New TOEFL Writing Question (Writing for an Academic Discussion).  Starting July 26! (Reupload)

New TOEFL Writing Question (Writing for an Academic Discussion). Starting July 26! (Reupload)

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Jenny - 19.11.2023 22:49

A little context of me if you would like to know. Before the toefl writing changed, I was getting 28s for my writing. But after it replaced the 30 min writing with the 10 min discussion board. I’ve been getting 26 and even 24! Really don’t know what’s happening with me. I’ve never written my discussion boards in the way you taught, so I really hope that it’s not too much of a disaster. And many thanks for your video! I really think it helped a lot.❤
Anyways here’s my writing (also I manage to write 300 words in 10 min so this is one of the shortest discussion boards I’ve ever written. Would it be better to write much or are there more advantages if I write less?)
I concur with Mike, I strongly hold the opinion that for students, discussion-based classes are a better way of education than passive lecture-based classes. Classes with mainly discussions require all students to contribute and engage in conversations. This ensures that all students are learning in class since they would definitely gain knowledge through listening to the discussion and sharing their ideas in class. And if they had any questions, they could get an answer directly. However, in lecture-based classes, this is not the case. Rachel mentioned that lecture-based classes help students stay organized and focused. But the likelihood of students missing out on something the professor said is high since something as simple as taking notes would make students lose focus on the lecture. And with information of the lesson missing here and there, students become confused easily and they would lose focus, so they would end up gaining insufficient knowledge. (151)

Antonio - 12.11.2023 19:17

Hi Michael! Thank you for your efforts to assist us in preparation... Here is the answer: This is a challenging topic, but I think that discussion is the most effective way of learning. I strongly agree with Mike’s argument that colloquiums provide vital feedback for understanding information better. I would add that they are helping to share points of view which are not that frequent. While Rachel’s point about better structure and plan of the lecture are relevant, she did not mention that discussions deliver certain positions which are not represented in the lectures. I believe that disputes put forth new ideas relying on the info given in the lecture. As a result, I would say that these two types of the learning both could lead us to astonishing results.

Aditya Murali
Aditya Murali - 11.11.2023 14:57

While I appreciate the points made by Mike and Racheal, in my personal opinion, a mix of lectures and discussions about that topic would make a session much more engaging. I remember when my friend recommended me to join a class of a professor who allocated separate time to discuss the topic before and after lecturing about it. This opened the minds of students and helped them get ideas who were not familiar with the subject. On top of that, it was really captivating, and it made easy to memorize the concepts. Therefore, in my view, I highly recommend the students to learn this way under a professor or a teacher.

Hadeer Nagah
Hadeer Nagah - 10.11.2023 22:28

For me , i think that classes that involve a lot of discussions are much better than lectures. First of all, through discussions we can evolve in learning process as discussions help us to gain more experiences through interacting with each other. Additionally, discussions make us more active than listening to professors. Moreover, learning through discussions strengthen our ability to express opinions and thus breaking our shy. Furthermore, through discussions we can understand much better through our answers and the professor's response to them. Also by learner's responses we can gain more and more knowledge and thus gain more experiences.

Azeez Mahmoud
Azeez Mahmoud - 05.11.2023 16:32

I believe that both options have real advantages , but I'm convinced that discussion is better than lectures in many ways . First , with discussion students can ask about any idea when they do not understand it so they will not wait until the lecturer permit questions by the time they could have forgotten their questions . Moreover , diacussion stimulates mind storming thus it makes the class more interesting for students by providing new ideas and their own thoughts about the topic . Overall , I would say that discussion is a new method of teaching that all students could benifit from .

Jianghua Fan
Jianghua Fan - 01.11.2023 03:22

Hi Michael, thanks for your video. Here's my response, please take time to comment, thanks.
Different people hold different opinions about these two options but from my perspective, discussion-based classes have more advantages. First, with the involvement of discussion, students need to prepare in advance of the class. With the preparation, students would have an overall acquaintance of the knowledge and also can think and talk more actively rather than passively sitting there listening to the lecture. Second, as the learning system of our brains, we do not only need to listen to the content of the class but also organize the materials of what we will discuss so that we will have a deeper memory of what we are learning. Last but not least, when we have the opportunity to discuss, we can learn both from the professor and the other students. In conclusion, studying through discussions during the class would have an enhanced result for all of us.

