All Guardians And Generals Of Ainz Ooal Gown | One does not simply walk into Nazarick

All Guardians And Generals Of Ainz Ooal Gown | One does not simply walk into Nazarick


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@ichisopecopeco9909 - 30.11.2023 21:12

Did this guy literally call sebas "seabass"

@user-zb4lt8wg8y - 10.10.2023 18:03


@MartinJrMoody - 28.04.2023 08:55

any one of them can kill him in the right situation and if say like the changes of him dying go up

@joshsimmo4604 - 26.03.2023 02:05

Only the floor 8 hierarchy can beat ainz as they could beat 1500 high levels players

Remember the way he beat other players was to use round to find out all the info he could then win the rest of the rounds he knows everything about every character so he could beat all guardians with ease as his preparation is too strong for them

@jaminpurevj2874 - 21.03.2023 14:04

Cocytus sorry auto correct

@jaminpurevj2874 - 21.03.2023 14:03

Zebus, albedo, shalltear, pandora’s actor, rubedo, mare, cocatus

@wayneitaru543 - 05.02.2023 19:37

Thaanks for the info very informative.

@sp_queen6377 - 31.01.2023 08:38

i think pandora’s actor can kill ainz

@Deception658 - 16.01.2023 20:10

I’m playing Skyrim and I’m using a mod that adds the npcs and when I was raiding the tomb I ran into “the worst residence” and I was horrified I’m here trying to find out what floor he is on so I can skip it bc there is also spiders everywhere

@nikospatouxeas4877 - 08.12.2022 16:47

I would take them all down using the world tier item called Hack Client

@Swordmaster757 - 12.10.2022 12:38

Very inaccurate and you're making Ainz out to be much weaker than he really is. Even without a min/max build, he is very powerful, is a strategist, and has a strong gear set. None of them are one shotting him, and most cannot beat him. Furthermore, how do you show an image for Rubedo, when she hasn't even been seen.

@assanisaidi109 - 09.10.2022 02:12

This video has a lot of mistakes Ainz cannot be "one shot" by any guardian

@matildesalazar5963 - 30.09.2022 16:03

rubedo can kill ainz or destroy the whole tomb of nazarick if she want too.

@kurskwunderkammer2311 - 29.09.2022 08:07

Hey dude... How about the 11th Floor Guardian..

@wakomikro - 27.09.2022 06:37

Did you read the cliff notes then make a video? Also Ains didn't hide the fact he "is a human" because he isn't a human anymore. He is an Overlord. When they got transported to the NW he ceased to be human completely.

@koka1906 - 23.09.2022 04:55

Non of the floor guardians can one-shot ainz actually no nps or player that we know of can one shot ainz. Is ainzes build mostly for rp yes but this does not mean he will get one shot, his build is not the best but ainz makes up for it with his tactics also ainzs world item that rests under his ribcage can one shot a lvl100 full geared player. ( the world item does use 10% of the players exp but still it can one shot of near one shot anyone.)oh and this was probably the WI use but him to kill or help to kill 1500 players.

@forblade3164 - 19.09.2022 16:20

Just use /gamemode creative.

@argusnightstalker1551 - 12.09.2022 05:19

Rubedo can't defeat Ainz because ainz was a great tactician and memorized all the settings of all NPCs so he can easily divert any attacks from all NPCs so if all guardians join forces to kill him he will use his friends world items to remain standing

@neetishyadav8553 - 10.09.2022 20:08

What a bunch of bullsht, the wci are literally "given" To them by ainz which normally no npc would get. And even in straight duels he only loses to few of guild members and here you are saying random floor guardians "one shotting" A maxed out character

@rohitsinha8404 - 06.09.2022 22:37

Fr u don't know what ur talking bout? They respect him for a reason and if u judging him by his fight with shalletear u need to go deeper into the novel he nerfed himself for that fight

@25ehn - 01.09.2022 02:22

Good job 👍 you do great work

@Unknown_Zlayr2406 - 30.08.2022 15:03

My own translation
The Guardians - Generals
The Room Guardians - Officers
The Pleiades - Commandos

@whatsup300 - 30.08.2022 12:06

Rubedo is not the strongest NPC in Nazarick.
There are beings in the 8th floor who can overwhelm her in battle if it comes to it.
They have I name I can't quite remember...

@gerardoalvarado8425 - 21.08.2022 02:04

What's with all the simps man Ainz won't get oneshot but he definitely wouldn't win against Rubedo,the 8th floor hierachy, Shalltear if she had a brain, or many of the other more combat oriented members of his guild

@axisboise8634 - 21.08.2022 00:28

man love your content but this is...I'm sorry just so many claims are rubbish especially that 1-shot claim. Have we not watched his fight against Shalltear? Also Ginnungagap yes can destroy large areas, but is is useless against single-targets and Albedo is a tank build, not a DPS so no she can't oneshot Ainz.

@Adrian-gx8xw - 20.08.2022 09:31


@peterwall8191 - 19.08.2022 03:55

Rubedo, maybe ! Other than that ..none ! He knows them pretty well , so ...they don't stand a chance.
Momonga was guild leader, he knows things he doesn't even know he knows. Like to deactivate the floor and area guardians, if he needs to.
Of all the monsters of Nazarick, Satoru Suzuki, is the worst! There is no cruelty he will not commit, no crime too heinous, nothing he will not use to obtain his goal.

Pleiades battle maids!

Yuri alpha, their melee specialist.

Lupus Regina Beta, lycanthrope and the healer of the team.

Narberal Gamma, their "electric mage" and teleportation expert doppelganger.

Shizu( CZ2128)Delta their sniper combat automaton and interface with Nazaricks systems.

