$12,000 Testing 'Optimized Targeting' in Google Discovery Ads.  Here's How It Performed!

$12,000 Testing 'Optimized Targeting' in Google Discovery Ads. Here's How It Performed!

eBiz Corey

1 год назад

1,079 Просмотров

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@vladimirnikolov2231 - 29.11.2023 17:13

Very insightful, thanks!

@kremerint - 04.06.2023 08:20

Thanks Corey! what would be the best way to use uptimized targeting for a video campaign that aims to increase subscribers? (to a channel)
Given that (to the best of my knowing) gaining subscribers is a metric but cannot be defined as a convertion - so I don't see how it can be optimized by optimized targeting..
Right now, I'm using similar audiences (similar to PEOPLE who have subscribed to my channel) which yields good results in that sense. But not sure what to do once it's gone in August.

@scientifik5931 - 12.01.2023 13:12

I just launched a discovery campaign yesterday and so far only the optimised targeted audience is spending the budget. I suppose I need to add more signal audiences and just give the campaign time to find the correct audience

@sfl1986 - 25.08.2022 01:56

Have you tried this for Performance Max campaigns?
