How To Lose Weight By Cycling | Healthy Weight Loss Tips On The Bike

How To Lose Weight By Cycling | Healthy Weight Loss Tips On The Bike

Global Cycling Network

4 года назад

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Colin Harvey
Colin Harvey - 05.10.2023 14:51

Soo… the way to lose weight cycling is a calorie deficit… and it seems to be slightly fiddly to do while providing enough calories for training on those training days.
Anyway, good cardio exercise and if you enjoy it, do it!

Chris Perry
Chris Perry - 07.09.2023 18:37

This one is a thumbs down for me, as I feel that it provided very little information regarding the subject. I know you guys are trying to be sensitive to people I live issues with the number they see on the scale and what you say about body, fat percentages is true, but some of us are truly overweight. The scale might not be the most important metric but when you’re carrying an extra 50 pounds like I am that number is important and is a metric that is easy to see. There are good fats in their bad fats, but the fat I am trying to lose, is visceral fat that is a danger to my life in the short term and in the long term so while I do appreciate the precedent, you were trying to set I feel like this was geared more to people who are already at a healthy level of body, fat or very near it I’m not towards those of us who are actively trying toboth improve our number on the scale and reduce our real fat

Mike Bollom
Mike Bollom - 14.08.2023 00:36

So far after taking up road riding, I’ve lost 34 pounds in approximately three months. Love GCN and follow daily.
I need to lose another 30 pounds for my ideal weight. It’s been really tough to ride in the 100 degree high humidity heat in Florida so I’m still leaning how to have a ride, don’t ride balance while attempting to lose that weight.

Phyllis Boone
Phyllis Boone - 03.08.2023 06:02

The first three letters of die...t spells ?

Topsiekku - 21.07.2023 13:03

No exercise will lose weight, only restricting eating, usually exercise increases hunger

Mason Dunlop
Mason Dunlop - 20.07.2023 09:42

What’s her @?

Alan Burns
Alan Burns - 18.07.2023 07:12

Why is she looking at that protein bar like that?!

Nikola Lukac
Nikola Lukac - 17.07.2023 23:29

Why always super slow motion parts of video?

The European Cyclepaths
The European Cyclepaths - 13.07.2023 18:52

Does this mean I can’t go to the pub anymore?
Cheers 🍺🍺🍺

Allyna E Ward
Allyna E Ward - 09.06.2023 16:43

I’d like to show this to my teenage students struggling with unrealistic body standards!

Nyaa Tama
Nyaa Tama - 21.05.2023 09:05

Healthy fat loss. Starve yourself?

Max Peters
Max Peters - 16.05.2023 22:20

Such a good vid. Thanks guys.

brittle - 03.05.2023 22:01

Losing weight is not about doing any specific activity, cycling included. It is purely based on caloric intake versus calories burned.

Auto - 23.03.2023 21:53

i wish I can get me a cycling girlfriend some day, they have such slender figures usually. and its insanely nice to have something like cycling in common

Realms of Pixelation
Realms of Pixelation - 06.03.2023 20:43

You can definitely lose weight if you ride often enough. The problem is, you're wearing out your knees and also getting kidney stones if you don't drink enough.

Cauliflower Head
Cauliflower Head - 06.03.2023 10:10

I am an absolute beginner and new to fitness. This video pretty much answered all of the questions I had. Thank you so much! you have inspired me to start my cycling journey in earnest.

Josh Podejko
Josh Podejko - 15.02.2023 11:15

Very happy with. Worked as well as i expected

lIlIlIlIlIlIlIlIlI - 01.02.2023 23:32

nutters, im just trying to lose weight cycling to work

Aryana Smith
Aryana Smith - 10.01.2023 09:39

Thanks for sharing such a video. Much needed. It was so convincing. Nice work.

Leon Brookes
Leon Brookes - 28.12.2022 03:39

Calorie (not calory)

Dont be sad Keep smiling
Dont be sad Keep smiling - 09.12.2022 14:49

that was a beautiful bike T-T

TheHumanBodyTalk - 30.11.2022 14:59

Wow wat a great video👌🏻 I gonna break this down in a video 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Ramón BS
Ramón BS - 26.11.2022 05:26

Horrible disorganized video.

