Stock Markets and Economic Data (Correlation)

Stock Markets and Economic Data (Correlation)

Financial Wisdom

1 год назад

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Brian James
Brian James - 11.10.2023 13:26

One of the cool things I learned when I learned to trade was that the market does what the market does and the news makes a narrative out of it. So the market will fall just like you expected it to and the news will report something like "Dow drops 200 points as unemployment report is higher than expected." It's like "No, the market was always going to drop once it reached that level."

Moritz Schilling
Moritz Schilling - 23.08.2023 18:25

Where is the GDP data from? I could‘t find find such an exact graph, only Charts with 1 Datapoint per year

Denny Nicholas
Denny Nicholas - 19.08.2023 04:07

It’s important to know your investment goals and what sort of returns you aim for. It is easy to find constant low risk investments options that keep up with or slightly pass inflation, but anything above that comes at the cost of more risk. Are you a fundamental or technical guy? Day trader, swing trader, buy and hold? Are you willing to take safer lower investment income over riskier higher income? Do you believe in market indicators? Can you recognize if you are trading out of greed, or if you are trading with a plan and purpose with stops put in place? That all takes time to learn and we all know that the economy and the markets are not the same thing.

Rachel Schneider
Rachel Schneider - 14.07.2023 13:51

it feels good to see the market in green, but just how long until we actually break even, I’m the average retail trader, DCA-ing, buying and holding on to stocks for eons, but it’s like I’m up 5% today and down 17% the next week, Yes the market is very unpredictable, there’s winners and losers, and it’s looking like I’ve been on a losing streak, while others make huge 6figure gains in the same market. What strategies are these folks using?

Joseph Ammon
Joseph Ammon - 13.07.2023 10:00

When everything started to tank, I lost more than $40,000. Not because I was involved in a heated exchange. Because that's what everyone else said, I was just dumb to hold, and that's why. Even while I still have responsibility for my decisions, I now consider myself to be a better investor because I am more aware of the potential pitfalls. I was in the market for more than 3 years before I realized that. I'm happy to have discovered a way to get my money back at approximately $5,000 per week in profits. Many thanks, Mrs Judith M Layton.

Mariusz Wiatr
Mariusz Wiatr - 08.07.2023 19:37

what's about buy the DIP strategy ?

Xuan Tran Valverde
Xuan Tran Valverde - 04.07.2023 16:37

Hello sir im interested on makyng a bussiness with you can you tell me how to contact you

s p
s p - 01.07.2023 23:27

Is it just pertaining to gdp per say or to all the remaining data points fed rates, cpi data, crude prices, dollar all these also does the market factors in early??

s p
s p - 01.07.2023 23:24

So one more in the list of leading indicators..n guess is the market itself..😊.. Nice useful explanation..

luke lewkowicz
luke lewkowicz - 29.06.2023 21:46

The market is rigged as it ever was. At times the expectant results backfire due to ineptitude or delayed reaction to tighten the 'exuberance'. Case in point when Reaganomics let the banks on a free range to fatten their accounts so now the reaction to slow down the excess is bit too late . When the excesses in the banking are too apparent the amount of liquidity ,money in the hands of consumers held for a routine daily existential needs.

Graham Duncan
Graham Duncan - 26.06.2023 15:49

The media is currently barraged with a lot of economic data right now. It takes a lot to see beyond the whole ocean of news on focus on what is important, which is that no matter how low stocks go, they always bounce back. I really ignore all the news and keep investing. I recently allocated about $121k to put in the market as we anticipate a crash. Any recommendations?

Manohar Singh
Manohar Singh - 22.06.2023 11:53

Amazing 👍

Alessa Victoria
Alessa Victoria - 16.06.2023 01:12

can you do a video of stock valuation corelation with its actual price ?? people say i should invest in undervalue stocks

Sahambagger - 12.06.2023 10:16

This is how I trade and invest as a Momentum Investor. This is spot on. Great explanation!

Jason Doss
Jason Doss - 12.06.2023 07:15

Love your channel!!! Ive learned more from it than anywhere else.

MenfinnaR - 10.06.2023 18:09

You need to decrease the Gains of the sound recording

Diego Ram
Diego Ram - 09.06.2023 05:56

As of right now we are in a bull market and out of the woods?

Ken Nguyen
Ken Nguyen - 08.06.2023 21:11

I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post. Despite the dip in crypto, I still thank you for the level-headed financial advice. I started crypto and forex investment with $4,345 and since following you for few weeks now, I’ve gotten $18,539 in my portfolio. Thanks so much Mrs Payton Brooks .

bram geensen
bram geensen - 08.06.2023 10:51

Off topic feedback, sound quality could be better.

Akash Bhayani
Akash Bhayani - 07.06.2023 16:36

Now I finally understand y mkts keep going up despite bad economy😂

William Konarzewski
William Konarzewski - 07.06.2023 15:16

One of the clearest explanations of the market cycle I've ever heard. The current Nasdaq 100 index is a good example - up 25% this year whilst all the economic data is pretty negative e.g the US debt ceiling concerns. Looks like the smart money is buying up technology fast whilst it is still cheaper than in 2021. Thanks as alway, Gareth.

Deepak Khatwani
Deepak Khatwani - 07.06.2023 06:31

Another good video. Thanks for making such easy-to-understand content.

C R - 07.06.2023 06:24

Is there any reason the 2001 recession isn’t included? looks like NBER declared 2001 as a recession in 2003? If the pandemic recession is included it doesn’t make sense to not include 2001.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar - 07.06.2023 05:49

Thanks sharing such a nice content with us

NGUYEN VI CAPITAL - 07.06.2023 04:54

many thanks

BartDom - 07.06.2023 04:28

Any chance we can see / track somewhere the investor championship ?
( trading competition) I’m wondering if we can see the current performance

L. Zin
L. Zin - 07.06.2023 02:05

So basically, ignore the macro economics like Peter Lynch said(iirc)

Trading With Adam
Trading With Adam - 07.06.2023 01:25

hello quick question for you. Could you please tell me the software you use to make the animations for your videos? Thanks!!!

Not Citadel
Not Citadel - 06.06.2023 23:35

News is only an excuse to move the market so market makers don’t get regulation issues. The direction is impossible to predict.

FiniteLoops - 06.06.2023 22:57

Another insightful, easy to understand, excellent video. Thank you.
