MisterCaption Skyrim Review [Full, 720p]

MisterCaption Skyrim Review [Full, 720p]


2 года назад

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@cookiebaker2660 - 30.12.2023 18:49

I remember a few friends of mine (who were in their mid 20s at the time) gush about Skyrim and how amazing it is. I played it few years after the release and it was so underwhelming, I think it was the first time I thought I'm missing something. Maybe it was that way to me because I played it AFTER Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls. I didn't even expect to dislike it, because I liked FO3. And I liked FO3 even after playing through classic Fallout games and New Vegas. Skyrim was so mediocre and shallow, it legit awakened me to the reality that most people genuinely enjoy slop and advertise it to others.

@kamisou - 28.12.2023 05:55

And now we have Starfield, lots of people seem to think it's a bland soulless game, but for some reason still see Skyrim with rose tinted glasses even though it had the same issues.

@chrismckee3415 - 28.12.2023 03:18

My opinion of the game the main story love it loathe delphine
Companions ok questline being a werewolf is cool the college of winterhold alright questline having jzargo great thieves guild questline like it the skeleton key very handy the dark brotherhood questline love it adore cicero
The civil war side with the empire now because balgruffs to nice to get rid of sided with the stormcloaks first time i played skyrim cause i was young ulfrics scared to go to all out war with the empire if victoria vici is getting married or the emperors in skyrim so much for his death or glory reputation
dawnguard dlc dawnguard cool val helsing feel and clan volkihar cool dracula feel serana follower with The! laura bailey legendary
Dragonborn dlc amazing mirrak the first dragonborn said no to hakon gormlaith and feldir to slay alduin and neloth mung dal from chowder funny
Skyrim has its flaws but i dont overthink everything
Sky above voice within

@MisterTutor2010 - 26.12.2023 12:35

The dragons can be as tedious as oblivion gates.

I have found the best place to kill dragons is in the courtyard of the College of Winterhold. It gives you lots of cover and restricts where the dragon can land.

@juger392 - 12.11.2023 02:26

Beautiful and so true review, and now they made same shit in space (Starfield)

@NoMastersNoMistress - 25.10.2023 14:05

Anyone with any experience in tabletop gaming, which requires some imagination and social skills was probably insulted by the way Zenimax turned dragon fights into just another chore.

@xansolskjr8628 - 21.10.2023 07:07


@JoshHoulding - 15.10.2023 22:24

I wish we had Caption around to critique Starfield 😩

@ryszakowy - 15.10.2023 13:57

not even cyberpunk is as big of an example of fake hype and disappointment as skyrim is

@Thes4LT - 01.08.2023 19:33

Obviously the author will never see this, but impugning the writers for making the Stormcloaks racists was a little silly; in real history, there is an obvious example of a desperate rebellion sticking true to its principles, and forbidding the races that they rejected from joining the military, even when there was a manpower shortage. The Confederate army during the American civil war disallowed African Americans from joining, and even when nearing the end of the war, when the military was in dire straits, they rejected proposals from people such as general Lee to start arming slaves and impressing them into the army. The depiction of the Stormcloaks is pretty true-to-life for a racial nationalist movement.

They are against imperialism, and so logically, they would be against the adoption of cosmopolitan or civic nationalist ideas. The fact that the dragonborn can join up despite being of a foreign race -- even Altmer -- is really an example of bad writing, not the racism itself. Maybe it would be understandable that there might be some exceptions; the Confederates did allow Native Americans to join in small numbers, even promoting one to general. But to allow in an Altmer, when that race's contemporary government officially wants to wipe out humanity and the Nordic pantheon? It's completely implausible.

The assertion that the Stormcloaks are missing out on valuable manpower by rejecting non-Nords is also rather silly. The number of non-Nords in Skyrim is very, very small, and so it wouldn't be an important source of soldiers. Most of the neighboring regions are under Imperial control, so they wouldn't send any retinues or volunteers -- and Hammerfell is itself mired in a civil war against the Thalmor, so they don't have any men to spare, even though they are technically human and therefore might be less objectionable to Ulfric (debatable since the Redguards are autochthonous to Yokuda and not descended from the Nedic people who came from Atmora, like the Nords, Imperials, and Bretons are.) Even Morrowind, which has been close to the Nordic people in the past (Three Banners War and Solstheim,) wouldn't have any men to spare, since it has suffered both from the eruption of Red Mountain to the North and the Argonian invasion to the South, which crippled the mainlanders.

Another reason why the Nords deliberately excluding other races doesn't necessarily hurt their ability to win the war is that manpower is not really the ultimate and decisive factor for victory. Tactics, supply lines, morale, and divine assistance matter far more than the total sum of manpower. The Dunmer, in the second era, managed to repel literally the entire army of Akavir. Akaviris are some of the most skilled and fearsome warriors in the world, and the fact that the Dunmer alone managed to beat them back means that restricting your military force to your nation's people is not a significant problem. The supply lines for the Akaviri were quite literally across an ocean, so it would have been difficult for them to sustain an invasion. Similarly, the Thalmor are across a whole continent, and then also across an ocean. The Nords can easily fend for themselves. I mean, the Altmer didn't seem to have this problem with manpower, despite relying mostly on Aldemeri troops in the Battle of Red Ring on top of the thin supply lines.

Mr. Caption seems to have been projecting his liberal prejudices onto a more or less accurate depiction of premodern society. Premodern people were very racist, and so it's not unusual that the Stormcloaks would be absolute racists. Whenever empires existed, they usually fell apart due to interethnic conflict. Rome is a great example of this fact. It was able to stave off foreign invasion by paying kingdoms tribute, but when the money was gone, they were totally sacked, and their borders fell apart. There is a good reason why Ulfric is skeptical of Imperial rule, especially when the Empire betrayed him, his people, and his culture, for the sake of maintaining their tenuous hegemony. Empires tend to place power and expansion over the well-being of the native people, and so for Ulfric to reject proposals to become more cosmopolitan only makes more sense, not less.