Manuel Mota
Manuel Mota - 26.10.2023 22:56

My response: (I did subscribed)

In my opinion classes centered on lectures are much more productive than those given over merely discussions. In the first place because one can be concentrated in a certain topic without scattered conversations that finally leave the main topic of discussion. Moreover, pre-reading helps us to have a deeper picture of the study and then we might discuss some of the main points. In conclusion, having a class based in lectures will lead us to a more integral dissertation in order to produce knowledge.


Hello, thank you for your video and feedback in advance. I would appreciate to have it.

I completely support Rachel`s opinion. Besides the fact that lectures are a strong source of new information whatever is the topic about, it is widely known that discussions have a different approach and could be more distractive. Mike has a good point when he says that obtaining feedback in different subjects can be a good way to understand better a determined topic. However, some students can interrupt repeatedly a professor and distort the aim of the lecture if they have the opportunity to discuss a topic. For example, when I was at the university, in my organic chemistry class, there was a student who used to ask his doubts, nevertheless, he also used to ask every single detail and even the professor began to feel uncomfortbable and couldn`t teach us other lessons properly. That`s why I feel that it`s much better for students to have classes mainly focused on lectures.

عاطف احمد
عاطف احمد - 23.09.2023 18:44

While there are certainly advantages of taking more lectures with less discussions. I think when the students engage in more discussions is more value for them for many reasons. Firstly, the students will gain al lot of encouragements to be a great researcher in the future. What is more is that participating in more discussion make a learner braver in presenting his or her ideas. I agree why the perspective of Rachel .i remember that when I was child I gained a huge knowledge by engaging myself in discussion with my teachers and friends . that is why it really crucial to be more involved with teachers.

shaghayegh jp
shaghayegh jp - 22.09.2023 20:52

This is a challenging topic, but I think that discussion-based classes may play a significant role in learning process. I strongly agree with Mike’s idea that talking about a topic provides us with varied aspects of it. I would add that discussing a particular topic gives us an opportunity to find out whether we have understood the substantial essence correctly or not. Since there is always a chance of misunderstanding an issue, talking to different people with different mindsets may help enlighten us, and of course them.
While Rachel raised the relevant point that a topic can be fully explained through a lecture, she didn’t mention that without questioning the proposed ideas, there would be little chance of comprehending its main point deeply.

Liu Andy
Liu Andy - 22.09.2023 12:14

This is a challenging topic, but I think that learning from discussion is better. I strongly agree with Mike that interactive learning can be beneficial because students constantly get ideas from others. I’d add that via exchanging personal opinion, students who are adept at the subject could help students who are not good at the subject and thus knowledge is forwarded mutually. Moreover, people in a group may combine markedly different ideas to a novel one that could possibly inspire everyone in the classroom. While Rachel raised the relevant point that discussion can often be aggressive and self-centered, she didn’t mention that if a student is too shy to ask a question, the lecture-only learning will prevent him or her from catching up with other smart students. However, discussion forces him/her to take part in the conversation and thus he/she would absorb more knowledge and ask more questions.

Mohammed Karim
Mohammed Karim - 22.09.2023 10:12

Hi Miachel thank you for your amazing contents .I watch your videos from Morocco.
Here is my response:
studies are something crucial in every one's  life, as soon as they are generally  the key to a rewarding future.  Lots of students prefer to take classes with a lot of discussion while others opt for classes baised on lectures. Personally speaking I prefer to take a class  mainly  focused on discussion .

firstly, I think that this method of teaching allows a better understanding and remembering of lessons. In other words you are interacting with the professor and the courses .

For examples ;I have took a Physics class with two different  teachers the first one in the contrary to the second; relies most on lectures, soII found that with discussions and experiences. I got a better grasp of concepts .

Following the idea further; throught the discussion with our fellows in class, we could remove many ambiguities.Thus when you look for an idea with a friend you may correct a lot of misleading imformatoins .

Remember also that sometimes when we are tired, its not easy to stay concentrated with long lecture; therefore its natural that you feel bored .Whearas in a debate you will probably forget your fatigue .

