What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

What Causes Stuttering & Treatment for Stutter | Dr. Erich Jarvis & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Huberman Lab Clips

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@frostbittenarts - 26.01.2024 22:51

Though I appreciate the scientific method here studying stuttering, it isn' t helpful to constantly be pushing for a 'cure.' As a person who stutters and has been in speech therapy, the problem is not actually stuttering; rather the real problem is how society perceives stuttering as negative. Yes, it's a disability, but we don't appreciate others telling us that we're a problem and we need to be 'fixed.' The same goes for most other disabilities. Stop trying to fix other people and concentrate more on what you can do to be more accepting, patient, and kind. Please read the book 'Life on Delay,' by John Hendrickson and you'll learn a lot about what it means to be a person who stutters. In the end, no matter how much you study and observe, there is only one rule: be nice. That rule solves all problems.

@psychicsara - 24.01.2024 01:49

I practice word replacement. It’s the only way I can speak with minimal stuttering. People still notice but it’s less detectable. I know word replacement is more of an avoidance tactic but it works for me.

@gomer2813 - 20.01.2024 06:03

I'd like to know about my personal case of stuttering. I did not stutter as a child, but as I developed psychological illnesses in teenage and adult years, I got to a point where I stuttered very badly. It seems to be related to my emotional instability. Is there research showing these kinds of things?

@user-ps2ih6gq4h - 18.12.2023 11:02

You guys smoke to much !!
Cure for stottering: DELL FERRO AMSTERDAM

@MrMohaakon - 04.12.2023 16:00

If you think you're life is hard try going to interviews with stuttering i really lost a lot of great jobs because i was unable to say my name 💔

@egonvanpraet - 01.12.2023 04:38

thanks for this. now im actually very interested by the idea of the person saying words along with you + the sound going through the brain, processing it and activating the throat muscles. could there be a connection that videos are subtitled now and we can read sentences before they are spoken?

@Ragtaggg - 24.11.2023 05:36

I have been stuttering ever since I was in 2nd grade, theorized to be due to a traumatic event from my parents, and what i have noticed is it is very hard to come at stuttering as a whole, because most people have a small mess up in the mouth, while ones like mine are more neurological. I like how he was able to make an accidental connection between them with the idea of the neurodanglia though. Also, when he was speaking about the brain hearing a word and then saying it, I thought about how I stutter less on a word when I hear it from someone else, which is a really interesting topic to think about.

@cenneria9059 - 19.11.2023 07:09

I can speak properly when I'm alone but I stutter whenever I talk to other people... Idunno why... I hate myself because of this stutter :(

@FootlooseFishing - 19.11.2023 00:08

i find it strange how this doctor stutters and said he doesn't haha I had a major psychoses related to my speech disorder because i truly can't believe that could happen to someone to have a stutter. Then I read viktor frankl and honestly.. so I already rarely stutter but I do sometimes and it still haunts me as usual but there was a time i went to university and I legit couldn't afford to stutter AND keep up with partying, school work, and the works - so each night when I used to play my video game, anytime a stutter thought (so like a vowel or saying my name the next day or whatever, the phobic fear of speaking) I would literally shut it off immediately. 'Nip it in the bud'; that way the hyper-intention mechanism can't actually seep into your brain causing the stuttering; let me know what you guys think! It truly might be as simple as 'just don't think about it - and you won't end up doing it'.

@user-ou5yg5qw5l - 16.11.2023 08:07

I’m loving this convo of stuttering. I’ve stuttered my whole life and I love your perspective. That being said, it’s not about any rhythm and finishing sentences. I truly believe any strong minded individual can overcome a lifelong stutter

@manicmaggie - 13.11.2023 22:07

I hate my life because I stutter.

@JosephJoe-1997 - 16.10.2023 17:26

My parents are abusive to me and
my parents and the rest of the family says it’s lying when I stutter but the truth is me stuttering is a language processing issue and it has nothing to do with lying

@isaacneumann - 16.10.2023 01:19

This is complete nonsense. Stuttering is a psychological matter. I stutter when I am in company. I don't stutter when I am alone. There is nothing wrong with the brain.

