This channel is NOT made for KIDS since world of thank is rated TEENS and UP.
HELLO SLAPAFISH COMMUNITY and welcome to the Slapafish jr channel. So in this channel I do World of Tanks console PS4 Xbox Mercenaries videos and Minecraft The schedule I upload for World of Tanks is Monday - Friday and Minecraft Friday - Sunday. So if you would like to see things about wot console then you came to the right place.
More about me on world of tanks. I have been playing World of tanks for over 6 years!!!!! 3 years on Blitz then I Switched to console for 3 years and stared playing some pc for world of tanks. So yeah I been playing World of Tanks for awhile and this game is still very fun for me so I don’t see me stoping any time. I am in the clan Klankers (KLANK) its a Star Wars thing. I am the clan`s recruitment officer and one of the long lasting members. I usually get on everyday. Also don’t forget to slap a fish because? Why Not? Peace out and see you soon!!!
##PS4Live #PlayStation_4 #Sony_Interactive_Entertainment #World_of_Tanks #Slapafish_Jr