Have an Autoimmune Disease? Blame the Black Death

Have an Autoimmune Disease? Blame the Black Death


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@unclej3910 - 11.02.2024 04:12

I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in 1999. No one else in my family, going back to my great grandparents, had Celiac.

@willridgway2513 - 10.02.2024 17:34

Well, at least I'll know that I'm more resistant to the black death while I'm shitting my brains out

@BathSaltShaman - 03.02.2024 03:47

Actually have Crohn’s and ancestors who lived in Licata during the Black Death. It all clicks now.

@useyourbrain1539 - 11.01.2024 22:57

Recently viewed vid on research on our sex genes as being a possible cause.

@barbara_LL - 11.01.2024 15:40

sooooo, i (as far as I am aware) did not catch covid at any point during the pandemic, does this mean there is a possibility that maybe in the future my descendents (lets ignore the fact that i dont want biological children 😂) could have autoimmune diseases 🤔

@lauragraham170 - 09.01.2024 20:31

I wonder if parasites like hookworms might come into play here.

@mermaidmersea7113 - 02.01.2024 06:40

Well, this explains a lot!

@jennyhorner - 01.01.2024 14:27

Watching this I’m wondering how it applies to Covid, long COVID and ethnic differences in survival rates?

@WaldensWorld - 29.12.2023 21:03

Our immune response is due to a foreign attack ! Is it the immune system or the items we intake that causes chrones diebet ect ?

@ScatteredLightEvenBeam - 29.12.2023 03:38

The evidence pointing to severe/enduring childhood trauma leading to a higher rate of the expression of autoimmune disorders........ makes this an even crazier web. Woah.

@krystalreverb - 29.12.2023 01:36

My mom has Crohn’s. Hey mom! Good news! You won’t get the plague!

@MxDiagnosis - 25.12.2023 06:02

What can I say hot girls have stomach issues 😮‍💨

@hanktrill - 23.12.2023 16:30

After an intense bout of strep throat my skin decided to attack itself 😑 Psoriasis is so frustrating!

@hanktrill - 23.12.2023 16:30

After an intense bout of strep throat my skin decided to attack itself 😑 Psoriasis is so frustrating!

@ambermay7032 - 21.12.2023 09:12

I inherited my autoimmune disease from my grandmother. Before it's trigger I already had immune system issues that made me very vulnerable to viruses but super great at fighting bacterial infections. Unfortunately any type of immunity to viruses just doesn't stick so it takes 1-2 weeks before my immune system even notices I'm dying from a virus. It then goes crazy and attacks everything with virus in it (especially with viruses that move into other parts of the body).
This resulted in a very sick childhood and until I caught swine flu in 2009ish. It was so bad it triggered the inherited autoimmune disease and the attacks caused severe/permanent issues that took almost 10 years to get under control (5 years to even diagnose because of bias against women by doctors lol it must be period pain).
Now with Covid I am super vulnerable. I catch it with just a few seconds exposure to someone while outside. Ive had it three times, 2 while not even leaving my property as people delivering stuff have given it to me. I also don't seem to gain any benefit at all from infection or vaccines. Each Covid infection almost killed me before my immune system kicked in then attacked everything in my body (since Covid infects everything), causing significant damage and almost killing me again with Long Covid. I can barely function without my immune system attacking something then wearing itself out making me then vulnerable to even infections. Covid damaging immune systems only made things worse for me.
Even with my lack of immunity from virus vaccines I was told to get them anyway. The third one triggered two new immune system attacks. One for bowel and one for reproductive parts. Ive never felt pain like I have from them being attacked specifically.
The constant up and down apparently makes medication not suitable. Ive been told to just permanently isolate from people for the rest of my life. My ancestors may have survived but I have lost everything because people dont even care to wear a mask and keep their disgusting viruses to themselves and reduce transmission. Imagine spending the rest of your life never seeing another person face to face and no one cares to help.

@Joyride37 - 21.12.2023 01:49

So my atopic dermatitis is bc I have an ancestor that didn’t bite it during the plague? The plague gave them pustules and now my immune system gives me rashes, lovely

@VinnyBologna - 20.12.2023 15:13

Yersinia enterica is carried by cats and mice and can reproduce at low temperatures such as found in a refrigerator.

Crohns is often diagnosed when yersinia was the real culprit.

Some Crohns treatments cost thousands per month hence the bias in diagnosis...

@paulmkz - 20.12.2023 01:45

I will say doing a carnivore diet can really help with auto immune problems. Especially crohs and Ulcerative Colitis.

@paulmkz - 20.12.2023 01:38

I could be wrong but Its possible that some kids might not even need vsccines. Considering we are the descendants of ppl.who made it through the Plaque, Covid 19, Spainsh Flu, Polio, and Small Pox. Some people probably have naturally chsrged immune systems and vaccines at a young age may be causing them auto immune diseases later in life. Not sure how you could tell which kids would need vaccines and which ones dont?

@nillyk5671 - 19.12.2023 11:53

Everything is always focused on Europeans 🙄

@michelleallport4028 - 19.12.2023 07:42

Im 56 n have Crohns since I was 18. It's severe, I only have 5 ft of small int3stine left, no colon. Ive died, been in comas, life support, tons of surgeries and infusion therapies, even went on hospice but still here. When I got covid I was bearly sick n got the best sleep Ive had in yrs!!! Crohns is hell, wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. The pain is excruciating.

@MouthwashTyphoon - 19.12.2023 06:30

So the plague is still killing people today. What an overachiever.

@angelacrabtree2847 - 19.12.2023 05:16

Sickle cell anemia is thanks to malaria.

@midoriya-shonen - 19.12.2023 04:02

this is fascinating. and it makes so much sense. thank you!