@dnttreadonme9056 - 04.10.2023 15:34

Speecheasy virtually cured my stuttering.

@meganwoehl5277 - 28.09.2023 22:45

Finishing the end of someone else's thought is particularly common in neurodivergent people, specifically ADHD and Autism. Like you said, its a way of acknowledging that you are following the conversation and you understand it well enough to predict the outcome. I try to hold myself back from doing this as much as possible because i understand it can come across rude, but its really difficult as its such an unconscious thing. I have great anxiety over being misunderstood or misunderstanding others, and so this has become a sort of coping mechanism to show that im on the same track with the conversation. Nothing annoys me more than when im talking to someone and theyve been saying "yeah, totally, yeah..." etc, and then I get to the end of my thought/speech only for them to misunderstand the entire point or not see the outcome I was getting to. Makes me feel like they were just vocalizing while pretending to listen but didn't understand a word I was saying. So if i get to the end of sentence and say "it just made me feel so..." and the other person fills in "awful. Yeah, i totally get that" then im going to feel like i communicated well enough that they could put themselves in my shoes and interpret exactly how i felt. When I'm with my one friend who is also AuDHD, we tend to fill in eachothers sentences and thoughts a lot and the conversation just flows so natural between us, like we are the same person. But talking with other people, even my own family, feels like a weird performance ... like having to learn all the etiquette and rules for addressing royalty or something. Feels foreign to me. I have such a deep need for feeling understood and so I love conversations that are engaging in that way, that encourage others to empathize and get so passionate that they can't help but chime in. Its also the same reason us neurodivergents will often interject with our own similar stories or experiences unprompted. Its viewed as rude, but its our way of saying "I understand you, because..." and proving that we have the experience to be able to understand and we aren't just agreeing or offering platitudes because its socially expected. My husband expressed his feelings of not really caring about his deceased father's wife anymore, that he basically views them as being divorced because his dad wasn't happy in the marriage before his passing, and how he wishes he could straight up tell her that he doesn't want anything to do with her anymore but feels almost forced to be nice and include her in things still. I followed up with my own example of my dads ex wife and how i don't feel any connection to her anymore and could care less if i never see her again, but that i too feel this need to be nice to her and keep up this front that she is still a mother figure to me. While anyone else would have thought i was rude for interjecting the way i did, my husband has a similar way of talking and this actually helped him not feel so guilty about the way he was feeling. (Especially because he saw my ex-step-brother the day before when he was shopping and he gave my husband a hug ... husband thought it was so weird because he's not even family anymore). Anyways, that was a really really long way to say that neurotypical and neurodivergent speech styles and patterns are often vastly different, but it doesnt necessarily connect to a speech impediment like stuttering.

@Jimmy-yf3yp - 28.09.2023 02:14

I never stuttered until I experienced severe ptsd from a near death work accident. The thing that helps me is to pause think about what you’re going to say and then say it. I don’t always stutter, it’s just extreme under stress which is frankly too common in my life at the moment. I repeat words and phrases, forget what I’m talking about, stutter on syllables and sounds. I often mix the wrong words together or use speech that is entirely wrong. I am 36 years old. I’m not ashamed of it. I’m not ashamed of my disabilities. I am strong for what I’ve been through and my ability to fight and live. Mental injuries, like physical sometimes never recover. But the strongest people are the ones who have been through the worst. Never feel bad or ashamed for being different or having trauma. Treat people kindly and apologize for stuttering if it happens and let them know that you have a disability. Sometimes you’ll talk to an extremely rude self centered person who will hang up on you or ignore you in real life. Those people are miserable and always will be. Their life is worse than yours. Stay strong guys and never give up.

@Drew.Peacocks - 24.09.2023 10:59

Im a spastic. Im talking and start stuttering? Wtf

@DzzO - 15.09.2023 07:21

There is an famous brazilian meme of a woman trying to give an interview but she was hearing her on words delayed on a headphone and she started to stutter but she was repeating the end of the words, not the beggining

@angelf9800 - 10.09.2023 00:18

If I didn’t stutter I would of been a manger in a big manufacture company.

