Psychologist vs Psychiatrist vs Doctors: What You Need to Know | MedCircle Series

Psychologist vs Psychiatrist vs Doctors: What You Need to Know | MedCircle Series


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@tomelliott7793 - 15.01.2024 00:42

Are all psychiatrists also psychopathic? And how psychic can one expect to be once becoming a psychologist?

@realm313 - 06.11.2023 07:29

Psychiatry masks the problem with dangerous drugs that diminish mental capabilities and damage organs. Psychology finds & treats the cause of the problem which ends in a cure. Psychiatry never cured anyone!

@John-zp8oi - 13.10.2023 01:17

i homeless john huynh leaving and driving around oc town belongs to CA state, i see 2 many WHITES GHOSTS SHADOWS under grounds , surround 360 degree circles not BS degrees or MS degree, or PHD degrees keeps following me like public fingures SUPER STARS in Holly Wood, am
i CRAZY 2 Psychiatics Dr.? i'm very super normal and very super CONTROLS ables, not super model for asian vietnamese in Bolsa Comunities.

@sambrian174 - 23.09.2023 10:06

I used to be wary of psychiatrists just because I understand it is primarily prescription based. And I thought I could do it without the meds.

But after 16 years of hell, I finally made the jump. First time in my life I felt... Normal. Ofc it's not going to be the answer to everyone but for my specific case, it's what I needed. And those drugs have literally saved my life. The disadvantages are heavily outweighed by the advantages.

I reached a critical point in my life where I either take the pills, endure the side effects or I was going to kill myself. Already planned it out and bought all the things I needed. It was that severe.

@KM-ip4un - 13.07.2023 07:08

Who’s getting a whole masters+PhD in only 4yrs lol

@ericphantri96734 - 08.07.2023 15:49

Before psychological diagnostic need at least 24 hours of isolation and pure bread water regiment calked detox time like master at arm in navy allowed in brig then analyze after detox time of 24 hours

@ericphantri96734 - 08.07.2023 15:46

Both may need extra training in FDA training and nutritional and psychological effect

@you_gotta_eat_here3640 - 05.06.2023 12:36

Their is huge demand of clinical psychologists these days, the psycotic disorders have enormously increased

@kimberlyjustice9917 - 19.05.2023 01:02

Bogus Doctors!!

@jasonwarbird - 13.05.2023 00:01

Sam Witwer's doppelganger in voice, mannerisms and looks. Its like Dr. Dodenick could be his brother, its wild!

@mrs.acreary5932 - 01.05.2023 18:43

So true everyone is trying to be a mental health professional they need to stop. Many people who are calling people crazy is mentally ill and suffering ,emotional and personality disorders severely themselves.

You need to go across the country and promote and discourage the importance of non professionals trying to diagnosis mental health. Some of these people are not even graduates of any college thier degrees are in business management, education, some work in law in lay position or law enforcement which only requires a GED or Highschool education and training.

I heard a dumpster truck driver calling a woman crazy I'm like this is extremely dangerous. It's slander too I always seek mental health professionals during the times of crisis everyone of us will go through. Such as divorce, custody of the best for the children in divorce,a loved one dying any crisis losing a job it's important to seek help. So it's equally important to discourage the abuse of mental health if you are not a mental health professional shut up.

Because new norms are abusing the mental health field it's insane.I don't want to relate to certain mentalities and that doesn't make me crazy because I'm not adopting to your toxic unhealthy view of a certain culture, political view or religious belief. I'm a sound minded individual that knows healthy individuals are capable of thinking independently and differently no matter what there culture, background and life circumstances are.

Your brain and my brain are two different brains so focus on your brain health. I'm doing a excellent job on mine dealing with circumstances that many would have really surcome to a mental health break and it has been proven all Ive been through with the assistance of seeking professional Psychiatrist and psychologist. I've never had a mental break ever every psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist I've sought out has never diagnosed me with absolutely any mental health issues.

So the only one who is crazy is the ones who continue saying some one who has been medically proven by multiple Doctors licensed and have the Degrees and practices within the State to legally determine a mental health diagnosis in anyone. Who Keeps saying some one Who has on different occasions been cleared on all and any levels of having no mental health issues at all. It's like being negative on an HIV test and some one says you have HIV or Not diagnosed with breast cancer but some crazy person who wants you to be keeps saying you have these diseases.Or some nut saying you're addicted to opioids because you take Advil pm over the counter and you're medical records clearly y shows you are allergic to opioids and have no history of being prescribed anything but Ibuprofen for pain. This individual is crazy

Promotion of seeking professional Psychiatrist and psychologist who are competent enough to confidentially diagnose and treat thier patients mental health needs are the only ones qualified to discuss mental health in anyone. You want to be a Psychiatrist go work to be one other wise keep picking up trash off the side of the road. Most people who do this are projecting thier own personal battle with mental health and have set Infront of the same people I have a professional Psychiatrist Psychologist or therapist in the mental health field and they was diagnosed.

I have a healthy brain and sound mind I know this because it's been Psychiatrist and psychologist approved by board certified Doctors who are licensed professionals within mental health medical field in my State. Keep serving people your work is needed a sound mind is detrimental to live a independent healthy life .

