The Most Important Economics Video You'll Ever See

The Most Important Economics Video You'll Ever See


1 год назад

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@zacheryhernandez7298 - 02.02.2024 12:09

The worst conspiracy video you'll ever waste your life on

@satevo462 - 06.01.2024 15:00

I'll be happy if this "Zeitgeist Addendum" knowledge finally wakes people up to the Fed and it's strangle hold on all life on this planet.

@mikko.g - 05.01.2024 13:37


@WhySoSquid - 03.01.2024 11:15

ohmygod, the quantitative easing explained...I haven't thought about that video in years 👀😳

@mikey_gc8 - 03.01.2024 00:57

This video is profoundly insightful and should be viewed by everyone in the United States

@essem123 - 29.12.2023 14:45

and dont forget to mention the supply of credit or access to it, during easy monetary times, is skewed towards wealthy people in the first place, we dont get to enjoy but pay the costs of it

@cryeordie - 25.12.2023 09:43

Thank you for using Johnny Harris as the example of lies and intentional propaganda. The dude is so insufferably full of it.

@MrCadet08 - 24.12.2023 20:44

Gold standard all the way

@Huy-G-Le - 23.12.2023 17:22

I have to rewatch this videos 10 time to comprehends the level of Blasphemous against the Gods that is the US financial systems, and reminder, these...economic methods cripples the entire world that doesn't participate in this sacrificial ritualistic cannibalism of an operation.

@BerryMyDick - 21.12.2023 01:50

What group is behind this treachery?

@The__General - 17.12.2023 23:20

no recession in 2023

@iTakeViTaMins - 05.12.2023 05:53

I understand what you mean, but having congress or other US elected officials (who are bought and paid for by private interests) to pick the Fed presidents seems like just adding an extra step to same system of anti-democracy.

@Putzing - 30.11.2023 02:02

The Fed doesn't print money.

@zinovyrozhestvensky652 - 29.11.2023 06:14

This was taught in my ap Econ class

@FlacoMako - 24.11.2023 06:24

The only problem with electing officials to the FOMC board would be that this will further politicize the economy. Imagine a Democrat Fed with a Republican president or viceversa during election year. They would absolutely force a recession to swindle the voters into voting for their party.

@cc-dtv - 23.11.2023 08:27

lol what i see him every day on wsb

@12q8 - 20.11.2023 20:54

Banks will just lobby elected officials.
Central banking is a mistake, and there are better ways that is not centrally-planned.

@cybergeek9152 - 19.11.2023 05:48

Money machine go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

@ike3558 - 14.11.2023 18:07

Traditionally an inflationary environment might be less bad for workers. But as we've seen recently, without unions and labor regulations the concentration of power in corporations reduces worker bargaining power and causes wages to stay flat despite inflation. Bankers should have less influence on monetary policy, but i do think the trend has been towards less influence and more transparency over time.

@___gg421 - 13.11.2023 17:27

In capitalism you either add value through creating new technologies that allow less to people to produce more or your just shuffling around numbers of existing money and in that case sombody always has to loose. The government doesn’t want everyone to know but they need some un employed broke people because that’s who they point to as tell you to appreciate what you have

@burgular_the - 13.11.2023 11:20

What the fuck.

@MrJoosebawkz - 12.11.2023 14:22

wait you're not a communist? What type of guy loves militant rebel groups and federal monetary policy

@lukei.1227 - 06.11.2023 04:55

You : “We’ll put the government in charge of money.”

The government: “causes another house collapse to get elected”

@ryanburke4314 - 04.11.2023 05:40

TLDR: Read: The Creature from Jekyll Island !

If you are interested in learning more in this I would encourage the read of “The Creature From Jekyll Island”

@GerinoMorn - 01.11.2023 15:57

Whoever thinks that inflation is there "to steal money from people's saving accounts" - unless you managed to save at least several BILLIONS you are not even part of an equation.

@RonanHarkins-xk5zz - 01.11.2023 00:19

This channel is one of the worst anti western channels i have seen in a long time and i have seen some weird channels also you are not an economist and wont and will never understand an economy get out of your basement and do something meaningful

@Gojimaru - 31.10.2023 17:55

Your channel is amazing. Well researched and very comprehensible content. Fingers crossed you get the recognition you deserve.

@pivomanslovensko - 31.10.2023 15:16

Communism is a pretty simple solution. Abolish money and this problem goes away!