@JanetFrancis-um6lo - 05.09.2023 23:15

I am suffering from stammering and it affecting my academic life my entire life 😭

@hilomdulom8689 - 05.09.2023 12:19

I do not stutter when speaking but i do when i write, not sure if thats even a thing. It is effecting my life and studies so much. I cant write properly.

@takensiram6636 - 04.09.2023 07:02

Sir, I have paid to you and after taking money from me there is responsed from you. You have cheated me and might be cheating so many others

@PR_Pavan - 27.08.2023 18:16

Bro stretch your mouth and speek with confidence,.
When you speek don't over think about your stuttering.
Its really work and your stuttering become reduced 90 to 95. % trust me ❤😊😊😊

@iambored4896 - 19.08.2023 07:07

Tf is Dan Campbell doing here?

@pinkchaos. - 24.06.2023 06:30

I’ll give you guys some personal input. I never stuttered before I was 19. When I was 19, I had a life threatening, very severe traumatic brain injury on the mid right side of my head and brain. I stopped breathing, couldn’t move, went into a coma, forgot how to talk and swallow, and had to have immediate life saving brain surgery to save my life. After this, I have severe stuttering whenever I get anxious, nervous, or even just indecisive about something. Idk if that helps, but I’m saying, to me, getting brain damage in the area of behind your right ear, and the area of the skull near there, to me, personally had caused my stuttering.

@abolacadernos7164 - 21.06.2023 04:55

I found a book earlier this year called “How to Stop Stuttering & Love Speaking” by Lee Lovett. It’s a really good read for stutters as it will help you greatly reduce stuttering, but more importantly improve your mind. I highly recommend it because I’ve tremendously improved my life because of that book.

@user-km6qz6vc1c - 15.06.2023 19:09

Trauma, insecurity and the amount of sleep

@tripurari9309 - 29.05.2023 12:46

Don't fight with stutter, don't hold back, don't repress, don't hide stutter. Do not label it bad, do not try to speak fluent, ,do not control it but accept expressing stutter, give stutter it's total freedom,then transformation happened own its own, accepting whatever negative inside you, transformation happen,
Root cause of sluttering is repression and fighting , we repress and fight with it because we have fear of judgement of people, what will people think if I express it, so instead of expression we hide it and we fight with it , that causes more sluttering, the more you fight with it , the more you will stutter, that'how blockage occurs
"Acceptance is the alchemical process of transforming everything, in accepting your ugliness beauty arises, accept and ugliness disappear,grace arises, accept and sin is transformed into saintliness, accept and madness is no longer madness, let it happen and accept it, ". said by Osho
He said"By hiding your misery you are not going to get out of it,you will create more misery,the first thing is to encounter it, if you are miserable then be miserable,just be yourself,never pretend to be somebody else,face it, go deep into it,take it out,uproot it from the unconscious and bring it to the conscious. Bring your whole mind to light and you will see all that is miserable ,start dying.."

@craigforsloff9896 - 10.05.2023 13:02

It’s breathing holding air in

@stevewiles7132 - 28.04.2023 01:44

I find I have an air blockage when I try to speak, and my tongue and jaw seem to lock up.

@YashBhardwaj1 - 22.04.2023 16:21

Is stuttering also belongs to genetics because in my family blood relation 3 person have stuttering problems more or less,
And which is in blood relation?
So any relation of genetics plays a role in that ?

@martha.m.g - 14.04.2023 00:21

My teachers and school wanted me in a special needs school for being shy and having a stutter !! thank god I have such a good mum who told them I was okay! And I just have a stutter they treated me horribly for years in school but it made me a strong person I just hope kids today don’t get treated like this! Once I got to secondary school I had a stutter but I did so well for myself without the need of a special school I’d hate to think of how I’d of ended up :( probably forgotten about

@nightwatchman7482 - 06.04.2023 03:56

For anyone with an open mind here, check out William Parry. Trust me, I'm not paid to promote him.