Lastly ,by being in a class set on talks you will turn gradually into an open person able to communicate easily with others .

However,I have to admit that Rachell makes a good point. In some  cases  the talks get off track which is quite annoying  .

Still if i had to chooseI would opt for a classroom with a lots of discussion; and I could ensure that its a way to prepare tenageers for the life whithin a community .

Mahmod Elshabrawi
Mahmod Elshabrawi - 17.09.2023 03:39

Hi Michael! Thank you for your videos, here is my response

While Rachel highlights a valid point, I wholeheartedly endorse Mike's perspective as active participation in discussions can open our eyes to new ideas and thoughts. Interacting with professors and fellow students, carefully listening to others' viewpoints, and expressing our opinions can strengthen our thinking and creativity, enhance our skills and ways of thinking, and improve our communication, ultimately leading to personal and professional success. For instance, I used to be a very shy individual who rarely engaged in discussions or conversations, which negatively affected my scores. However, after I enrolled in collage, I recognized the importance of active participation and asking questions, which profoundly transformed my life and contributed to my success. Therefore, I believe it would be highly beneficial for students to have classes with ample opportunities for discussions.

Zain Sharaiyreh
Zain Sharaiyreh - 14.09.2023 20:26

While I appreciate the points mentioned by both Mike and Rachel, I think that interactive classes are more beneficial than lecture classes. This is because it helps students to share opinions, experiences and exchange ideas. Moreover, Discussions and debates will give extra support for students to improve the understanding and the comprehension of any topic. Some students may feel distracted during a discussion. However, I believe it is easier to record the lecture and listen to it later. For example, when I was in pharmacy college, I used to record all the lectures and try to focus and participate during the discussion, it helped me a lot not only academically but also it has improved my social skills.

English - 13.09.2023 13:01

Hi bro
To get just a score of 20_22 should I refer to any of other members in discussion
Advice please 🙏

emircan öztürk
emircan öztürk - 12.09.2023 17:19

Hi man, I would appreciate it if you can grade my response. Nice video :)

While I appreciate the points from Mike and Rachel I think that best approach to education would be a combination of discussions and more structured lectures. Otherwise disadvantages of one of the methods would become more dominant. Students come from variety of backgrounds thus there can’t be a fixed solution to this problem. In order to adapt to peoples need education methods should become more flexible. For instance some of the students could have short attention spans thus a lecture base method wouldn’t be useful for them. In addition a student that learns in a slower pace could have trouble keeping up with the argument base teaching. Overall than I’d say that to be able to create a system that is suited for all kinds of students, we need a method that balances discussion base lectures with fixed structure lessons.

raghad - 12.09.2023 10:57

Thank you for your help. I usually turn this into an independent essay.

This is my response

In my opinion, I would rather attend classes that are mainly concentrated on lectures. To elaborate, in the classes a lecturer clearly provides the important idea without Interruption from other students, allowing me to acquire a great knowledge. Moreover, I strongly believe that focusing on the topic is essential for quality of the education, and that will happen when the lecturer focuses on the materials, not on the discussion. I totally agree with Rachel’s point about the increasing of the arguments and getting out of the main point. And I would like to add that, it could be a waste of the class time if the discussion goes in this way.

Spread the knowledge
Spread the knowledge - 11.09.2023 10:14

Thank you so much for your effort and time for students like me, huge respect for you. Hope that more videos will be available in this academic writing topic.

Paula De Vera
Paula De Vera - 08.09.2023 00:03

Hey there, Michael! Hope you're doing good. This will be my first ever academic discussion writing practice, and I'd highly appreciate if you could give me a feedback :) Thank you!

In my personal view, I am convinced that learning through a good amount of discussions is more beneficial. I strongly concur with Mike’s idea that learning is more optimal if there is an exchange of inputs from various thinking bodies. I would also like to add that to be able to participate in these exchanges, one must have already read and prepared in advance, which can lead to enhancement of memory and comprehension skills. I also believe that discussions create a good opportunity for students to hone their critical thinking skills by analyzing points made by their classmates, which can also help in their understanding of the topic. Although Rachel states a sound claim, I think that passively listening and learning just from a single entity is not enough and could be boring at times. Overall, I think that interaction between students in a class can create an enjoyable experience and environment conducive for learning.