@jeremytee4793 - 24.10.2023 22:26

Analysis on par with Zeitgeist. Good stuff

@nomadbl - 20.10.2023 12:42

While the video is very good in some ways, it lacks economic analysis, which is the real crux of the matter. The issue is somewhat more complicated than was discussed here. I would recommend several books on the subject such as:
- What Has Government Done to Our Money?
Murray Rothbard
- Human action, a treatise on economics (especially chapter 20 but the whole book is highly recommended)
Ludwig von Mises

@farhanalam7642 - 16.10.2023 21:09

You really do see an unbiased overview of the big picture and your ability to break it down in detail is amazing.

Now just think about all the wars USA forced and think about who benefited the most out of it.

@americanchristiannationalist - 15.10.2023 07:43

Who has every Fed chairman been, and what ethnicity perhaps?

@Laakien - 10.10.2023 14:19

The answer is usually the mass democratization of structure. Democracy doesn't fix everything but it is infinitely better

@Hellfurian1972 - 24.09.2023 09:31

Dual citizens in the US gov. need to be removed.

@Hellfurian1972 - 24.09.2023 09:14

Kennedy was killed also due in part for him wanting to take the money making back to our Treasury.

@theVdjyo - 22.09.2023 07:35

The system is to keep the high power people staying rich and keep the poor people work for the rest of their life

@gwynbleidd1342 - 05.09.2023 20:28

Fuck capitalism

@DONTwatchmyplaylist - 30.08.2023 16:19

Great video,
i know naming the j is not possible here

@EphReinhard - 30.08.2023 08:17

And wow, this video has made me question things I never considered, and as gloomy as it might sound, it made me realize I am not entirely sure this is a bad system per se, do I wish it was better? Yes, better in its solutions, as you said, solutions that did not involve hardship for the people, but now I question myself if we can even achieve that by merely a few reforms here and there, sure many in position of power exercise that power and have a strong leverage on how things resolve, but what makes me think I or anyone can come up with a better solution? How to even think of a better solution? What's a better solution regardless of who is in power? Why are these solutions what some thought at best?

Seems like I reached a pinacle of doubt, beyond thinking that the rich want to get richer, I am left in the unknown, but at least I am more aware of this abyss, and for that I thank you, and for making it so easy for the layman such as myself to get a better grasp of the situation. Thank you very much GDF.

@EphReinhard - 30.08.2023 07:34

Interestingly enough? There was no internet back then. Napoleon said it best, the people would wreak havoc if they only knew and understood monetary systems.

@metropoliskicks4575 - 28.08.2023 16:13

Was it me it or was the whole video really quiet, but when he started asking for money, he was screaming

@johnphillips4776 - 25.08.2023 00:31

Maybe replace it with banks owned by each state that make up a larger board, with each banker/financial officer being elected on a per state basis. Under our current plutocratic system, there really is no clean & cut answer

@servus_incognitus - 20.08.2023 19:05

Did this idiot really say the gold standard is stupid?

My guy, before going out and embarrassing yourself by taking about "money scarcity", you should first be concerned with becoming a little more literate in the field of economics.

@Deathmittens1 - 19.08.2023 23:17

Cite your sources please

@ecoideazventures6417 - 12.08.2023 15:41

This is like saying my doctor worsened my cancer by iving chemotherapy! Please understand the capitalistic system believes in providing a shock therapy to weed out the excess and revive the system.

@tomasom4497 - 11.08.2023 03:40

I disagree that just saying getting rid of the fed is "stupid". There might be a "best way" but either way it has to go and whatever way will be painful. Just like a cancer in the body has to go if you don't want it to eventually kill you. It may not even be possible at this point since the whole global system is an out of control interlocked monster. That comment to me sounds just as stupid as saying when you get rid of a cancer in your body, what will you replace it with. Look at what the entire history of central banking has done to countries that install them, not just the U.S. Federal Reserve, and an even bigger picture emerges. The whole global banking system is a corrupt monster that will eventually either be the end of humanity, or humanity will eventually be the end of the global banking system.

@iJaGSloshtt - 09.08.2023 10:38

People aint hungry enought to lash out against the system that oppresses them. Your words while wise, fall on deaf ears im afraid

@DoogNig - 08.08.2023 09:09

Remember, the last time rates were as high as they are now, was 08.

@DoogNig - 08.08.2023 09:06

Been saying this for years, the fed is going to destroy this country.
