Civilian Disaster Relief Plan | Hurricane Helene Response

Civilian Disaster Relief Plan | Hurricane Helene Response

Dirty Civilian

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@OkTxSheepLady - 29.10.2024 04:32

This is such a blessing!

@loritoler6289 - 29.10.2024 07:23

Are either of you single? Not asking for a friend, asking for myself. 😂

@the60s87 - 29.10.2024 10:15

Bless each and everyone of you helping all these beautiful people thank you ♥️🙏🏻♥️

@minky7252 - 29.10.2024 22:28

We donated through Joe Gibbs Racing. They collected and sent trucks of supplies, partnered with Samaritans Purse for volunteer coordination. We will continue to donate too

@Joe5561000 - 29.10.2024 22:33

Don't be a afraid to "thump a Bible" Drew. That's what a lot of people need. Thump away. The truth should not hurt anyone's feelings. If it does, the problem is theirs, not yours.

@emmcgowan1708 - 29.10.2024 23:56

I am so VERY PROUD OF YOU MEN !!! You are taking care of all of us physically, mentally & spiritually!! The country is watch with pride and admiration! Our men are awesome. I also include the women who help organize, fly, gather the kids to school, etc! I hope this shows the world why we’re proud to be American.
Love and muscle are God given traits and I thank you for giving & using those abilities!!! Love to you!!!! 😊❤😊

@broussardg9242 - 30.10.2024 02:46

Fantastic video! I drove up from South Texas with a few kther friends (from Florida and Tennessee) and we went and donated a few days of our time to help Gr828 WNC, as well as about $3k worth of supplies. We all wished we could have done more, because so much still needs to be done

@marilyndoherty7868 - 31.10.2024 00:45

God🙏 bless

@BigWaveStudio - 31.10.2024 05:57

Meanwhile the southern border is WIDE open to immigrants, greeted with snap benefits, paid travel, and housing, all while United States CITIZENS are left high and dry, AGAIN…unreal. God bless this country because we need it more than ever.

@BigWaveStudio - 31.10.2024 06:11

Meanwhile the southern border is WIDE open to immigrants, greeted with snap benefits, paid travel, and housing, all while United States CITIZENS are left high and dry, AGAIN…unreal. God bless this country because we need it more than ever.

@tjeanvlogs9894 - 31.10.2024 11:52

I heard that "blue haired liberals" are not helping. You are wrong.
Revolving teams of lefty utility workers have been in the effected area since the beginning. They came with a mutual aid crew to support them so the have no negative effect. This crew is feeding people and doing laundry, to support those working their arses off. The SAR team I was on before my injuy has been out there for weeks. Lefties paid for and organized bread flour to get to small bakeries making bread for hhe community. We ponied up for hay, and a team is currently invound with the next load of feed for critters in need. We've organized campaigns to get corperations to get them to donate. Lefties are working the shifts of those actually on site and taking care of their families. Many of us lefties have medical, construction, trade skills and are on site working.
Im stuck here in the liberal maritime Pac NW sharpening chainsaws to be flown back with the next set of relief crews. Its what i can do to help.
Lefties are there too.

@alexduke5402 - 31.10.2024 17:59

You really need to tighten the chainsaw chain in the thumb nail.

@lordvader5246 - 31.10.2024 18:30

It should be noted there's a specific demographic literally and figuratively doing all the heavy lifting.

@Mis-AdventureCH - 31.10.2024 19:53


@Mis-AdventureCH - 31.10.2024 20:27

After Ian, the last two national organizations that still had boots on the ground for tree mitigation, muck out and roof repair were Samaritan's Purse and Team Rubicon. Storm hit in Sept, they were still down there in March.

@BruceForster-k9n - 01.11.2024 02:03

Give a Man a Fish and you feed him for a Day.
TEACH a Man to Fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

@gjnezat - 01.11.2024 22:03

Just sent sentinel a donation.Thanks for publicly recognizing them, as I trust S.F. more than the feds.

@zackn8745 - 02.11.2024 00:48

The Federal government could never do for a community what it is unable or unwilling to do for itself. But, it can act as a force multiplier, and most often a source of funding to sustain the local efforts.

Where people get it twisted is they think FEMA is responsible for everything. Mostly they are a piggy bank, writing checks to help locals fund repairs and emergency supplies.

The Federal government prefers to use local partners wherever possible. In Florida we dont rely on FEMA trucking in supplies, because Publix does that job just fine.

