TANKS World of Tanks Console Livestream Winter Warriors

TANKS World of Tanks Console Livestream Winter Warriors

812 Просмотров

This channel is NOT made for KIDS since world of thank is rated TEENS and UP.
HELLO SLAPAFISH COMMUNITY and welcome to the Slapafish jr channel. So in this channel I do World of Tanks console PS4 Xbox Mercenaries videos and Minecraft The schedule I upload for World of Tanks is Monday - Friday and Minecraft Friday - Sunday. So if you would like to see things about wot console then you came to the right place.

More about me on world of tanks. I have been playing World of tanks for over 6 years!!!!! 3 years on Blitz then I Switched to console for 3 years and stared playing some pc for world of tanks. So yeah I been playing World of Tanks for awhile and this game is still very fun for me so I don’t see me stoping any time. I am in the clan Klankers (KLANK) its a Star Wars thing. I am the clan`s recruitment officer and one of the long lasting members. I usually get on everyday. Also don’t forget to slap a fish because? Why Not? Peace out and see you soon!!!


##PS4Live #PlayStation_4 #Sony_Interactive_Entertainment #World_of_Tanks #Slapafish_Jr
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