The difference between CMYK and RGB Color Modes! Which color mode should you design in??!

The difference between CMYK and RGB Color Modes! Which color mode should you design in??!

At Home Pixels

4 года назад

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@edwinasaf6393 - 21.04.2020 19:47

great video - clear and concise - good luck with your channel

@aisabolinas9511 - 23.08.2021 11:25

Pretty informative..Thank you!

@sherrypearls - 29.05.2022 13:49

Thanks alot...

@ilyahope843 - 10.06.2022 19:08

thank u for your tutos just a question how can I know in which mode of colors i'm working with in illustrator of course hahaha ? thank you again

@ohheyvoid - 27.06.2022 19:55

Thanks for this information! I've watched so many people try to explain the differences - and this clicked in for me.