I'm not saying we shouldn't demand excellence from our public services, but I think its important to have realistic expectations. If it takes flat, well funded Florida with tons of hurricane experience several weeks to get power back on (Irma) then I just dont see how anyone could expect NC to do a better job in worse terrain with less experience. Have some kindness and grace for your fellow man, they are trying their hardest.

@bryansmith1066 - 05.11.2024 03:46

Im so glad to be here on the ground helping rebuild the roads and the devastation is wild. The churches are taken care of us driver that have come down to help rebuild the roads.

@asianprodigyproductions5477 - 08.11.2024 06:17

I haven’t read that much into the NC Fema response, but i’m curious how much is being done.

I only have experience on the medical response side, but Fema responses when it comes to medical is done almost completely through a private contractor which is American Medical Response (AMR) which supplies the ambulances with EMTs / paramedics / Nurses / Doctors.

I haven’t personally gotten to deploy as AMR is weird with who it picks for strike teams, but per the FB page they are in NC. I’m guessing they were delayed with NC because I quite a few people who were deployed first to Florida and I’m guessing most of the resources were there.

@FolgarAlbores - 09.11.2024 03:04

From the packaging to the details of the bags, I think the kislux shop has made reproduction an art form.

@dustybookstore2953 - 12.11.2024 15:45

the people in the orange t shirts were with samaritans purse, not the sentinel foundation.

@ericmyers1306 - 12.11.2024 21:00

Great stuff, guys. After having served with Samaritan's Purse following several major disasters, I can tell you they aren't perfect... but they're darn close!

@michael.richards42 - 13.11.2024 07:57

If you can get the tents to Asheville,NC I have guys that can receive the distribute the and set them up for the families that need the.

@AgripinaMaurin - 18.11.2024 11:00

I bought a kislux red mini Chanel bag, wish I had more Chanel bags, but considering my budget it's cool to have one bag

@LamboDadd - 21.11.2024 04:52

We came down for a week from Wisconsin and it was so eye opening. Thank you guys for everything you are doing!

@RamonPuerro - 21.11.2024 18:15

man i didnt see this video until now and god could it have helped here. Spain was struck by floodings (and the unannounced openning of a dam by the govt) three weeks ago (for almost two weeks) and there have been entire towns wiped out, hundreds of deaths (its more than likely its a few thousands, and no people rescued, because not a single rescue team was sent), the government refused to do anything (our prime minister Perro Sanchez was in india being praised and the first thing the govt did when he arrived a week later was to take the control of the public tv for his party), and refused to send ANY help at all for WEEKS, all the money from the govt has gone to media cover up, and SO so on), the only police and military who went to help had to take a leave and went under threath of disciplinary actions, even today its mostly civilians doing all the supplies, logistics and field work, the govt sent just enough police and military to search for bodies and keep civilians away from anything that could be used as proof against them, the cover up is absolutely insane, they are keeping secret the casualties and disappearances, retrieving the bodies at night, the military and police were given a script of what to reply to people and police, the supplies sent by the people were ILLEGALLY expropiated to ABSENT ONGs like the pieces of utter shît from Red Cross who have only been seen to take the photo for social media (and of course to take over the supplies and help sent, with no logistics or anything to make any use of them). NO ONE has been rescued, whoever couldnt make it on their own (or with the help from neighbours) havent survived. This is the worst disaster the country has ever lived, and we were alone, because the government and administration didnt WANT to help, and they KEPT HELP AWAY (because many countries, from France to even fcking El Salvador, had teams ready to send here and our govt told EVERYONE to NOT COME because "no help was needed"). Sorry for the rant (even thought i havent covered half of it) but the situation is still catastrophic, bodies are still being recovered daily, and everything the government has done and is doing is absolutely insane. It truly is just us and our communities, and we have to be ready for the worst

@benjocaz45 - 22.11.2024 23:04

What’s absolutely baffling to me is that our country could pull off the Berlin Airlift- but the government barely lifts a finger for its own residents.

@mstrickk1 - 26.11.2024 07:09

That medic is definitely part of bearnation

@Metro-j3w - 27.11.2024 16:49

God is good and there is light. So many veterans with skills were and are needed and we do not know what GOD KNOWS. WE PRAY AND WHAT WE DONT REALIZE PRAYERS ARE ANSWSRED but only in Gods timing not ours so do not give up on God when we pray. If i ask God to heal my brain cancer and He does but a month later i die in a car wreck, dont think God did not bless or answer prayers He did but like Job we dont know what will come against us, but God knows and everyday we live is a present / a gift from

@haydenjordan8441 - 02.12.2024 00:38

Praise the Lord. I hope that someday I can be in a position to be able to help if needed.

