

blinkzy - 28.08.2023 23:03

all i get from fates is silver and xp madge

Juse - 28.08.2023 21:28

Cheers for the updates!

Arcane - 28.08.2023 21:25

I would like to see mount favorites move to character based. I mean, front/back attack indicators are characters based…could be possible with mount settings, I’d hope.

Casepon - 28.08.2023 19:52

lost ark is gonna die at some point with these dumb downgrades

CloudKingXII - 28.08.2023 19:45

I aint coming back until a Reboot (Pure f2p server) is released. I loved coming back into Maplestory Reboot and BDO seasonal servers

Vatican Top
Vatican Top - 28.08.2023 19:38

Being the most geared deadeye in NA currently, I'm honestly worried on their removal for Entropy. Here's to hoping that Smilegate doesn't drop the ball with the set change.

Sined - 28.08.2023 18:46

In the topic of gearing support it's more expensive than most DPS builds

Arcane - 28.08.2023 17:56

I’ve been trying to come up with a system for raids where one person can’t mess it up for the group, but people can’t just outright cheese a mechanic. Coming up with nothing so far.

Rtz s*cks
Rtz s*cks - 28.08.2023 17:09

Give us more causal content

Rafa Pozzato
Rafa Pozzato - 28.08.2023 15:48

Solo content = prokel
its be very great fight against prokel and win rewards..

IdLikeToRant - 28.08.2023 15:29

Thing that sucks for me at least is I quit off and on since western launch due to gatekeeping and how bad most the systems were in the west until recently and I came back with the 1540 super mokoko express and the game is MUCH better now and I tried to get my friends to give it a shot again hasn't worked they don't believe me and won't come back because of how it was before :(

Edit: I have Gird too and yeah if you go on a gird only diet it basically means you can't eat or drink fuck all. You have to eat like a vegan athlete basically and no thanks.

Gooseknuckle - 28.08.2023 15:08

More of these!! Love your thoughts on all these updates, plus your voice is very calming 😌

Sirus Watches
Sirus Watches - 28.08.2023 13:30

Really chill and informative video, thank you saintone

Feanor - 28.08.2023 12:48

Do you know if fate embers and cards will also drop on extra runs without aura of resonance?

Nirl - 28.08.2023 12:35

Band-aid on a wound that's already too big.

ManiX207 - 28.08.2023 12:34

full on agree - i cant reall play lost ark as an mmo - thus i hate interacting with others

solo valtan would be great - no entropy is great and makes DB way less frustrating - and generally raids up to the newest 3 should be able to be started in a duo or trio- currently we needed 8 people no?

holy shit - i hope it will go well with the surgery for stoopz O_O

the meds - hmm - seems like imports from other countries that have health insurance

DL Myth
DL Myth - 28.08.2023 12:30

If they make the solo raids and I can get the mats to make my upgraded armor. I would come back to Lost Ark. Of course, they need to make it easier to get light of salvation. It should be 3 month tops to get the whole set upgraded.

Zarzo - 28.08.2023 07:52

Instead of removing prokel why not just make it so everyone fights prokel but you only need 1 player to succed, its such great content and honestly the most interesting part of my weekly raiding. If a player dies he goes back to fighting skull, if nobody succeeds then skull gest some extra dmg reduction or something.

Aegon Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen - 28.08.2023 06:39

Thank you for making vids like these. Hope everything gets better with your health and Stoopzz's. <3

Twinsal - 28.08.2023 06:38

It doesn't need to be solo just activate phoenix plum in raid lol for Valtan, Vykas, Kakul, Brel old content. This is like low effort high return development.

RagingDrone - 28.08.2023 06:02

Thanks for the update Director

Bork - 28.08.2023 05:12

Not sure if it keeps getting better when people just gatekeep you forever lol

ItsOnlyAGame - 28.08.2023 05:08

Hi, I used to hang around with clips of your twitch vods and such when I was new to lost ark(when it came out)
not a sorc main nor got mage alts so i didnt watch too much of your content(not sure about your entire roster but thats just a habit of mine to watch and follow creators that play the same chars as me so I could learn more).
wanted to say that I am a really big fan of what you are doing here, found this video really enjoyable and over all loved to hear your opinion and ideas
will definitely come back for more!

Diogo Lima
Diogo Lima - 28.08.2023 01:47

lol saintone said he does not participate in this chaos gates in long time (half year). I dont to chaos gate since south vern released did like 1 2 times. hate boring content....

My consern with solo raids is that bots will exploit that shit to get gear or mats or even gold. another consern is that people stop playing group raids and only do solo content.

I would really liked that one of the supports since they are basicaly the same (Brand, attack power buff, damage buff, dr ,heal or shield) would be diferent in the whey they provide the shield damage or heal. for isntance intead of providing dmg buff , they would deal more dps and taht dps would shield or heal the party and party would deal more damage based on the damage the support deal with that taht support would essencial have a mix play style like blue gl lot less dmg but still have a play style like a dps while supporting the team. and the extra dmg the other 3 party members do should be shown as support self dmg or at least if a dps deal 1000 dmg and u increase 50% dmg, he will see 1500 and you see that you deal 500 dmg. somethign like that

Costeq - 28.08.2023 01:22

Funny how Entropy Berserker Mayhem is a meme, problem and unplayable but the Slayer with the same skills same problems if not played as an Entropy is griefing to some people. Gotta love copy>paste meta heads with complete lack of common sense and/or knowledge of why they are doing what they doing 😅On the side note non-positional classes should never come close to entropy classes in terms of damage ceiling. Yet it is difficult and it should pay off.

ChrisIsorena - 28.08.2023 01:07

They should consider making gates optional instead of removing them. ie. after G1, you could have two pathways to G2 or G3

Jonn093 - 28.08.2023 00:47