Amera Alzoubi
Amera Alzoubi - 07.09.2023 20:26

Could you please this integrated essay ;

The reading passage the benefits of the potential life of colonizing an asteroid. The lecture challenges this argument that there is no clear evidence that supports these benefits based on several reasons.

First of all, the article raises doubts about the most important benefit of colonizing the asteroid is to provide a great resource for scientists to do research. However, the lecture disagrees with this point of view. The professor also highlights that the colonizing asteroid lacks knowledge that can the scientist take advantage of it, no evidence about how many asteroids are there and the surface is hard to have a scientist on.

Secondly, the author argues that the colonization asteroid is great for increasing economic resources and improving the natural resources in order to build new industries and get jobs. The professor identifies flaws in this argument. He goes on to say that asteroids are not a good resource for the economy and nature, and mining is not available on the asteroid's surface, so it is hard to be a good resource.

Furthermore, the article contends that colonization asteroids might serve long-term survival for humanity; it’s a good place for refugees to live. The professor, on the other hand, expresses doubts about the accuracy of such claims. He provides that an asteroid is not a suitable place to live with small space and low gravity, and also needs to be designed to become appropriate for humanity's survival. He adds that living on an asteroid is dangerous for people in the long term.

曾慶芬 - 06.09.2023 20:12

Hi Michael! Thank you for sharing some great advice with your personal response.
And here's my response:

Personally, I am more inclined to the idea that classes engaging in group discussions are more beneficial to students. Although Rachel presents some profound insights, it should be mentioned, however, that discussions actually help students to focus more, in comparison of merely listening to lectures. Since students will be required to share their perspectives and thoughts, the process encourages them to think actively, which helps them to pay more attention to the context. Also, classes will become more intriguing when discussions are involved. Students can comprehend the topics or issues more thoroughly by learning views from different aspects, significantly broadening their horizons simultaneously. On top of that, participating in discussions also trains students’ ability to give public speeches, which is a skill that can hardly be learned from merely listening to professors talking, as an enormous amount of practice is needed.

Looking forward to your feedbacks, thanks a lot!

lorenzo xxx
lorenzo xxx - 02.09.2023 15:33

Hi Michael, thanks for your video. Here is my response:

While I appreciate the points mentioned by Mike and Rachel, I think that classes with arguments happen to be more practical in real life. Since we are all going to graduate one day, being able to engage in conversations and interact with others is crucial for our metal heath and enhance our social skills. Remember that being a member of a community provides us with a sense of belonging, so this would help us to get through rough times when we are facing some difficulties. Moreover, by learning to elaborate on topics that are not necessarily our expertise, we can find ourselves more popular among people. Some people may feel that by not being private we might violate our privacy which is not true in case of academia.

Mohammad Şukri
Mohammad Şukri - 30.08.2023 10:04

Thank you for your feedback!
I believe it is better to have a class focused on the lectures. It is important for the students to gain knowledge from the experience that the teacher is providing since it is not available anywhere else. A lecture that has a lot of discussions can be distracting to students. Personally, I’ve had a bad experience when my English SAT teacher would allow students to discuss a lot during the lecture and, most of the time, the main topic of the subject would get lost in these small discussions. Another example, a math teacher would ask students to discuss their answers with each other and the time of the lecture would end up being lost. Therefore, in conclusion, I believe that it is essential for teachers to mainly focus on delivering the right ideas of lecture to their students.

Pelin - 27.08.2023 15:33

Here is my personal response, if anyone could give me feedbacks 😅 :

I think both Mike and Rachel raised good points. As Mike said, in a class with a lot of discussion we as students have an opportunity to ask questions about complex topics that we are being taught, and therefore retain better. On the other hand, what Rachel is right about is that it can get off track, for example if everybody talks at the same time without listening to each other. In my opinion, the best way to learn efficiently and stay focused in class would be in a class with mainly discussion. Besides, I realised from my personal experience that I tend to memorize informations better after an interactive and fun class. Hence, if students listen to every point of view and that the discussion is organized, this type of class would be highly beneficial to everyone.