My brain is sane certified who gives one care of what a manic has to say go take your meds please to ensure you don't become a threat to someone

@misterhat6395 - 22.04.2023 00:53

Lol 4 years. Most PhD programs are 6 years and most PsyD programs are 5 years, after that there’s usually post-doctoral training as well.

@TheBeverlyHillsPsychiatrist - 17.02.2023 00:52

The best psychiatrists do not just prescribe medications.

The field of psychiatry continues to be divided into fragmented areas of “specialization.” It may be difficult to clarify who does what. You may ask: What’s a MD, DO, LMFT, LCSW, PMHNP, PhD, PsyD, etc.? Who does therapy? Who doesn’t do therapy? What do all these terms mean? Why should I care?

The fact is that all psychiatrists are physicians (MD and DO). Many psychiatrists learn, understand and know how to employ appropriate therapeutic techniques and specific psychotherapy modes. Because psychiatrists (MD or DO) understand how to employ the broadest range of treatments of all the different types of “therapists” available, there is a clear advantage to having your therapist be a psychiatrist. While not all psychiatrists practice therapy, if you find one that does, it would benefit you to consider continual engagement with that psychiatrist. The best psychiatrist doesn’t just prescribe. They understand diagnosis, the wide range of treatments (therapy and medications) and know when to recommend one, the other or both.

@MrRobertFarr - 01.02.2023 01:48

I went to a Psychiatrist, she had a big group of followers.
Yes, I walked a long way there. I wondered about the economy. Qualifications. Jobs. I struggled to gain my Driving licence. Read, a book. And, looked at Stress.
Like. A list, of Stressful experiences!

@kaiyin3842 - 17.01.2023 22:15


@kaiyin3842 - 17.01.2023 22:15


@kaiyin3842 - 17.01.2023 22:15

All psychiatrists are SO STUPID

@kaiyin3842 - 17.01.2023 22:15

Psychiatrists are SO STUPID.

@kaiyin3842 - 17.01.2023 22:14

Psychiatrists are so stupid.

@tylerramelfanger2586 - 05.01.2023 01:48

I probably can't afford to even talk to a specialist lmao

@Unclebugs888 - 29.12.2022 00:14

Drug ppl, make dumbs.

@TheChallenger1000 - 26.12.2022 02:46

To become a Psychologist in the United States, you need:

- A Bachelor's degree = 4 years

- A Master's degree = 2 years

- A Doctorate in Psychology or Clinical Psychology = 3 years (or more)

- A clinical residency of between 1750 and 3500 hours depending on the state = 1-2 years

- Then you must pass the EPP exam

So before you can reach the point of working independently as a Licensed Psychologist who has earned the protected title of "Psychologist", it will take about 11-12 years.

And I would be remiss not to point out how difficult it has become in most states to even secure a clinical residency position to accumulate the hours you need to satisfy state licensure requirements. It's gotten so bad that it's caused a shortage and has made states like New York hand Psychologist level diagnosis and treatment responsibilities down to Licensed Mental Health Counselors.

@dmtdreamz7706 - 19.12.2022 20:49

Appearance without substance. Everything is a hallucination. So this moment right now is a hallucination. It's always been a hallucination. That's what reality is. In psychology hallucination means perception without any input or data. So traditionally if you go to a mental hospital and you're telling them that you're seeing psychologists, psychiatrists and doctors running around with stripes and polka dots, they'll say you're hallucinating.

@donshoemaker9029 - 15.12.2022 23:32

After watching this I still don’t know who I’m suppose to call

@laxmikantbhasme7076 - 11.12.2022 15:13

Pls advise how to overcome my problems to be successful

@laxmikantbhasme7076 - 11.12.2022 15:13

Intellectual creativity is one characteristic which every successful people to posses as it’s the main essence of highly successful people, looks am lagging, and want to develop it

@laxmikantbhasme7076 - 11.12.2022 15:12

Because of non usage of brain its got rusted which I feel bad, at times I feel if I would have used my brain ability my outcome would be at its best, I feel unfortunate about myself

@laxmikantbhasme7076 - 11.12.2022 15:12

3) Eventhough I try wake up early to prepare on my project, also meditate my internal ability would be weak, use less brain (might be due to procrastination) so I spend lots and lots of time on the subject, with very low output, even during meditation my internal desire would be low, again the same thing am not working to my ability, if I force to focus then very soon I loose it puts me to lazyness zone, Eventhough I desire to achieve, I try hard to raise my will power but because of my said weakness I failing to achieve, for someone to achieve should work very hard using full brain ability, should burn blood, work so that that failure shoukd run away but my weakness of non using brain, lazyness will not give success to me

@chrisharrison83 - 10.12.2022 22:07

It must have came out with this in the 80s when people started saying corporal tunnel from toilet water samples at the mall psyc👨‍⚖️I a rist //psychiatrist p is why criminal 👨‍⚖️ intelligence Armani cross rist !!👨‍⚖️ Swatch nigga you say 🧐 exchange that bitch judge!!

