How to fly a drone Anywhere | Where to fly a drone legally Step by Step Tutorial

How to fly a drone Anywhere | Where to fly a drone legally Step by Step Tutorial

Alien Drones

4 года назад

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Felix Ruiz
Felix Ruiz - 02.01.2020 19:52

I love this video !! I'm a safe flyer and follow the rules. your video explain everything i needed to know now. I like what u said "fly it like u stole it" . Me I film what need and get out of there!!!! GREAT JOB keep up with vids cause these new rules coming we need people like u explaining to US.

Tony - 30.09.2023 18:46

There was a time when I really wanted a drone. After doing my research, not any more, too much aggravation.

Frank - 24.09.2023 02:17

I think I’ll stick to R.C cars! Just to much of a pita!

Doug Jones
Doug Jones - 30.08.2023 03:22

Thank you and very informative. I’m new to drones and found myself going through the same steps. I was thinking I was going overboard but you confirmed my thoughts and my process. It’s unfortunate that the laws are so complex.

J.G. - 13.08.2023 19:55

I can’t stand how one page will say yes it’s fine the. You click a link or look a bit further and it’s like “due to popularity it’s not okay”. Just tell us from the get go if it’s okay or not

Sile Kiernan
Sile Kiernan - 10.08.2023 08:49

Great information! I love your systematic approach and showing us the steps you took to plan a legal drone flight. And yes, I agree with you on the intentional confusion in the San Clemente Ordinance. Good catch!

nightlightabcd - 03.08.2023 05:31

There are more test and regulations for drones than guns and assault weapons!! If gun owners had to take a test like the Part 107 to operate a gun, or assault weapon, I think there would be a lot less legal assault weapons!
I see you got your video! Well done! Is the water really that green there?

lucky chucky
lucky chucky - 01.08.2023 17:10

Well I was going to buy one forget it I don't need the headaches

Ed Jackson
Ed Jackson - 01.08.2023 13:06

Loudoun county, VA they won't let you at all fly over privet property.

Charles Hollins
Charles Hollins - 26.07.2023 00:55

Your videos are quite helpful. I’m a senior and a beginner who is just embarking on becoming a recreational drone pilot. Was always attracted to this sport.

matt Alford
matt Alford - 16.07.2023 18:05

States and local governments cant regulate the airspace period. They can set up no drone zones. But according to the FAA no drone zones only restrict takeoffs and landings. IE the state controls the dirt not the sky.

Ozkar2023 - 16.07.2023 10:47

Hi I see the AIRMAP and b4ufly when I fly I did register to get the card to show anyone but the map you showed with the point of take off regulation I didn't get the name of that map

Richard Amiss
Richard Amiss - 15.07.2023 20:39

Excellent video that still applies today. I've since figured it out. Simply takeoff, control and land from a hot air balloon. Bam! Solved!

Global Deception
Global Deception - 14.07.2023 05:15

Wow. Very nice video.. alot of deception going on

Jim Hudek
Jim Hudek - 06.07.2023 04:50

Question: If local ordinance cannot prevent you from flying over private property, how can they prevent you from flying over state parks? Excellent video. very thorough. I may have missed the info i ask about.

bobadingo - 29.06.2023 15:19

Just don't fly your airplanes or quadcopters in obvious areas or on someone's private property/ business.
if you give somebody a reason to ask questions they will.. .

Dave Blake
Dave Blake - 19.06.2023 22:03

I certainly appreciate what you've unselfishly done for the Drone community. I haven't even received my drone yet but it's in the mail. I want to learn everything I can before I even start. The last thing I want it trouble. Thank you.

Timothy Hopton
Timothy Hopton - 15.06.2023 13:25

Coming to this video later I wonder if it would be advised to call local laws enforcement ahead of time?

Tom Prentice
Tom Prentice - 30.05.2023 22:56


Naa Anvesana
Naa Anvesana - 24.05.2023 23:38

Everybody knows this infor anything new?

George - 21.05.2023 19:24

Thank you for this great video. I have a drone that I consider very safe to fly. One of the features I like about it is that if you feel that you are in trouble while flying, and if it is safe to do so, you just let go of the controls and the drone will stop dead in its tracks and await your next command. I haven't flown it in a couple of years because of all the anti-drone garbage going on, so much so that the batteries will no longer fit inside the drone because of swelling. In order to start flying again, I would have to invest in a new set of batteries, a remote ID module and wading through a ton of regulations and TRAPS to feel confident out there. The material investment would probably be more than the original cost of my drone. Your video brought me to the conclusion that I would be better off selling my drone and, perhaps, start collecting insects as a new hobby. I feel that I am intelligent enough to handle regulations. It is the TRAPS and harassment by malicious or uninformed individuals and police officers (from experiences) that I am concerned about. Thanks again for helping me make this decision. By the way, the title should have read "How to fly a drone in the 'low-on-the-hog' locations"

Omar Jason
Omar Jason - 17.05.2023 19:58

The real thing about drones is because everybody feel guilty in their conscious, so they hate to be caught in pictures or better in video! 🤗 Police included!🤔

JOSHUA ROZIER - 04.05.2023 19:57

Not sure why drones are even available to the public! I see videos of people flying all these beautiful places and when I finally could afford a good drone it now seems like all I can take a video of is my house. It seriously seems like a waste unless your paying taxes to the government to own a drone business and its aggrevating enough, that I'm thinking about getting rid of mine. Rules accross the board in all states should be as follows:
1) stay under 400 ft
2) don't harass wildlife
3) stay out of restricted airspace
4) stay at least 150 ft from people or campsites.

