South China Sea dispute: Philippine general demands China pay US$1m in damages for attacking vessels

South China Sea dispute: Philippine general demands China pay US$1m in damages for attacking vessels


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@jondehthoraf - 05.07.2024 01:37

de escalation is nothing but trolling. or buying time. ph went through a lot and your a fool to think theyre going to back down. us brother will pinch there but.

@leopoldodurico6174 - 05.07.2024 01:48

According to International Law, China has no business being in the West Philippine Sea Exclusive Economic Zone!

@meganfoxbf - 05.07.2024 02:18

China navy will attack phillipines , will phillipines navy protect their own County and citizens?

@satriojumeneng7055 - 05.07.2024 02:33

Excuse me Sir ..... what if I don't pay US$1m ?

@BrandyHeng007 - 05.07.2024 03:27

It's a fool's dream

@user-qv1gc1vn7o - 05.07.2024 04:07

do you think they pay? or they launch some more rocket at a fishing boat?, they sure know that pinoy ain't capable of defeating them and America has their election going

@lonewolf7992 - 05.07.2024 04:50

Why did CNA changed the title of the video?
From "Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr has ordered the military to defuse tensions in the South China Sea." to this? 🤨🤨 Propaganda tactic? To brainwash who?

@joeblack888 - 05.07.2024 05:09

Start in what time that winner need pay money to loser?
Should Iraq or Afghanistan ask the US to pay money for the damage?
what a joke!

@lonewolf7992 - 05.07.2024 05:11

Political Shake-Up in the Philippines?Why is Duterte Coming Back? Part 1: Why is Duterte Making a Comeback?

Former President Duterte has announced his intention to run for the Senate in 2025, setting the stage for a fierce competition with current President Marcos. This power struggle is set to influence Philippine politics significantly, involving the Duterte and Marcos families. Duterte and his two sons are planning to run in next year's midterm elections, which will select 12 senators, representatives, and local administrative officials. If they succeed, it could reshape the political landscape, allowing them to leverage their influence to impact legislation and investigate controversial policies.

@ceciliacabrito4814 - 05.07.2024 05:12

Lets give peace a chance and doubts should be remove for a while.Phils did a good job and we know china isnt a liar?😂

@jimmyjones6285 - 05.07.2024 05:28

Loser always pay if lost in the war. So Ph should pay to china

@jcany24 - 05.07.2024 05:30

If the conflict gets escalated, the ccp is certainly afraid the US military may get involved based on the Philippine and US treaty.

@rrs2023 - 05.07.2024 05:36

China pay with 2 persons lifes being kidnapped murdered by Philippines.

@johntwohy8337 - 05.07.2024 05:48

The US navy helped the ROC to occupy the SCS islands during the civil war. It had already accepted the islands belonged to the Chinese.

@user-uu1vf2hq9v - 05.07.2024 06:06


@rickychua3790 - 05.07.2024 08:11

China just flicked their middle finger in answer to Pinoys demand for compensation. 😂😂😂

@ujsmad - 05.07.2024 09:27

🤣 All these Chinese in the comments hating but, China's faking everything, their faked economy is failing, and now floods, and their big city infrastructures are fragile. China is and will be humbled watched. 🤣

@chrismanchin - 05.07.2024 13:03

Will the US defend Philippines if there is another conflict between Ch and Ph in South China Sea?

@Kompak-eq3bt - 05.07.2024 13:13

Philippines look at Ukraine and Biden, then got smart.

@lonewolf7992 - 05.07.2024 13:30

CNA, care to explain why the title of the video was changed and who asked it to be changed? somebody from the united snakes regime?

@macphersonbags - 05.07.2024 15:36

let see,this guy still got 11 fingers😂😂😂

@superdupaify - 05.07.2024 16:02

Philippines, Pirates of the SCS. Pay me $1m or else…..

@wangchung7599 - 05.07.2024 16:57

Philippine's recent request to extend the continental shelf has also unsettled two ASEAN neighbors Vietnam and Malaysia.

@user-kw7ti5dt4k - 05.07.2024 18:54


@potatomatop9326 - 05.07.2024 19:23

China will pay you 1 million gallons of water from the water cannons and not 1 million dollars lol.

@MT-nw3qh - 05.07.2024 20:45

Look if you guys don’t want to be bullied… fight and hit them harder… the chinese are weak and they don’t love their country like real citizens… trust me… you fight and hang death over their heads they will run like chickens without their heads.

How I know? That’s the Chinese mentality. Why do you think so many Chinese dynasties were overthrown??? Because of greed and fear of death. Why do you think Japan was so successful in throwing their weight and will around even though they were outnumbered? Because the Japs weren’t afraid to die… but the Chinese they are… they are weak minded and only know of money and greed… they don’t even love their own government let alone that kung fu panda bear…

Fight back and let them know!

@gloriabort2879 - 05.07.2024 23:17

China can NEVER win in case of war!

@ttz3549 - 06.07.2024 03:02

:D China just blessed the Philippines for the Water Splashing Festival.