@munishgamer7329 - 01.12.2022 13:22


@timothy627 - 30.11.2022 07:19

Think you could talk tie your hands down . once stop talking with your hands this facts of truth or lies or misleading watch this in courts !! plus voice changed on levels of Uncertainty and your Read public ? How is your STOCK OPTIONS PORTFOLIO inside Trading based on drugs and other sales , Only telling this as this get forced on your self's , learn the word your used in any Discovery room and courts and worlds tone's with body talking as all lawyers police sheriff all getting this training for this reasons

@abdulbasit-fp9ub - 23.11.2022 14:27

Plzz content number plz

@ismailismail-zy1hs - 18.10.2022 00:02

psychiatry is the unnecessary evil of today’s world.

@destinyjacque7518 - 27.09.2022 17:07

i know we are all here for information but Dr. Sportelli is one handsome man hehe

@CherryCokeMCMXC - 22.09.2022 09:28

Hmmm I don't think this is very neutral when it comes about psychiatry vs psychology...

@minahilbutt6763 - 22.09.2022 00:41

Much needed!

@MariaVazquezGazmeySantiago - 18.09.2022 22:59

Santa Muerte 💀 ayudame con los enemigos, líbrame de los malos ojos, líbrame de los malos pensamientos, líbrame de los malos actos, líbrame de la violencia, líbrame de la corte, líbrame de la envidia, líbrame de la cárcel, líbrame de la prision, líbrame de los malos comentarios, líbrame de los malos rumores, líbrame de la pobreza, líbrame del abandono, líbrame de brujeria, líbrame de los malvados, líbrame de obstáculos negativos, líbrame de deudas, líbrame de malas noticias, líbrame de mala salud, líbrame de problemas, líbrame de malas llamadas, líbrame de planes ocultos de mis enemigos, líbrame de malas lenguas, líbrame de la ley, líbrame de problemas en mi casa, líbrame de problemas en mi matrimonio y de mi familia, líbrame de problemas de dinero, líbrame de rechazos, mentiras, y engaños, líbrame de cargos ocultos, líbrame de accidentes, líbrame de problemas de problemas de salud, líbrame de problemas de identificación, líbrame de problemas de redes sociales y de la información de la internet, líbrame de cualquier persona, cosa, lugar, o problema que me pueda causar daños . Santa Muerte 💀 no permitas que nada o nadie me pueda hacer daño , por favor acompañarme todos los días. Santa Muerte 💀 se mi abogado, defensor, ayudante, protector, y no me abandones nunca. Santa Muerte 💀 te pido que canceles toda obra de mal y no permitas que nada me haga daño. Santa Muerte 💀 perdona todos mis pecados, los de mi pasado, presente, y futuro. Santa Muerte 💀 llena mi vida de salud, dinero, amor, paz, libertad, felicidad, tranquilidad, armonia, trabajo, buena suerte, buena fortuna, buenos negocios, buenas noticias, buena familia, buenos amigos, inteligencia, conexiones, bendiciones, buena religión catolica, buenos hijos, buen hogar, buenas finanzas, y que todo lo bueno llegue ami vida siempre. Amen 🙏🏼

@jasonwaters382 - 14.09.2022 22:12

What Dr. Sportelli fails to mention is that despite the 12 years of training that psychiatrists have, compared with 11 for clinical psychologists and 6 for clinical social workers, there is not one shred of peer reviewed data that patients are better served by any of these professionals in psychotherapy. This is because psychotherapy, and working with people in general, is far more of an art than a science. Some people have what it takes to develop the art. Some don't. And the bulk of all university training is focused on academic knowledge. Not a good way to learn how to work with people especially in clinical settings.

@kaiyin3842 - 09.09.2022 14:25

Psychiatrists are nothing but wicked idiots. Psychologists are slightlyy better but still bad. They pretend to be the good cop while they don’t do sh*t as they see their psychiatrists colleagues behave like the bad cops and do sh*t to innocent patients.

@christinarivera7785 - 03.09.2022 20:47

I just need to know do they take Blue Cross and Blue shield

@gadi6563 - 23.08.2022 09:59

Pschiatrists treat their patient with medication psychologist treats their patients with therapy

@historicalfacts7609 - 16.08.2022 20:05

Biological psychologist

@historicalfacts7609 - 16.08.2022 20:05

Chinese academy of sciences institute of psychology

@billieburgess2075 - 04.08.2022 23:02

as for myself i use to be a LVN with a HHA ans an HUC But due to my health I never kept my certs up ,Went down ambulating a resident ended my Career blew my back out to a point it couldn't be fixed.can't ethicallyy fix a spin with more than 3vertabras effected in your lumbar spine without causeing issues and even more pain... But hey i'm alive and it could be worse.

@mattradek9348 - 02.08.2022 06:14

Doctor- "I will entitle you to happiness 😊 ❤ with an expensive medication 💊 😄!" Nazi experiments on Jews anyone?- "Brain Science"

@patrickliterallymebateman9892 - 14.07.2022 04:05

I get treatment from both, both is better than just one of them

@x9x1x6x - 13.07.2022 17:18

Psychiatry is a scam. They tell people they have low serotonin without measuring then prescribe SSRIs