@Whamcloud - 30.07.2023 12:59

Imagine if you were to join either side in the civil war it would actually have effects during the game!! Like if you were a stormcloak soldiers, who while at first no one none who you are your able to walk into solitude no problem, but after you take whiterun you get recognised and need a high speech skill to enter and then can't enter the keep or palace because you will get recognised and arrested. The same thing but for the other cities and imperials but for cities like markarth or riften your able to get in because of the corruption, maybe being a member of the thrives guild or finished the forsworn quest line in their favour get u in, it would give really meaning and consequences to your decisions and who you chose to side with other then the rewards.

@Superschokokeks - 13.06.2023 05:29

Virgin caption on crack vs Chad pat on pvtsession

@ghostmanlemagnifique9110 - 14.05.2023 05:38

Hi there, question: Are you monetizing a video that doesn't belong to you? Or, are you Caption himself?

@corktail7900 - 12.05.2023 21:50

"its like a freshly fertilized field, if you start digging, all you will find is shit"

@gearhead6042 - 26.04.2023 05:18

Mr. Caption was too based for this cringe world. Fucking F.

@BaconMinion - 20.02.2023 23:18

I still laugh at his attempt to paint skill leveling as a bad thing because "it's realistic in a game about dragons and cat people" and the whole "dilemma" of not using a perk point the very moment you get it because oh no, you need a few more stat ups to fulfill your plan.

@Awesomewithaz - 17.11.2022 19:50

Lmao a blessed reupload

@geovane19 - 10.11.2022 12:13


@commiecat5879 - 26.10.2022 11:11

Download this as mp4 before its too late

@asahitownboys - 04.10.2022 17:30

Anyone got his Overwatch video? We need to see it cause it died before TF2 lul

@JimTheCurator - 02.10.2022 01:52

Whoa, it got a 9.5 from DSP?! That's a perfect score, dude!

@maximusprimetv2912 - 04.09.2022 19:41

It’s kinda funny how he shits on Irritated Ignacio (among others) in this video and then immediately nukes his entire channel at the slightest bit of legitimate criticism against him lmfao.

@marvinkose1143 - 13.08.2022 23:05

Allright, imma say it: Despite the game SADLY beeing unfinished as fuck, Gothic 3 had a way WAAAAAAAAY better city siege system than skyrim. A war in skyrim like that game would have been SICK

@user-bv2tv8ob1o - 04.06.2022 18:18

Didn't expect "no not the jews" line, cracked me up a little.

@Autipsy - 25.03.2022 00:03

I didn’t enjoy most of his style, but his closing argument is solid, and maybe the most accurate expectation of what we can expect from ES VI.

@SandGentleman - 15.02.2022 07:20

What happened to this guy?

@vangelisgru7271 - 14.02.2022 02:31

The archives are now complete

@hecaraq - 06.02.2022 19:57

rip mr. caption

@southweststreetsquid - 14.01.2022 04:19

Morning Pat


@plebisMaximus - 08.01.2022 05:10

Holy shit thank you so much for archiving this. Caption disappearing was the greatest loss in longform analysis.

@versus22REALLY - 31.12.2021 06:38

I miss him

@SkrapMetal84 - 13.12.2021 13:25

what ever happend to MrZekeblowstein's uploads?

@mattblack3813 - 28.11.2021 06:26

God how old is this? Gotta love the cringy ancient internet humour. “He’s an awesome le epic viking lololol”

@asgoritolinasgoritolino7708 - 21.11.2021 21:39

This video made me realize that Skyrim is escencially a dungeon crawler game, an open world dungeon crawler, but still one.
The narrative is only there to give context to the dungeon crawler part, and the "RPG mechanics" (if you can call it that) are only there to provide different ways of doing the dungeon crawling, bow, sword or magic; notice how all missions generally devolve into clearing dungeons? Well, that's the point of the game, dungeon crawling, I doubt anyone enjoys anything else about the game, and bethesda knew that.

@MarieCrossbow - 20.11.2021 22:50


@Oofff454 - 20.11.2021 21:22

Brings a tear to my eye…

@DonutSwordsman - 20.11.2021 12:04

THank you god for reuploading this. God I miss him...as a historian, I thank you so much for bringing this back to us

@michaeltormey9271 - 18.11.2021 07:34

RIP Mr.Caption gone but always reuploaded

@NightWatch652 - 18.11.2021 05:02


@CG-zh4oq - 17.11.2021 07:06

PatricianTV been real quiet since this dropped

@BiomechanicalBrick - 17.11.2021 03:02

this video easily earns the Badass seal of approval!

@randomgravy2169 - 17.11.2021 01:27

DSP giving it a 9.5 (you know how strict his scale is) followed by the 10/10 badass seal of approval please tattoo this on my tombstone

@mfspectacular - 16.11.2021 22:42

Not 5min in & he included the badass seal of approval. 10/10 review just for that

@RyanBride620 - 16.11.2021 14:37

God's be praised!

@Hegataro - 16.11.2021 11:51

On the stormcloak racism point
I think that the reason why they're "racist" is because Bethesda didn't really know how else to persuade the player away from joining with the rebel faction every single time, because the Stormcloaks are overall more sympathetic - a people being opressed into getting their religion and culture erased vs big empire? Yeah, no fucking duh people would join Ulfric
I really feels like just "well, we need to give them some sorta flaw"