@Difficultureshock - 18.12.2023 06:24

Having 2 kids with Crohn's, this was quite fascinating. Thank you for sharing!

@Hulachowdown - 17.12.2023 20:37

Isn’t this also why there is such aa prevelance of obesity ? It was genetically benefitcial to be able to store food well before food was so easily available ( this is still the case in places where food is scarce. They also tend to value being over weight as a sign of wealth).

@warribe - 17.12.2023 14:41

My family has a strong history of autoimmune disease, like every single person in the family has at least one autoimmune disease. Those who didn’t have any died of covid and that is a realization that i didnt had until watching this video. Our ancestors are all europeans by the way.

@mcclaryconsultingllc7806 - 17.12.2023 03:19

We love you and our prayers are with you!

@swampfarts - 16.12.2023 20:12

So why after then developing an autoimmune disease am i more vulnerable to infections??

@gillifish - 16.12.2023 15:17

I have an extremely overactive immune system but refuse to take medications unless it’s flaring up horribly, and honestly it’s impossible for me to get sick when I’m in an active flare!!! It’s wild! I had this theory years before I ever heard of this, but it makes so much sense now.

@joannemadden7449 - 16.12.2023 12:25

I'm Irish and My Children are First Generation Americans. I've had My DNA tested as well as knowing My Own Background and this is EXTREMELY CORRECT. We almost lost My Youngest to the disease, I have it and as i age it's progressive becoming more difficult. My Grandchildren also suffer with it to one degree or another

@AriadneC - 16.12.2023 08:05

My Sjögren’s syndrome became fully active three years ago, when I had a course of antibiotics for a minor infection. A year ago, it went completely bananas when I had covid. My immune system loves to find new ways to destroy me while trying to protect me 🫶🏼

@mammabear1991 - 16.12.2023 04:28

My question is why are they researching this???,and after the covid theories this makes me a little paranoid. But alas im hard to kill, apparently. I know my ancestors survived small pox and prolly the plague as my ancestors were from Europe and a drop of a famous native american who also survived snall pox.

@spamuel98 - 16.12.2023 02:22

Well, it kinda makes sense; when you live far away from potential mates as a nomadic hunter-gatherer, it makes sense for your genes to tend towards longevity since it would theoretically take you longer to find a mate, whereas in cities where you could find a different partner every week, it's more sensible to start defending against stuff that could kill you now in exchange for something else killing you later, since now is when you're supposedly pumping out offspring.

@areneesouder - 15.12.2023 00:23

I went from being extremely energetic with loads of stamina, to being basically bedridden for the last 36+ years from fibromyalgia and CFS, and other health issues. It was such opposites it's bizarre. This may be a reason for my strange health. The opposite is true in other ways. Growing up it seems I caught every cold and flu there was around, plus all the childhood diseases (being born in 1957), but since I got EBV and all these other issues, I rarely get colds or flu anymore. Weird.

@joann5051 - 14.12.2023 05:42

Sickle cell comes to mind. The body mutated to defeat malaria and created something worse.

@danielnaberhaus5337 - 13.12.2023 08:14

Chrons disease doesnt exist in undeveloped countries. Likely our immune system gets trigger happy when they dont have bugs and parasites to fight off so it turns on itself.

@jamestaylor3805 - 13.12.2023 06:14

There is no genetic/evolutionary shift that doesn't have a trade off. What helps you survive risk A will make you more susceptible to risk B. The trade off is not always obvious, but it's there.

@rebeccatapley3739 - 13.12.2023 06:13

Is anyone going to follow up on this first study by locating as many Middle Eastern and North African samples as possible? The data set will not be truly complete unless all victims of the Black Death are included.

@AnkhInfinitus - 11.12.2023 17:13

This is why intelligence is the ultimate adaptation.

@Jeremiah13tears - 11.12.2023 13:06

Wish I could CRISPR my genes.

@monkeygirlburns9196 - 11.12.2023 09:54

My doctor always explained my autoimmune disease as my body being over-reactive, where is attacks harmful viruses and bacteria but also doesn't know how to not attack itself, which perfectly lines up with this video.

@Coolgirl_internet_alias - 11.12.2023 08:53

Vaccines are a large contributing factor as to why autoimmune illnesses are so prevalent today.

@AstroMoonGoddess - 10.12.2023 22:10

Woah. I have four autoimmune disorders. Because the only thing strong enough to kick my ass is me. Anyway, I appreciate this video and intend to share it with my specialists.

@faithstea - 10.12.2023 11:26

3 years ago there was a video on this channel about autoimmune disorders. I wonder what the studies used there correlate here because it is so fascinating learning more about it. This video is sending me into a research rabbit hole!

@livvya84 - 10.12.2023 09:24

This makes total sense to me. As a person with Crohn's disease, I don't get colds or flus really at all. Now I know its in my genes 😂

@TheSuzberry - 10.12.2023 05:10

I believe that a link between resistance to Hive may be linked to this gene.

@barbarabrooks4747 - 10.12.2023 03:49

If you get the BCG vaccine as an infant, you are less likely to get an autoimmune disease. Extra doses often improve autoimmune disease (But don't try this if you are on an autoimmune immune disease or you will DIE). The Type I diabetics who got multiple BCG doses had better glycemic control, but not for a year or two, but the results lasted for years.
Unfortunately, the CDC doesn't see the value of BCG because no one is lobbying for us to get it. In the United States only bladder cancer patients can receive it. BCG improves overall immunity without usually causing autoimmune disorders.

@Crohns_journey - 09.12.2023 16:54

I don't feel lucky.....

@elysse3653 - 08.12.2023 17:13

good to know! however it would be great if we could reduce the violence metaphors, like “trigger-happy”