Ms - 27.08.2023 00:03

I would strongly recommend a discussion-based classes. I believe this method of teaching will add an extra layer to understanding the material. For example, learning about two different perspectives on a topic or engaging in lively back and forth debates during the class, which will further retain information. Moreover, while I do see Reachel's point of why having a certain agenda will save time and be sharp to the point, many professors do not really follow that agenda, or follow it strictly without taking notes if students actually follow the topic, which creates a rigid learning environment where only a few top students are able to follow the material properly, while students who have questions and prefer a more lively discussions will fall behind. Overall, while I see advantages for both, I would prefer the lively discussions so all students will be able to follow equally.

simran prasla
simran prasla - 24.08.2023 23:53

Hi Micheal, your content is so clear and right on track.

Can you please give a comment on the below answer. I will be grateful to you.
"Both options have real advantages, but I'm convinced that classes with a lot of discussion can help students retain the knowledge much better than classes that are entirely focused on lectures. I strongly agree with Mike's perspective, and I'd add that discussions can help students clear the confusion about the topic they have at that moment. This way, they can memorize the information more effectively. While Rachel is right about the fact that sometimes discussions can get off track, I think it depends on the teacher's ability to guide the discussion and provide all the necessary information within the limited time frame. Overall, if the teacher is capable enough, it will help the students learn in the best academic environment."

吳介文 - 22.08.2023 15:13

Hi, Michael, thank you for your videos! Here's my essay:

In my case, I strongly agree with Rachel’s opinion. I also prefer taking lectures instead of having lots of discussion. Giving lectures is more comprehensive. On the contrary, discussion often focuses on a few topics and sometimes people may get derailed to irrelevant issues during discussion or become emotional or aggressive when they have opposing opinions. Besides, if you have some unresolved questions or some perspectives you want to look into deeply, you can always discuss it with your classmates, teaching assistants, or even professors after class. That’s all for the reasons why I think it’s better for students to learn from lectures.

Aylar Sedaei
Aylar Sedaei - 21.08.2023 21:39

Thank you for your very helpful and informative guide.
And I had a question. In this sample of questions that ETS has set for the second task of the new format when the number of words exceeds a certain limit, a score of zero is awarded. I wanted to know if there is an upper limit for writing in the main exam? Or just because of the AI limitation of the ETS website?

Mikhail Lesnichenko
Mikhail Lesnichenko - 21.08.2023 17:11

Thank you very much !
This is my response
There is no shortage of opinions on the topic of what type of classes is preferable for students in terms of getting profound knowledge. I agree with Mike’s viewpoint on this issue. I do believe that providing students with the opportunity to discuss their opinions is able to lead to a deeper understanding of the subject.
To begin with, when students are aware of upcoming discussions they will select and prepare strong arguments and during this process, their knowledge might be expanded as learners have to scrutinize vast amounts of resources in order to build their point of view. Moreover, students could enhance their ability to defend their opinion as they have to argue with others. For example, I remember my comrade who attended such classes where he was obliged to discuss various topics, and in order not to get in trouble he had to be well prepared. Thus, he possessed profound knowledge in these fields.
To sum up, I firmly believe that classes which demand arguments between students during the lessons are able to boost comprehension of the material.

juju19972011 - 21.08.2023 12:14

Thank you very much for the video.
Here is my response:
"This is a challenging topic, but I think that lectures are better for students. I strongly agree with Rachel’s point that usually lectures are more on-topic. One reason for this is that teachers can better foresee and therefore prepare lectures. I’d add that after every important point is made in a discussion, student tend to repeat statements, which were already mentioned before. While Mike raised the relevant point that discussions involve active participation of the students, he didn’t mention that not every student likes to participate in a discussion. Normally just a few students are actively involved in a discussion and students, who are shy, won’t state anything at all." (110 words)

Mahbubur Rahman
Mahbubur Rahman - 19.08.2023 22:07

Thank you for your informative video.