@87edrag - 02.12.2024 18:37

Great video, my one critique is that stating that "blue haired liberals" or Planned Parenthood were not helping is not a helpful statement when it comes to disaster relief. Relief most visibly comes from people who are closest around, which will be different in rural Appalachia than urban San Francisco, for example, but help will come from good people around. Next time an earthquake or flooding hits a blue state go and see what I mean. Good and helpful people exist everywhere, same with selfish people, and does not matter what race or religion you are. Dispensing and reinforcing negative stereotypes is not helpful in the short or long term, we are all Americans after all, and in disasters that matters more than anything.

@jefftc14 - 04.12.2024 07:38

Ya'll spreading more FEMA lies and supporting armed militia's rolling through WNC??? Reporting those of us telling the truth.. how pro first amendment of you all.... unreal anti American BS

@blakeburks4831 - 13.12.2024 23:25

Military was at the airport in Fletcher (think thats right) dispersing supplies. All the government i saw.

@JMac-o3r - 27.12.2024 06:23

as a three time hurricane refugee, thank you guys.

@Benedikt102 - 03.01.2025 01:11

As a european I cannot comprehend your dedication and I cant believe that you actually do rescue efforts while goverment just sits there what a shame! Love you guys keep up the great work

@thepassholderfamilyshorts - 04.01.2025 20:01

Fantastic video. Incredible to see all that unfolded.

@Ravageritualx - 08.01.2025 00:21

Lost me at the liberals comment. You mean the populace political ideology was the most locally represented? Crazy.

@MillstoneProject - 16.01.2025 00:45

We spent three days in Fairview helping distribute goods. Slept on the side of a mountain in my hammock.

@pedroferreira8659 - 17.01.2025 01:07

Tom Clancy's the division vibes

@andresrodriguez-polo884 - 18.01.2025 00:00

Amen 🙏🏼 God bless you All , I believe that God will turn this into good all his ways are perfect even if we don't understand the route He wants to go we go in faith and as leaders

@craigorzel5181 - 24.01.2025 12:51

I’m really grateful that there are still Americans willing to put their lives on hold to go help fellow Americans. Great job! A good friend got it started and we were able to put together kits together in plastic tubs with needed items. I felt very humbled and blessed to be a small part of our two trips to West Virginia where we dropped off our load and met another great friend of ours that had trucks and tons of supplies along with his travel grills and smokers. His group went down to NC where they set up and passed out food, clothing, etc., and hope and prayer.

@point6889 - 31.01.2025 17:51

I live in Swannanoa, NC and the first statements in this video are absolutely true and accurate. Additionally we are still in a disaster zone and it’s the people that are helping one another still. Months later and things are still FUBAR. Thank you for your help and making the need for help known. It was a relief to be able to take care of our own issues while having the knowledge that others were stepping in to help us begin our own recovery.

@derricktapia2098 - 26.02.2025 18:02

Everytime time people pretend like we're supposed to have funding to support ourselves, while relieving disaster, I think about the insane amount of Taxes, and ridiculous fundraiser schemes, funneling money to foreign companies.... and how many people need jobs right now. I'm sorry, this shouldn't be that hard... they've funnel money to Isreal, Inda, and China for less than 1/3 of this need.. the Disaster map over the U.S. is Crazy.

@Roosterbell-gc2ss - 01.03.2025 05:37

❤😎🇺🇸👍🏻good guys for helping our fellow Americans

@andrewking8471 - 03.03.2025 18:59

I don’t understand how this channel doesn’t have millions of subscribers

@justinqueen1140 - 19.10.2024 22:19

I'm a Western NC resident, as well as Western NC LEO. First five minutes of this video is 100% true. Locals have been putting boots on the ground and getting things done. Wealthy philanthropists and small nonprofits have been funding an overwhelming majority of supplies to the area since day 1. Also, that bit about making contacts has been huge during this relief effort. I experience that as LEO a few times, someone coming into to EOC asking how they can help, we didn't need assistance from their skillset, but I know a guy that does know where you can help, here is his contact. That was a huge piece of the puzzle. The lack of communication for the first week was an absolute crisis. Love that you guys made this video. There is so much to learn from this.
