Design Patterns: Factories

Design Patterns: Factories

Microsoft Visual Studio

6 лет назад

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Chud Chadanstud
Chud Chadanstud - 13.06.2022 22:50

lol the pizza example is from the head first into design patterns book.

Coffee Cup Dev
Coffee Cup Dev - 02.02.2022 06:52

Copy and paste and now "Clipboard inherit" heheh Good one.

Reza Z
Reza Z - 16.10.2021 15:38

These guys make me anxious!! 😕

MuxaH X
MuxaH X - 10.03.2021 06:51

This is MOST CLEAREST exploration I have seen or read. My deep respect!

This guy explains the problem and roots of the pattern. step buy step.

p.s. really want to give this video +100500

Shiroi Tamashi
Shiroi Tamashi - 05.01.2021 06:05

I feel so sad for Robert Greene Cx

hpandeymail - 19.07.2020 10:32

Namastey Sir 🙏.. You are simply super . 2 of you on screen make it that much natural and easy environment for learning .. thanks for sharing the knowledge 🙂

Josh Fraser
Josh Fraser - 06.06.2020 23:32

Great videos by Phil and Tom! I wish I ould see more by Phil!

KAIDZ - 28.05.2020 09:45

I think it's okay if you guys are looking at the camera, not sure though if you're comfortable with that.

ImperialMeasure - 22.05.2020 21:33

"If you write something once, you should encapsulate it. If you write the same thing twice, you need to back up and encapsulate it. If you write the same thing three times I would ask you to stop being a programmer." 😂

Generic Name
Generic Name - 18.05.2020 13:11

No offense, but this was a terrible explanation.

Omir 85
Omir 85 - 16.05.2020 20:41

Didn't know Gino D'Acampo was into coding

TonyTiger6521 - 12.04.2020 04:52

So this guy is a fan of over-engineering. Even if you have just 1 class - not a set of 2 or more related classes - you should have an interface for it?? Because OCP? Abusing the OCP is not good design.

TonyTiger6521 - 12.04.2020 04:41

I have another idea. Instead of talking about just factories, let's also talk about singletons, inversion of control, template pattern, command pattern, etc.

TonyTiger6521 - 12.04.2020 04:35

I have an idea. Instead of sticking to 1 analogy, how about we use 4 or 5. We can start by talking about a car analogy, then move on to a pizza analogy, then move on to an Amazon Prime delivery analogy, then move on to an analogy about mayors making bets on the World Series, ...

Debunking Cars
Debunking Cars - 16.01.2020 23:05

Visual studio lesson, but the instructor has a Rider sticker 🤔

YAPAYZEKA - 29.11.2018 09:41

i hate these pizza examples they are everywhere and so confusing. the car example at the beginning is awesome.

Slava Kotelnikov
Slava Kotelnikov - 03.11.2018 20:11

Is it possible to get code samples they use in the video?

Tóth Imre
Tóth Imre - 01.08.2018 22:02

Not bad videos about Design Patterns, however this one is quite bad. By definition Abstract Factory is: "Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes." The key here is "families of related or dependent objects"!! In the video there is an abstract class which has a factory which != Abstract Factory...

Srinarasimha Katte
Srinarasimha Katte - 10.10.2017 10:52

Phil, Is there any reason why you have used IPizza interface as well as Pizza abstract class where you have inherited the abstract class Pizza from IPizza?

Trung Trần
Trung Trần - 29.08.2017 11:36

Can you group all videos in Design Pattern series into to one play list ? many thanks :)

Rohit Galgali
Rohit Galgali - 28.08.2017 20:02

Hi, these episodes helped me alot. Thanks alot. Can you please take a session on "Code to interface" topic. That will be really helpful! Kind regards.

Yea Its me
Yea Its me - 11.08.2017 23:59

The car metaphor was like really confusing...