Here is my response :

In my opinion, classes with interactive discussions are far better than the lecture oriented classes. As Mike has said, in case of discussion based classes we can have the opportunity to have the feedbacks from the professor or other students. By discussing with other students we can easily get the idea and also various new ideas can also be developed during the discussions. The problem of not having the concentration during discussion, as depicted by Rachel, can also be solved by observing notes of the discussions taken by other students. These notes can be shared in a common drive so that everyone can have the access to see the discussion summary later. In conclusion, I'd say that discussion is definitely an amazing way to learn new things.

Alecia Larmond
Alecia Larmond - 19.08.2023 03:51

Personally, I strongly believe that learning should be a bilateral exchange of information. While, listening to the expert is indispensable, it is essential to encourage students participation in classes. Whenever learning is interactive students are given the opportunity to ask questions about concepts they otherwise wouldn't understand. In fact, learning is an activity that increases problem - solving skills if students take advantage of class discussions. In my opinion, students class attendance is higher in interactive classes. Students are usually more excited about a subject if they are able to provide an input during sessions.

reza najarzadeh
reza najarzadeh - 17.08.2023 15:10

In my opinion, students learn their lessons better by having more discussions in class where they actually harness their understanding of the subject to make proper arguments, so I would rather side with Mike. In fact, classes which include discussions might benefit students in various ways. One of which could be fostering their skills of critical thinking to make a good contribution to the discussion while they respect other students' ideas. In this way, they can just organize their mind to gain a deeper understanding of their lessons. Moreover, their time management skill could be enhanced through several presentations and debates that could happen in classes with such discussions. Rachel also raised a relevant point highlighting the importance of lectures on students' understanding. However, she appeared to be unaware of the fact that the theoretical knowledge of a subject cannot be enough for a student who needs all those skills and information for their future career. Thus, a ground for putting forth their current knowledge of a subject into a practical world seems necessary.

Newaz Sharif
Newaz Sharif - 17.08.2023 07:32

Though both the ways of learning in class have some advantage and some disadvantage. I prefer the class with group discussion. When we can share our thoughts with others, we can find our mistakes and can reconsider our way of processing the issue. Discussion with peer groups helps us to remember the specific details of the discussed topic that eventually make the learning easier. Moreover, discussion on a topic require us to prepare ourselves before the debate, therefore we can have an effective conversation in the group. At the same time, teacher can join in the group discussion that make the group discussion and learning even more robust. That’s why I prefer this.

Zhi Wang
Zhi Wang - 16.08.2023 03:04

Different approaches to education have always been a hot topic for debate, and coincidentally, this discussion itself can be quite educational. My personal belief is that it really depends on the subject being taught. For example, students in a dramatic writing class generally prefer a more interactive and open environment, they welcome workshops and play out each other's works as there aren't many rules. But on the other hand, in a math class, students tend to discuss less with one another and the professor really focuses on getting all information across by intensive lecturing. Too much discussion in a math class lead to nothing, whereas it's essential in a more creative and less restricted class like creative writing. I totally understand Mike's fondness of classmates interactions and Racheal's concern that discussions deviate quite often, they individually work for some categories, however, a more comprehensive approach, in my opinion, would be treating different subjects with suitable lecturing methods.

Mahsa Omri
Mahsa Omri - 16.08.2023 01:59

Hi Michael, thanks for your videos!
Here's my response:
"In my opinion, taking classes that have a lot of discussions can be more beneficial for students than classes that concentrate on lectures. I disagree with Rachel, who overlooks the advantages of class discussions. I believe that ineractive classes provide students with a unique opportunity to participate fully in their learning proccess. By engaging in lively discussions with their peers and instructers, students can benefit from diverse ideas and perspectives, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matters and develop critical-thinking skills. These advantages combined will lead students to higher grades and, consequently, greater academic achievements. It should also be noted that interactive classes are generally more fun and enjoyable than lecture-based classes, leading to greater motivation. All in all, I think that the advantages of discussion-based classes greatly outweigh those of lecture-based classes."

Мадина Кудаева
Мадина Кудаева - 15.08.2023 21:29

Thank you very much for the opportunity! Can you please comment on my respond and tell your opinion on how many points it would take? To be honest it’s my first experience and it took me 12 minutes…

In my opinion, it's much more effective for students to take classes with a lot of discussion. I strongly agree with Mike's idea that since we can get an immediate feedback at a discussion lesson, we understand things more deeply.

