Apple and Steve Jobs' Biggest Mistakes Ep 1 - The Macintosh

Apple and Steve Jobs' Biggest Mistakes Ep 1 - The Macintosh

The 8-Bit Guy

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DAMIEN S - 06.10.2023 16:36

The MAC team at Apple was a bunch of egomaniac idiots. The IIGS could have been an AMIGA on steroids!
This is what happens when management is a bunch of clueless bozos and engineers are equally dumb.
If Woz had a multmedia team and was let to develop a kick-ass machine, Apple would have been like Silicon Graphics, and charge insane amounts of money for their workstations. Which they ironically do today.

FlashGaming297 - 27.09.2023 23:52

where are parts 2 and 3

Rez - 26.08.2023 14:24

I’m many years late to debate but the conclusion is not correct nor the reasoning. If the logic of Apple’s business (even back then) was to compete on price rather than higher margin, Apple would’ve gone away long ago. As an analogy think of iphone compare to competition. By no means iphone is better than the completion nor priced competitively, but it works for Apple consumer.

No Name
No Name - 31.07.2023 20:25

I’ve been waiting 8 years for episode 2

stickyfox - 26.07.2023 17:11

Apple messed up from the very beginning by making their computers impossible to program.

Now sure, someone out there had CodeWarrior and managed to get a couple apps running, and today it's trivial with google and yt... but in 1989, unless you had that shelf full of insanely expensive white 3-ring binders, you had no idea what was going on inside that computer and no hope of guessing. And Apple kept things in flux so you'd never have any reason to memorize anything.

The problem only got worse as the millennium came to an and and Apple doubled down on Objective C and later Swift; while the PC standardized on plain old C, and then C++, and benefited from a steady supply of college graduates to build its software base.

Had it not been for Apple's previously-hard-won niche in education, and its very wise strategic move of supporting GUI programs like Pagemaker early in the game, they may not have made it thru the 90s. They really would have had a hard time staying in business if Windows had done a better job implementing point-and-click and hadn't tried so hard to stay compatible with 8088 and DOS.

Retro 'N Mod 'N
Retro 'N Mod 'N - 23.07.2023 06:54

Where's that gun toting supermarket gunslinger toting 8 bit guy we all know and love?!?!??! Yeeeeewwh hahaaaaaaaaaa! Reach for the skies partner

Dwayne Carroll
Dwayne Carroll - 03.07.2023 17:36

I was all set to fight you on this having been a huge Macintosh fan. But the points you make are so compelling! Was Excel or another great spreadsheet available for the IIGS? Excel on a Macintosh was kind of a killer app at a time!

Dysonia Multiverse News
Dysonia Multiverse News - 29.06.2023 05:38

Bottom line, the Apple IIgs is my favorite Apple computer, hands down.

Matthew - 05.06.2023 02:43

Personally I think Steve Jobs biggest mistake was alternative medicine…

Ken McCormack
Ken McCormack - 26.05.2023 14:35

Wow 8 years old. I assume this was before the 8 bit guy took off. Still I would like to see more. I knew some of this and read the Steve Jobs Book which explains a lot. I certainly use Apple but can criticize as well. Especially in the early ‘90s when I could not afford Apple and everyone was using PC based software. Let’s see more of this like the great Commodore series you did.

perfectionbox - 15.05.2023 12:08

The Mac II started development in 1985 so Apple was already in on doing color, expansion slots, ADB, etc. I remember articles at the time saying Apple didn't want to keep all the old legacy Apple II architecture. The Mac was proving itself with the DTP crowd and Apple wanted to give those folks even more, and its OS was clearly the future. Developers didn't want to code for multiple OSes, they could learn Color Quickdraw and be up to speed with the Mac II quickly. The OS and hardware was also supporting multiple monitors.

ExtremeAutocorrectFails - 20.04.2023 02:02

Hopefully episode 2 will be done soon, looking forward to it!

Doemi S
Doemi S - 09.04.2023 09:32

But he didn't, he didn't...

Mang Hariz
Mang Hariz - 26.03.2023 07:56

They dont need to focus on 2GS
They could have just make sure Mac is worth the money,
Basically improve its features and lowering the cost a bit.

Name, Private
Name, Private - 25.03.2023 23:07

Agreed. Apple did the wrong thing, discontinuing the Apple II line (the 16-bit Apple IIgs being the last model), in favor of the Macintosh line.

Later, the Macintosh would become the Tandy of the '90s: Big, ugly, and expensive!