@wonbin3912 - 06.07.2024 03:04

if China refused to Philippine demands we can impose a sanctions against all Chinese products coming to Manila or imposed a hefty tariffs against ALL CHINESE MADE PRODUCTS coming from that greedy country

@kimannepark4709 - 06.07.2024 06:23

China should pay for the $1M damages to PH ships and equipment, compensation for the soldier who's fingers got cut off, and the return of 7 high powered firearms.
China should also apologize to the Filipino nation.

@LeeSkJohn-sv8wi - 06.07.2024 06:37

Philippines is lucky china did not follow Indonesia that will arrest illegal intrusion and sink the ship .

@Myopinion-zd3fm - 06.07.2024 07:20

Well it appears that China is backing down and I am sure that behind the scenes the United States gave China a stern warning,

@Myopinion-zd3fm - 06.07.2024 07:24

I believe the truth is that the Chinese economy is on the decline and the communist government has to devert attention to other issues, they have to keep a Billion and a half people is the biggest threat to communism., when the economy is Bad.

@Myopinion-zd3fm - 06.07.2024 07:31

Why is it that Taiwan has to sub come to communism and reunification with China, perhaps the communist regime should be replaced with the same type of government as Taiwan and Unite the Island nation to the Mother Land under a Democratic government, this is what they are afraid of.

@Myopinion-zd3fm - 06.07.2024 07:40

Right now, it is only the communistic regimes that are infringing on sovereign nations in the world today and have justified it's ambitions with some of the most stupid stuff I have ever heard.

@Myopinion-zd3fm - 06.07.2024 07:46

This is not the 1800s no major power has successfully taken over a sovereign country in a Hundred and fifty years, those days are over and the current status of the world 🌎 map is permanent and unchangeable.

@osmanzng8065 - 06.07.2024 08:36

PBBM has ordered the military to defuse tensions in the South China Sea. The Philippine general demands China pay US$1m.
Who's in charge?

@TinyBlitz8 - 06.07.2024 10:14

Pinoys be like we’re gonna die for our country to Penoys scratching their head. 😅

@ramongabutina8015 - 06.07.2024 15:05

The Phil will ship out US missiles,will China respond by not entering Phils' EEZ waters?

@boyquejarro5770 - 06.07.2024 15:32

China 👎👎👎👎

@reyramirez1817 - 06.07.2024 18:37


@bonifaciomakabayan6399 - 07.07.2024 00:45

CHINA had NO REMORSE inflicting on the Philippine marines conducting re-supply mission in our territory MUCH MORE paying to the damages committed...this is the CULTURE of the BARBARIANS continued in modern times...this is the CULTURE that wanted to RULE the WORLD !!!... we Filipinos will fight to the end what is legally ours historically and by International Law/UNCLOS/2016 Arbitral Award !!!

@filipinophile8148 - 07.07.2024 04:45

China should have never been there to begin with. It should be noted that China legally declared in 1932 that its southernmost territory was limited to the Paracels (prior to this, their southernmost claimed territory was limited to Hainan island ONLY).

When France occupied six features in the Spratlys in 1933, China did NOT protest, as they have declared that their southernmost territory was limited to the Paracels a year earlier. In 1934, China again declared that their southernmost territory was the Paracels, specifically Triton Island. Meaning, by international law, they recognize that anything south of the Paracels are NOT Chinese territories. They only changed it in 1946, they created a modern map and started saying that Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly was their "historic territory" even though they admitted twice before that their southernmost territory was limited to the Paracels "specifically Triton Island".

It should also be noted that China itself re-published all its ancient maps in three volumes in 1990, 1994, and 1997. All of their "ancient and historical maps" showed that the southernmost territory was Hainan. They afterwards pulled back those books after they realized that their actual ancient and historical maps were against their ridiculous imagination-filled claims. The re-publication of those maps literally doomed themselves in regards to their claims.

The ground for their claims is flimsy at best and can easily be defeated in court, which was seen during the Philippines v China case that effectively invalidated China's dashed claims in 2016. It should be magnified that during the court proceedings, China itself sent a legally-binding Note Verbale, where they reiterated their recognition of the 1900 Treaty of Washington and the 1930 US-UK Treaty, which recognizes Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands as exclusive territories of the Philippines! They literally aided the Philippines' case with their own arguments! China has no legal AND historical basis in their claims.

@johntwohy8337 - 07.07.2024 06:47

The Spanish American treaty of 1898 already made it clear that the western limit of the Philippine islands did not include the Spratly islands and Scarborough Shoal.

@marvinfok65 - 07.07.2024 07:54

China will pay US$1 the form of missiles to be fired at Philippines military vessels! Did Philippines also had a comedian taking over the presidency like Ukraine?

@Monkey341 - 07.07.2024 09:52

Philippines general demand China to pay compensation? 😂😂

@mssv19123 - 07.07.2024 11:44

Do you think Trump will ever released Marcos Father stolen billions in US banks to Marcos Junior? America First remember......these billions will belong to US, probably invested into Trump properties. Will give Marcos Junior peanuts.....

@wailinn3076 - 13.07.2024 18:28

Your daddy America will pay for your damage.