@kieronsmith9227 - 03.04.2023 20:40

Neurogenesis isn’t innately possible for humans however psilocybin is able to facilitate in neurogenesis. Under specific circumstances I believe it’s possible for psilocybin to cure stuttering.

@Guitar387 - 20.03.2023 20:25

I have been prescribed sertraline by my doctor to help my anxiety that increases stutter chronically. However I’ve just read reports that sertraline can make stuttering worse , I’m concerned and scared it could make my stuttering worse.

@knowsmart3340 - 09.03.2023 19:38

I think it become worst when we remind those words in mind which. We are going to stay..like this is the problem when we concentrate on pronunciation of words in mind not the meaning or way of saying ..my personal experience is whenever i say words without repeat in mind i says it with fluency but when i pre say the word in mind before telling it become worse ..so this is also a habit of saying....in my point of view or what i predict is that normal people dont think of pronunciation of words they only think about effect of words on next person

@toughlovestutter - 09.03.2023 09:41

Man, this stuff drives me crazy. The Docs are wrong and right at the same time. I did it, my best friend did it, all those famous people did it, and we did it the same way. Just like every other person who did it. It never goes away but it gets so minimal that it doesn't ruin your life anymore.

The thing is it's really hard and you gotta have balls to do it. But most stutterers won't cause it feels good to feel sorry for yourself and success is actually scarier than failure in the paradigm of a victim.

It's simple immersion therapy. To stop stuttering you have to live like you don't stutter. Make 20 calls a day to random stores and ask random questions. Walk up to 10 strangers a day and ask what time it is. Life your life, make your appointments verbally.

I beat my obscenely brutal blocks in a month. You have to really want it. It's scary, you'll cry, the anxiety is terrifying but it freaking works. Anyone who has actually overcame their stutter will say the same freaking thing. I still stutter but I don't care, it's so minimal it doesn't matter anymore.

@livestutterfree - 07.03.2023 06:40

Neurogenesis is a great discovery and it’s proven to happen in humans! It takes only 3 days to build a new neuropath in our brain by MOVING CORRECTLY THE BODY MUSCLES responsible for performing a skill we want to learn:-) Including speaking. Anyone can get used to using correctly their tongue in only 3 days.

@sundancer811 - 10.02.2023 04:52

You cant overcome stuttering, we need to put this theory to rest already, people are profiteering from disabilities that are neurological and can't be changed with behavior therapy.

@joshb7415 - 05.02.2023 14:00

I have a life long stutter a very very bad stutter... To me there is a massive connection between stuttering and anxiety. Speech techniques are bullshit

@babby9264 - 19.01.2023 00:04

If you talk with your hands and get a rhythm going you won't studder

@ytchannel-howtooutgrowstutteri - 14.01.2023 14:14

Do you have tips to outgrow stuttering?

@davidleo5766 - 06.01.2023 13:40

how happy to have finally gotten rid of stuttering with the use of doctor eromon herbal product. it stopped it completely and permanently.

@bmac4846 - 03.01.2023 21:04

In the 70's I sought out a book on stammering in my local library. The theory advanced was that stammering related to too much testosterone in the womb before birth. That seems to have been dumped-no harm. My theory now is that there is a short circuit in the brain while talking which interrupts the flow and causes tension and stammering. Love to hear the latest learning that this curse through my 70 years has led to so much unhappiness

@jalal0019 - 27.11.2022 21:39

There is so much puzzles about it
First Why we don't stutter when we are alone ?
Stress trigger stuttering but it is not the case and sometimes stuttering happened without stress feeling
Third there is some research about low brain metabolism or low brain blood flow
Also high dopamine in people who stutter has been noticed in fmri
There a lot to talk about i wish dr Andrew that you make a special episode for this 🤍

@jfrombackintheday1579 - 16.11.2022 16:18

I had a severe stutter as a child but it was out of pure anger I stopped lol I’d practice every letter I had trouble with for years and singing also. I don’t stutter anymore and never went to any kind of speech therapy.