The Macintosh was clearly inferior to the Apple IIgs in nearly every way.

Dood Monkey
Dood Monkey - 23.03.2023 04:43

You cant say things like that.

Justin Hall
Justin Hall - 20.03.2023 23:21

The Motorola 68000 was a 32 bit CPU. Yes the ALU and data bus were only 16 bit and the memory address was only 24 bit but the core logic was 32 bit. Also the reason why Apple did not pursue the Apple II futher is the very chip it used, the 65C816. That chip was not originally made by Motorola. It was the creation of MOS technologies who Motorola bought in 1983. Motorola had no plans to advance the design of the 65C816 because that would compete with and cannibalize sales of their own flagship CPU, the 68K series.

Kim Cornelis Fischer
Kim Cornelis Fischer - 02.03.2023 02:01

Mac plus is portable and more than usable for day to day work. Bought one in1988 plus modem and discovered the internet.

C O - 23.02.2023 02:44

You can't backward compatible 6502 to the future. Plus the apple ii GS benefited from the Macintosh development and hence the simar GUI, and you can't just isolate a point in time and say one machine' spec is better and hence the other is a mistake.

Death Row Entertainment
Death Row Entertainment - 16.02.2023 17:12

I can't wait for episode 2

Simon Hart
Simon Hart - 13.02.2023 13:50

Wow fascinating. Yep i agree Steve Jobs obviously behind that choice.

P S - 23.12.2022 00:56

Apple were smart to get out of the computer biz. they made a fortune becoming a consumer electronics company. This is why I don't give a F about them.

Brent Martin
Brent Martin - 14.12.2022 07:24

I got a IIGS for Christmas 1986. I was 11 yrs old at the time. I had so much fun with it! When Apple discontinued all the game companies followed suit so by December 88 there were no new games being released for it.

Stephen Gill
Stephen Gill - 11.12.2022 23:01

The Macintosh was a great marketing ploy with portability. Don't forget, when Steve Jobs introduced it he took it out of a travel bag. It was really the introduction to the laptop. It was successful in the sense that it proved that all the other CEO's and John Sculley were lost in business bs instead of inventing something new.

Andy O.
Andy O. - 13.11.2022 13:41

Jobs's biggest mistake was lying and ratting up on Wozniak's cut for developing "break out" circuitry

Robert Zachrisson
Robert Zachrisson - 07.11.2022 23:52

Jobs found the future at Xerox PARC, (GUI, Ethernet, Mouse, Object oriented programming{smalltalk}) copied it all into the Apple Lisa. It was way to expensive, so they slimmed it down (starved really) to the Macintosh...

Someone Somebody
Someone Somebody - 05.11.2022 02:36

Episode 2, please. 😃

Attila Varga
Attila Varga - 01.11.2022 21:17

Macintosh had OSX I believe so it was a long term investment like the M1 platform.

Cooper Schwartz
Cooper Schwartz - 23.10.2022 15:55

The Apple IIGS is really a new platform because every other apple II before it was 8-bit, and the IIGS was 16 bit

MJ E - 20.10.2022 06:09

At the time , I had progressed through the Apple ][, ][+, e. I was really looking forward to a color Apple based on a 16-bit processor and I was thoroughly disgusted by the wimpy choice of the 65816. Then, when I looked into the Mac, the original Mac was released with only 128k ram with no provision for ram upgrade. Jobs famously said "128k is enough for anybody". RIght, Jobs is an idiot I thought. No more Apples for me. Thank goodness, I found the Amiga 2000.

L L - 16.09.2022 08:22

The Macintosh 128k was introduces in 1984.
Anyhow the comparaison stays fair given it's 1986 the Macintosh Plus and the Apple IIGS…
1) The Macintosh had a GUI and made the computer accessible to any company (as long as they would have understood that it's much more than an expensive typewriter).

2) Both Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak left the company in 1985…

Noah Bianchi
Noah Bianchi - 10.09.2022 08:31

I think you have a good point. I remember in the 90’s that Apple was those strange single piece units that were old fashioned and didn’t work with anything.

Mark Miller
Mark Miller - 01.09.2022 11:32

What "made" the Mac for Apple was desktop publishing, and laser printing. I am rather doubtful that the IIGS could have filled those shoes. It could've interfaced with a laser printer, but I think the demands of DP would've been too much for it, particularly re. processor speed.

