How to Navigate the Lost Woods and Cure the Deku Tree in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

How to Navigate the Lost Woods and Cure the Deku Tree in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Zelda World

11 месяцев назад

622 Просмотров

In this video, we will guide you through the treacherous Lost Woods and help you cure the Deku Tree in the popular video game, Tears of the Kingdom.

The Lost Woods is a tricky and confusing place, but with our step-by-step instructions, you will be able to navigate it and find the cure for the Deku Tree.

Here are the steps on how to get through the Lost Woods:

1. Enter the Minchi Woods Chasm.
2. Locate the entrance to the Chasm by fast traveling to the Akochu Shrine or the Woodland Stable.
3. Travel through the Korok Grove and descend underground.
4. On the northern side of the underground area, illuminate your path with a torch or lantern.
5. Use the surface map and the Korok Forest map to navigate your way through the Chasm.
6. Climb the Thy Flow Ruins Skyview Tower to get a better view of the area and plan your route.
7. Place a pin on the exit of the Chasm so that you can easily find it again.
8. Follow the group of Poes to reach an area filled with gloom.
9. Exit the Chasm at the north.
10. Use Link's Scope to locate the Korok Forest.
11. Use the Ascend ability to reach the Korok Forest.
12. In the temple-like area, ascend the points on the ceiling to emerge on the surface.
13. You have successfully navigated the Lost Woods and arrived at the Korok Forest!

The Korok Forest is a mystical realm filled with secrets. Be patient and observant as you explore this amazing place. With a little help from our guide, you will be able to cure the Deku Tree and restore peace to the forest.

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#HowToGetThroughLostWoods #CureDekuTree #ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom #YouTubeLink #WelcomeToZeldaWorld #GuideYouThrough #TreacherousLostWoods #CureTheDekuTree #TrickyAndConfusingPlace #StepByStepInstructions #ElusivePurpleRockForest #FindTheCure #EnterMinchiWoodsChasm #LocateTheEntrance #FastTravelToAkochuShrine #WoodlandStable #MysteriousChasm #WellPreparedWithSupplies #TravelThroughKorokGrove #DescendUnderground #NorthernSide #IlluminateYourPath #SurfaceMap #KorokForestMap #NavigatingTheKorokGrove #ClimbThyFlowRuinsSkyviewTower #PlanYourRoute #FindTheExitMoreEfficiently #PlaceAPinOnTheExit #FollowTheGroupOfPose #ReachAnAreaFilledWithGloom #ExitAtTheNorth #LinksScope #UseAscendToReachKorokForest #TempleLikeArea #AscendPointsOnTheCeiling #EmergeOnTheSurface #HeartOfTheKorokForest #KorokForestLocation #SuccessfullyNavigatedLostWoods #ArrivedAtKorokForest #BePatientAndObservant #UncoverTheSecrets #MysticalRealm #LeaveALike #GuideHelpful #SubscribeToZeldaWorld #ExcitingAdventures #HappyGaming
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