I'd also add that while discussion the information goes through the stages which it cannot go through if you just listen to the lecturer, so that a student digest the material a lot more effective.

Rachel raised the relevant point that lectures have a clear structure which helps to be more concentrated, but I believe she misses another critical point that the more we discuss the information the more we master it.

Overall, then, I'd say that it's better for students to take classes with a lot if discussion.

Nashi - 15.08.2023 11:27

Hello, thank you so much for your videos, they are incredibly helpful! I would be really grateful if you could check my essay
This controversial topic has caused many discussions and disagreements, but I believe that lecture classes have much more advantages than lessons with discussions. I understand Mike’s concern over some beneficial aspects of discussions but I think that he misses some critical points. The thing is, in the classes with a lot of discussions students might be too concentrated on expressing and formulating their own thoughts, so by participating in such conversations they may do not pay attention to some crucial things. In contrast, lectures help students to focus on presented material and peacefully memorize it. Moreover, in the lecture classes students do not have to stick to only one point, they can change it throughout the lesson and form their own critical point. If I had to choose, I would definitely go for the classes with lecture because I am strongly convinced that this type of learning and memorizing information will lead to the success in the aspect of education.

Shaya sha
Shaya sha - 15.08.2023 04:44

Personally, I agree with the Mike's satement. If the lecture is continuous and one sided the students cannot focus for a long period of time, as they might start day dreaming or feel sleepy. However, if the same lecture is taught as discussion then the students feel more energized and pay great attention in the class. This is beacuse they can potray their own idea infront of the class and can also hear different opinion from their classmates on the same topic. While the lecture can be boring the students can miss some of the important point, futher more they can even mix up different things together. But this might not be the same case for the discussion, the students can recall and remeber the discussion and can improve their understanding in the new topic that they hear from their classmates. This will not only help the students to achieve goodmarks but can also help them to enhance their understanding.

Caner Uygar Gündoğdu
Caner Uygar Gündoğdu - 14.08.2023 15:39

Hi Michael, thanks a lot for your crucial contribution to my toefl study. My response for the question:

In my opinion, the best teaching way to be applied in class has changed over last years. My personal belief is that reaching knowledge was not easy since few people could contact with experts or acquire good information resources until the wide use of internet. However, everyone can access to any knowledge via internet thanks to the democratization of knowledge. For instance, I and my classmates followed Harvard’s open courses during our university education for mathematics lessons with the suggestion of our professor. Thus, we had opportunity to learn the basics of subject from a well-known expert. Then, we could use our class time to discuss the most difficult points of the lecture. I can understand Rachel’s concern over the chaotic environment of class during a discussion. On the other hand, we still have a professor who can lead the discussion and provide information when needed. Therefore, I strongly believe that a discussion led by a professor will bring fruitful results for students’ learning process.

sumaya S.A
sumaya S.A - 14.08.2023 01:01

Hi Michael, thanks for your videos.
Both options have real advantages, but I’m convinced that classes which focus on lectures are more beneficial for me, as listening to the information from an expert person like the professor in the right sequence and in a quiet environment would make it easier for me to understand the subject and retain the important information. Moreover, discussions during classes sometimes make me lose focus, since some comments may not relate to the subject which makes me forget what the main subject was. Overall, I’d say that although discussions sometimes motivate students to prepare for the class to participate, they also might take their attention from important information that the professor mentions.

Parisa Shahabinejad
Parisa Shahabinejad - 13.08.2023 16:20

Hi Michael, thank you for your amazing contents!
here's my response:
I align with Rachel’s perspective that lectures are superior to interactive classes. I'd like to highlight that classes that involve extensive discussions often proceed at a slower pace. Everyone wants to engage in these discussions, so it takes a lot of time for instructors to complete a topic. Such classes require an experienced instructor to guide the direction of arguments and manage time efficiently to cover the syllabus adequately. Moreover, in the context of interactive classes, it becomes more challenging to follow the main topic and identify the connections between the ideas being discussed. While Mike is correct regarding the potential for deeper learning in interactive classes, it is possible to organize extracurricular activities for students to discuss the class materials. Overall, I'd say that classes centered around lectures offer greater content richness compared to discussion-based ones.