J Just J
J Just J - 04.05.2023 03:54

You know...F@$! THIS.


So we are NOT dealing with Shriff BARNEY or any other putz with a gun that thinks they are in charge.

azwb - 27.04.2023 03:48

So true the last 2 minutes of the video about flying your drone. Get in get out enjoy yourself don't linger around just have fun. There's a lot of people that think you're a spy you're gonna spy on them and it's simply not the case but they have no idea how to talk to someone who is enjoying their hobby from a flight of 400'.

Winter Soldier
Winter Soldier - 22.04.2023 01:32

By rules of the FAA they still cant tell you to "operate" the controls over FAA governed airspace per the FAA....private property doesnt matter Id fight that in court period....take off and land in I understand from a lawful perspective over fil and "operate" the controls? No cant say/dictate that

Dimitri Bianco
Dimitri Bianco - 06.04.2023 17:35

Thank you for such an informative video. I've been looking at buying a drone and this is helpful in making the decision.

jeffs - 25.03.2023 17:09

The FAA has exclusive rights to the airspace but municipalities have ordinances that refer to public disturbances, harassment, and safety as they (the municipalities) perceive it, not regulated by the FAA.

Lucky Drone Services
Lucky Drone Services - 23.03.2023 20:10

I practice the "fly it like you stole it" method as well and honestly attribute it to why I have never been questioned by anyone. I also take an assessment of the people around me prior to flying. Thanks for the great material!

Lucky Drone Services
Lucky Drone Services - 23.03.2023 20:06

Extremely useful video, thank you! I was doing most of this already but I learned a few new things and its great to know others are having to jump through these hoops as well.

Gary Mathe
Gary Mathe - 14.03.2023 03:00

I'm glad I've watched videos like this; I saved thousands by not buying a drone. What I found was that cities are out (can't launch/land on city property, near people/traffic), National Parks and Wilderness Areas are out, county open spaces are out (at least here in CO), so basically any place I would be interested in is forbidden. No wonder most of the drone YT videos are from places like Scotland and Australia. And the US ones are often breaking the law without knowing.

FlyBaby - 11.03.2023 10:48

The best answer is to leave the Nazi state of New York. I did. My skin crawls when I have to return. Move to Red states where you have most of your rights and the cops are not ignorant, loose cannon pricks. I then moved away from California in 2006 because the writing was on the wall the Democrats were running amok and living there would not be acceptable.

Adam Fairchild
Adam Fairchild - 10.02.2023 01:30

What if you hand launched it while standing in the water?

Krusty - 26.01.2023 16:17

Line of Sight rule makes it pretty much illegal to use a drone at all. So, cross your fingers and hope ya don't get arrested or fined.

Nirate Goel
Nirate Goel - 23.01.2023 14:51

Would be nice to specify in the title that it's only the US

None Ya Business
None Ya Business - 15.01.2023 22:09

Bottom line don’t spend your money in California.

Walkism - 11.01.2023 04:44

Thanks so much for covering this. I'm in San Francisco and trying my best to determine all the things I need to worry about.

Steve Moon
Steve Moon - 08.01.2023 17:07

Great info

Jason Linville
Jason Linville - 08.01.2023 05:56

can someone tell me where in the law he's talking about is the relevant statement the faa has sole airspace authority?

Fan Taztik Vidz
Fan Taztik Vidz - 30.12.2022 22:40

Should that word ANYWHERE be changed to United States.....
Anywhere means anywhere or you could say Anywhere in the US...

Steve Underwood
Steve Underwood - 29.12.2022 04:08

awesome video, great info, thanks...

djduane1 - 15.12.2022 23:57

WOW! Excellent video! It's so amazing to me that SO many bureaucrats want to have their fingers in the pie! The city of Huntigton Beach, essentially on their website, says you can fly in the city but, of course, you must follow FAA regulations. But that, it appears, DOES NOT apply to flying over their pier as that seems to be regulated by the OC District Superintendent!! ARGHH!! Too many cooks spoil the broth!

Rodd Westphal
Rodd Westphal - 13.12.2022 06:41

I love medal detecting but struggle to find a legal place to detect, so I decided to buy a drone, well you know the rest of the story lol. Fantastic video!

Op dawg
Op dawg - 06.12.2022 11:04

The feds want to regulate everything, You need to revise your vid to inform people on how to avoid these fed regs

California Nitro
California Nitro - 03.12.2022 21:10

Excellent video
Thanks for the info

Russell Schundler
Russell Schundler - 03.12.2022 04:19

If anyone harasses your while you are piloting your drone, is it fair to remind them that interference with, or distracting, a pilot of any manned or unmanned aircraft is a serious federal offense?

Charles Reiche
Charles Reiche - 01.12.2022 18:59

There should be a law about interfering with the operator of a UA while operating.