Solution Epsilon, combat slime. What is there to say? its in her name ! Solution! As in final solution to anything that troubles nazarick.

Entoma Vissilisa (queen) Zeta, entomancer and the most versatile of them all. She can change bugs and be whatever the instance requires.

Aureal Omega, their leader . Strongest of them all. Area guardian of the cherry blossom sanctuary, where the real staff of Ainz Ooal Gown is kept. Permanently! As in its still there! What ainz uses is a copy.

Sebas is the butler of Nazarick. Not a member of the Pleiades. He is a dragonoid and acts as leader and front line fighter, when their leader is not available.

While pretty powerful in their own right, they were never considered as anything but a stall tactic. Anyone who could reach the ninth floor , was beyond them.
Their function was to buy time for the guild members to gear up and assemble. The same as Albedo's.

@tansinsami6253 - 17.08.2022 18:48

i dont think anyone can oneshot him or defeat him in his full potential

@SeaMermaid777 - 17.08.2022 17:58

All I can say if it was me I would use times stop + grasp heart to deal with any threats

@frenchfry9370 - 16.08.2022 21:18

Honestly I think Ainz's fear of them knowing he's a human is unfounded since they are all programmed to be loyal to him, him being human doesn't change his identity and if anything may even case some of them to be ever so slightly less openly hostile toward humans... at least in his presence

@darth_sidious_sheev_palpatine - 14.08.2022 20:43

Any of them, bone daddy won't actively try to kill any of his former guild mates creations
Blood fallen, was an exception in order to save her from a world item, and even then he severely handicapped himself by going alone.

@abhirajgupta7844 - 13.08.2022 19:53

If you're making a video on some subject please remember to do your research properly. Most of the facts are wrong.

@FeedMeSalt - 13.08.2022 18:05

I still worry about the three sisters and penguin donut deciding to break off someday.

Albedo loves bone daddy, but they can have changes of heart they are not set in stone as living things now.

And personally, my own two sisters and my long term girlfriend are on the same level as importance to me.
So idk if she would chose mooooomunguah over her own blood.

@mzamogagaimzeeza9055 - 12.08.2022 20:08

Rubedo, Shalltear, Pandora’s actor, Cocyotus can potentially defeat Ainz. Depending on the situation
Aura/Mare I forget which is the boy but he could be a wild card

Albedo, Demiurges and Sebas would probably not be able to due to limited attack power.

@WonderofU11 - 08.08.2022 03:12

So many inaccurate infos... SMH

@drakofox1362 - 07.08.2022 23:39

Truth be told I still think none of the NPCs would really care if Ainz was human or not (Albedo would jump on him if she found out heheh)

@flamesna4938 - 07.08.2022 22:30

Great video

@blizz_toolzentertainment2366 - 07.08.2022 16:56

This is the dumbest shit have watch did u even read the light novel thinking one of the guardian would one shot Ainz

@Anonymality - 07.08.2022 12:59

Maybe... do a little more research lol. Love the videos tho!

@chadp6307 - 07.08.2022 08:11

I wasn't going to nitpick over a poor pronunciation of Ainz's name, and instead settled in for what I thought would be an informative rundown of the various skills & powers of the Nazarick NPCs.
I started reading comments as I listened to the talking-head video, only to find out it was the other end he was talking out of.
Thankyou everyone for saving me from watching to the end.

@uncomfortableasian - 07.08.2022 00:04

I’m not gonna watch the rest of your videos unfortunately. The pronunciation of the names of things kinda irritated me lol. I hope you take other feedback from others to delve deeper into your research for overlord if you actually wanna fully understand and appreciate it.

@doraemon.23 - 06.08.2022 21:03

Whose stronger? Albedo or shalltear?

@norobux2780 - 06.08.2022 15:30

where see newest manga (overlord) in online

@yuushaemilia4613 - 06.08.2022 09:39

Fyi if you put aside the abilities of aureole omega and rubedo, maruyama sensei the creator of overlord once said shalltear is indeed the most powerful floor guard in nazzarick at this time but if mare wanted the position of the number one strongest floor guard in nazzarick he could have fought evenly or won against him, because mare is a floor guard second most powerful in nazzarick after shalltear

@icecoldbeveridge4369 - 06.08.2022 09:16

One thing I really need to comment on is that people don't seem to know how strong Ainz is and how heavily he nerfed himself in his fight against shalltear. To summerise what would otherwise be an essay, Ainz is the strongest in Nazarick aside from Rubedo due to his Top Tier gear which is leagues above the Guardians. (excluding the world items or guild staff). He also mentions that despite his 'build' being objectively at the top of mid tier with his items he is at the bottom end of top tier. (once again excluding world items or guild staff) Basically no one can defeat Ainz so far and the only charcters that can are rubedo or touch-me who isn't in the new world and even these 'losses' can be turned into a victory if Ainz brings with him his main world item (the red orb in his chest) and the Guild staff...(sorry im an overlord nerd)

@4louisMC - 05.08.2022 22:16

Or in other words

@DanBurgaud - 05.08.2022 09:18

Can Pandora's Actor take Ainz's appearance and have xxx with Albedo?

@mecha001 - 05.08.2022 05:39

2 minutes in … and so many errors . i would do a bit more research before posting a video like this. But hey, good try though.

@xanithdegroot5407 - 05.08.2022 03:51

Fun fact: in the Novel, Ainz got so mad at Lupusregina that his undead emotion control (That green and blue light that shows up every time he gets overwhelmed by an emotion and calms him down) couldn't stop him from being mad. He just kept yelling at her for several minutes, and she was absolutely terrified. Ainz got P I S S E D at her for messing that job up.
