Selenium Framework - Part 26 - Running iterations for a tests from excel - Data provider with Excel

Selenium Framework - Part 26 - Running iterations for a tests from excel - Data provider with Excel

Testing Mini Bytes

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Bkumar j
Bkumar j - 03.01.2021 13:11

Your awesome Amuthan your videos became very interactive...thanks a lot for this video...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

KB - 08.11.2023 19:58

Can I have a dataprovider like this with execute yes or no along with having a cucumber framework? How to integrate both TestNG and Cucumber?

Pratik Hood
Pratik Hood - 05.09.2023 13:25

Hello Sir,

Can you create a video where we can fetch the data from excel using the test case name. My team is trying to lot to search such kind of tutorial but we are not getting it.

Logic we are looking for : First it will search for the workbook then sheetName and then TestCaseName and the data which is inline with the test case, that will be fetch in the Test case.

Niranjan sai
Niranjan sai - 28.05.2023 08:40

Need to implement for noOfFields to click uparrow and downarrow if i increase in webpage then it should select 9 fields from excel it should select only nine if i decrease 2 fields for next run then it should run again and select for how many fields are there it should run up to that fields and close the execution and in excel also i need to implement row by row it should select for increase of fields is it possible

bhaskar timothy
bhaskar timothy - 02.04.2023 22:09

What is the difference between Run Manager and data Excel sheet?

Pavithra Sathyanarayanan
Pavithra Sathyanarayanan - 15.03.2023 16:29

I am not able to return 1D Object array for data provider method, Getting following compile time error in IDE 'Data provider must return Object[][] or Iterator<Object[]> ' . Can someone help me on this

Kiran Jadhav
Kiran Jadhav - 27.10.2022 09:49

Sir , I followed the same framework , but priority is not working in my case, test cases are not running as per the priority

Jino Philip
Jino Philip - 03.04.2022 09:12

Hi Amruthan, one doubt ,we have a. Regression suite of 150 test cases but upon running all.of them.half of fails Not due to any bug Or locator issues, fails due to.other reasons... How to.avoid this Or wats the best standard way

chaitanya buddi
chaitanya buddi - 02.02.2022 11:17

Hi Amuthan.. Your videos are awesome... I'm learning new things in each video... Can you please update on below questions:
1. Can we use same framework for defining feature files and implementing stepdefintions? If yes, Can you please do a video on it
2.And listeners will work in Cucumber Framework? If yes, can you please do a video on it

Supriya S Sampath
Supriya S Sampath - 09.01.2022 04:56

I have one thing,if we have 10 different sheets in one Excel document,what's the best approach to handle it? Appreciate your response

Supriya S Sampath
Supriya S Sampath - 08.01.2022 23:22

Thank you so very much for this new concept bringing here to all of us.. really appreciate your efforts. God bless

Max Sudik
Max Sudik - 05.01.2022 10:22

Hi Amuthan, I'm just wondering with this approach of managing tests using excel sheet, how can we be sure that multiple engineers who work on the project included those tests in the datasheet? I mean, by mistake someone can just forget to include it in the file and this test will never run. What would you suggest? What are other ways to manage tests and map them between external sources and methods annotated with @Test.
Thank you!

binita rathour
binita rathour - 18.12.2021 13:22

Hello, sir thanks a lot for this video, it helps a lot to understand concepts, Thank you much again. I have one request if you have a rest assured related video please share, need it!

Payazee - Puzzle Your Mind
Payazee - Puzzle Your Mind - 03.11.2021 21:08

I like your one sententence "When we know we are doing something wrong, it's always good to fix it"
this contents are very useful. learning new thing daily. :)

Payazee - Puzzle Your Mind
Payazee - Puzzle Your Mind - 03.11.2021 20:08

For different set of test, we will have different set of test data i.e. different columns. So in this case we can create new sheet DATA2 and create new dataprovider to read Data2 sheet. Is this approach correct?

caesar caesar
caesar caesar - 08.08.2021 13:03

"Data Provider must return either Object[][] or Iterator<Object>[], i follow you same code , but face that issue. it because of different version Apache poi or TestNg with you or any other issue? Thank you

Ksdk Ksdk
Ksdk Ksdk - 07.07.2021 07:20

Hi Amuthan,
Thank you for the informative video.
Please advice on below scenario.
I would like to have separate excel sheet for each module e.g. separate test data sheet for login page and home page modules. In this case, I would like to pass sheet name from test method or class to dataprovider.
Public Object[] getData(String sheetname){}
How to achieve this?

LK A - 08.06.2021 14:12

Ultimate video, Thanks Amuthan

bikash nayak
bikash nayak - 02.06.2021 20:06

i am following all this stap but when i executing this exception coming([Utils] [ERROR] [Error] org.testng.TestNGException:
Method public void settings.LocationPage.addLocation(java.util.Map) throws java.lang.Exception requires a @DataProvider named : getLocationData in class com.dataprovaider.DataprovaiderUtiles)
can you please give the suggestion what i am doing now

bikash testing
bikash testing - 18.05.2021 09:15

Hi amudan,
Thank you for teching the framework concept.i need to know how to read and right multiple valu .how to formfilup.and can using excel utils give multiple in put