Eduardo Alarcon
Eduardo Alarcon - 25.08.2022 08:56

good afternoon, I want to sell or place in a auction a new cpu and monitor in its original sealed box never opened apple iie model, do you now a place or forum to get an idea of the price?

Hyun-Shik - 24.08.2022 17:35

Apple must be a pretty good company because there has never been an episode 2.

Werpu - 22.08.2022 23:19

Maybe it was more a technical problem why the IIGS was discontinued, the processor in there went nowhere while the Motorola line still went strong for several generations.
By the time the IIgs was discontinued the Mac has caught up. It simply did not make sense anymore.

dsblue1977 - 15.08.2022 15:39

I like this video a lot because it is true that Apple had a lack of focus at the time. But, I doubt the problem was Steve Jobs. The whole idea of the Mac was to bring Lisa technology to the masses at a cheap price, but John Sculley (the real CEO) wanted profit. Macintosh was certainly over priced but because it needed to pay the promotion that it had (ads, prints, SuperBowl). The IIGS product line ended at the same time because it was late. They ported concepts from the Mac interface but it was not as sophisticated. I think however, that overall you are right. Apple should have had a different strategy at the time.

Mike Janzen
Mike Janzen - 11.08.2022 04:26

Is this a mini-series or a stand alone episode?
Bring episode 2, or a remake!

Kingsford Gray
Kingsford Gray - 18.07.2022 10:45

What is your real name?

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson - 04.07.2022 21:29

Steve was trying to run 1980 apple like it was 2020. Everything he touched needed to be stylish to a fault, proprietary, and wayyy overpriced. Those 3 things define Apples success today, but in 1980 the style over substance hurt the brand. For example, his insistence on not having a fan in the Mac caused many early ones to overheat and even start melting. Too soon, Steve.

Durkas T BBB Malaysia.
Durkas T BBB Malaysia. - 08.06.2022 05:24

I love to have that please

Jenkins L Jenkins, Squire
Jenkins L Jenkins, Squire - 31.05.2022 01:57

Bottom line - the MAC sucked

Voici Rien
Voici Rien - 24.05.2022 01:45

You’re willing to tell me that apple decided to go with overpriced underpowered product? I’m shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked.

Sebastian Ciesielski
Sebastian Ciesielski - 14.05.2022 18:48

The answer for your quetion is the only: Apple makes money selling overpriced products which don't follow current technology.
Apple is a marketing company. Apple itself does not produce anything anymore.
Apple in 2000s discontinued his own technology and started selling Intel based notebooks as something better. They offered "Retina" display, which was nothing more than ordinary IPS, but masses of people believed the Apple display is spiritualized by Jobs.
Apple is a religion.

Akira625 - 14.05.2022 06:53

Killing off the Apple II line was a mistake. The IIgs was a truly advanced computer for its day, and and users got access to many exciting features that the existing Macs couldn’t match, and for a fraction of the cost of the Macs.

Marb's Music
Marb's Music - 18.04.2022 01:16

I thought the GS didn't come out until 87... been a long time but I had a IIe and was looking to purchase a Mac. I remember discussions at our computer club about making the Apple II look like a Lisa/Mac. It looked great but a lot of people were having compatibility issues with certain Apple II programs while most of the Mac software worked. It didn't look as nice but in general was more stable. I eventually got a IIci around 91 and used it for years, it was slow but stable. I was building PCs on the side for people but staying on my Mac until the Voodoo cards were released in the late 90s.

Will25x - 13.04.2022 01:40

2022 (7yrs according to YT) and still no Episode 2 ☹️

Mueleski - 06.04.2022 07:26

My first computer was the Apple IIc and when I upgraded to the Apple IIGs, believing the Apple II forever slogan, I thought it was going to get better and better. But then the lack of support and hearing how the machine was kept down to not compete with the Mac really soured me on Apple computers. I eventually got rid of the IIGs and got a computer that would stand the test of time, the Amiga 2000! I really knew how to pick them back then, but I was really reluctant to go the IBM clone route at that time. Here I am in the present, typing this on a desktop running windows and I got a 27" iMac in the other room. My windows machine is dual boot with Linux as the other OS. It's been real fun.

Zinc Chameleon
Zinc Chameleon - 05.04.2022 06:44

I was bequeathed an Apple G4 server in mint condition with a beautiful 17 inch monitor. I am running Kubuntu Linux 12.04 for PowerPC and the software works perfectly but is slow. Is this because Linux is running on a virtual machine, rather than making direct calls to the hardware?
