Top 8 survival skills you can easily learn now (and are inexpensive)

Top 8 survival skills you can easily learn now (and are inexpensive)

City Prepping

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TheCyberguy101 - 26.10.2023 01:12

Gonna grow steak and eggs in my garden.

Steve Hartman
Steve Hartman - 19.10.2023 11:58

I have the same uneasy gut feeling.

Nancy Hjort
Nancy Hjort - 07.10.2023 03:15

I grow greens, herbs, scallions, carrots, kale, and micro tomatoes in a 3x2 foot crowded garden under a full spectrum grow light in my 425 SF studio apartment during the winter. I had a delicious salad every day. I tried to preserve some raspberry starts in a 5 gal bucket in my south facing window, to transplant in the spring, and I was eating delicious raspberries in February. Surprise! Zone 6B. It's live food, no bugs, no weeding.

lordsyphil - 29.08.2023 03:58

For some real good early 18th century cooking watch The Townsends. Works great with survival

Eric Thomas
Eric Thomas - 11.07.2023 04:30

getting use to dirty sex.

Eric Thomas
Eric Thomas - 11.07.2023 02:30


Vincent Quill
Vincent Quill - 21.04.2023 15:06

Great Video. If one doesn't have the basics covered then one is starting from a deficit.

Kimberly Mortenson
Kimberly Mortenson - 21.04.2023 10:18

All the prep in the world will not save you if you cannot defend what you have.

Mike S
Mike S - 02.03.2023 15:49

Why do you suggest using technology to keep your inventory and preps online? If things get that bad, Google sheets is not going to work. Your computer likely will be useless. It's great to keep your list but please always always print it. Laminate it if you can.

Marvin Almocera
Marvin Almocera - 25.02.2023 18:34

Preparing for the..SHTF is like window shopping in the bigger mall 😆😂...

Mitchele King
Mitchele King - 11.02.2023 04:15

Jui jitsu

Luca Cifera
Luca Cifera - 08.02.2023 13:20

I'm not really here for survival after the fall of civilization, I'm here go learn how to live in the woods. Same thing? 😅

Sheri Matukonis
Sheri Matukonis - 12.12.2022 17:21

Gardening only gives you a harvest , you need food preservation WITHOUT power resources to really get the bang for your buck.

Hjhs Homs
Hjhs Homs - 08.11.2022 17:28

Many of us dont have a quarter acre. You might consider a video on aeroponics and hydroponics.

Rodley E Riffe
Rodley E Riffe - 12.10.2022 22:31

I sure am glad I was a Boy Scout. All these survival skills learned starting at 10, and practiced for 63 years.

Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson - 11.10.2022 17:26

I'm just commenting but the weights is where you went wrong at some point I love lifting weights too but I have this interchangeable resistance bands it's all about repetition it's lightweight that is really important that is going to get you strong

Colette Jones
Colette Jones - 28.09.2022 20:06

Who wants to be left with a bunch of Jeffery Domers.😜

Christena Scott
Christena Scott - 04.09.2022 23:24

Don’t go overboard on forging until you have checked out a book that is specific to your area. I made a mistake and I bought a book on foraging and it’s really interesting. However only about 5% has to deal with an arid and semi arid desert region that I live in. It’s got some ideas but I already knew them all. I can’t use any in the book because the book is not regional specific to where I live and work.

BEEFY BUTTERCUP - 02.08.2022 19:41

You forgot dancing

Wooo Zaa
Wooo Zaa - 02.08.2022 18:46

1. Adaptation to the temperatures and humidity
2. Foraging, gathering, hunting
3. Crafting, shelter, weapons
4. Terrain reading (washout, rock slide, land slide, predator activity)
5. Water sourcing (especially in a drought the trees closest to water will be green rather then yellow or brown but sometimes that water could be 50 feet in the ground so be careful)
6. Scent masking
7. Weather warnings (this is actually pretty easy after some practice you will be able to tell if the rain will drop in a aprox time)
8. Sanity (meditation, companion, playing yes i know alot of "alpha males" are gonna say "well playing is for kids!!" Yeah well playing helps fuel your mind from the boredom so it helps you stay sane)
9. Patience