타니들바께모르는바보 - 13.08.2023 12:26

This is a really interesting topic to think about, but I believe that classes should not involve a lot of discussion. So, I firmly agree with Rachel's view that students should be taken by classes which treat lectures provided their professor. This is because the professor has expertise rather than other people and they design the curriculum of classes, that the way of that sudents can easily understand. On the other hand, if the classes mainly deal with a lot of discussion, the students would be likely to waste their time and think wrong way, that is far away from the main topic of class. Moreover, a discussion can do anytime if students want to do that. In conclusion, I personally think that the professor should provide appropriate lecture, and also the students follow classes well.

234fa567 - 11.08.2023 17:00

Both opinions have real advantages, but I’m convinced that I would have a higher learning profit, if the class which I’m attending has a lot of discussions. Therefore, I mainly agree with Mike’s point of view. As well as Mike, I strongly believe that an interactive setting will cause students to think more openmindetly. Moreover, I’d say that the knowledge that we consume in a lecture held by an expert, could also be achived by praparing properly for a class. By that I mean ,reading a text which has been handed out by a professor or an intense internet reserche. Overall, I believe that a class which is focoused on lecture is more relaxing for the students, but a calss that contains a lot of discussion is more profitable.

Grigøryan Dianą
Grigøryan Dianą - 11.08.2023 14:00

Here's my version.

Education is one of the key aspects of human life and it has undergone some major changes and improved its methods over time. Actually, I am inclined to believe that using discussions during the class is more preferable for me inasmuch as it helps students to think differently and look for certain topics from different angles, which in turn develops their critical thinking and analyzing skills. I completely sympathize with Rachel’s concern that lectures often follow specific structures which keeps the class more organized, however, this might seem boring sometimes. I would also add that students sometimes are inclined to learn from peers, since they are the people with whom they spend most of their time and sharing some kinds of ideas and knowledge would seem beneficial and interesting for them. Overall, despite having ordinary lecture classes, some changes such as class discussions will improve the way students learn which is why I have no doubt that this is a good approach to education.

Somal Kayani
Somal Kayani - 09.08.2023 19:13

While the significance of focused lectures in a class is undeniable, I believe that discussions are better for students to gain knowledge and new skills. There are two reasons for contending this side of the argument. Firstly, focused lectures deliver limited knowledge. For example; if I'm a lecturer, no matter how much of an expert I consider myself in that area, my capacity is still limited, being a human. In a discussion, when different individuals contribute their limited knowledge, it becomes a vast pool which is a better approach for making someone learn. Secondly, the diversity in explaining a similar concept. This means that different speakers have different ways of communicating the same idea. It is possible that I do not understand the delivery style of my professor in class but I understand it better when my friend explains it to me. Therefore, it is better to have more discussions in classrooms than to have focused lectures, which can limit the ideas and have a more monotonous delivery style.

cocco - 09.08.2023 05:35

I agree with Mike’s idea, and I add that students can broaden their horizon through discussion and also practice to tell their opinions to others. When I was a junior high school student, I participated in discussion program. I had three discussion sessions, and group members were changed every topic. I had a great opportunity to talk with others, sometimes I couldn’t understand some opinions, but these opposite ideas gave me a variety of points of view. As Rachel said, I understood the importance of lecture sessions, but recently it is easier to learn any subjects on the Internet by themselves. There are many same age students at school, so I believe that discussion time will be an efficiency way to learn social topics deeply and broadly for students.

Sara Rashid
Sara Rashid - 08.08.2023 22:26

In my opinion, interactive classes are much better than ones where we merely listen to the teachers speak. Obviously, discussions require students to prepare for their lectures in advance and pre-read about the subjects that they will discuss. Additionally, in the class, they will be confronted with different perspectives. So, interacting with others will help students gain a better understanding of their topics and expand their minds. Moreover, during discussions, students will present their ideas, explain them, and defend them against counterarguments. Consequently, this will allow learners to learn how to communicate their ideas appropriately. Overall, I’d say that interactive classes will benefit students to enrich their knowledge, and will develop their communication skills.