Chris Peters
Chris Peters - 07.11.2022 02:29

This video was useless

Adamas Oldblade
Adamas Oldblade - 28.10.2022 14:46

I clicked on this video hoping to get some positive thinking going and instead became immensely more depressed on how I’ll never achieve anything.

Rozzy Pozzy
Rozzy Pozzy - 18.10.2022 09:06

i started cycling in august and it pushed me off my weight loss plateau! im almost to my first goal weight of 200lbs down from 235 over the last year!

Trap 71
Trap 71 - 13.10.2022 06:21

If I overeat on certain days, I find either a long ride to burn the excess calories to be effective. On days when I don't have time, I just swallow a finger until the calories evacuate themselves.

noodlesmoolman - 09.10.2022 06:28

How to say a plant based diet is the best without saying a plant based diet is the best....

Ah but i only eat it every 3 days. Ahh yes GCN made a fully plant based recipe book but I so still eat meat.. lol. Hypocryts. How about cut out that meat you eating once a week, and use that will power training IN your fitness workout too. Because strong will power during training and racing is equally as important. And EAT PLANT BASED

J3SS !!
J3SS !! - 08.10.2022 16:18

Great video❤

ffskier dune
ffskier dune - 27.09.2022 17:27

Most pros have an ectomorph body structure. Very skinny (compared to the norm) and have a difficult time putting on fat. (Si, Dan, Olie, Conner etc.) Food intake is the biggest factor (about 90%) in any weight loss. Exercise is the gravy (no pun intended). The idea that carbs are good or bad, that fat is good or bad, or that protein is good or bad is just wrong thinking. Food is more than just macros. Eliminating entire food groups long-term has an effect on the body. Remember all food has a duality. Too much is not good and too little is not good. Eat the best quality food when possible. Balance is the way to go long-term. Humans, over the long term, were designed to eat ad libitum, whatever, whenever, and feast and famine. A calorie from protein, carbs, and fat is equal by definition in terms of their energy content, but the body processes each in a distinct way. For example, 500 calories of wild salmon vs 500 calories of cake will react metabolically completely differently in the body and will vary depending on the individual, and these differences have real implications for weight management. Finally, my salary is not determined by my power-to-weight ratio.

abdullah abdulaziz
abdullah abdulaziz - 26.09.2022 10:43

I started cycling when i was 100kg now I'm 120
yeah you should cycle regularly and look what you are eating or else i will be 135 soon

Jackson Bangs
Jackson Bangs - 24.09.2022 08:49

Now that I am 30 years old, I look back at myself when I was 10 and think, " boy I sure have changed".

Jackson Bangs
Jackson Bangs - 24.09.2022 08:47

I was chubby in my youth, but as soon as I started bicycling large fun miles, the pounds started to fade away.

Jackson Bangs
Jackson Bangs - 24.09.2022 08:45

Good video with good tips towards a fun and healthy lifestyle.

Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres - 21.09.2022 16:42

I lost 40lbs, in about 4 months. Since I lost the 40lbs I have stayed at my weight. For a few months but still biking

richard c
richard c - 19.09.2022 09:23

Calorie counting is the way forward. I have a Fitbit and as well as tracking the calories burnt, I can scan all my food and put in calories eaten. It makes you stop and think before having that extra biscuit.

UFC Photographer
UFC Photographer - 17.09.2022 13:15

I’ve lost zero. Weight and I ride 12 miles (19km) 5x per week.

Susan Rodrigues
Susan Rodrigues - 09.09.2022 18:51

I ride for hours everyday and do not lose weight.

Kavish Mishra
Kavish Mishra - 31.08.2022 05:40

Superb, very informative, so thanks for creating this video.

Leah Boyer
Leah Boyer - 12.08.2022 02:28

I am currently biking to work as weather and health permits 3.7 miles one way and then home if my work shifts allow. I am super hopeful that over the next year I'll lose the weight I've never been able to shed since high school. Currently 224 pounds. I can do it! While cycling for me isn't about sports, I do enjoy the exercise and look forward to pushing to biking to other places such as the store and the theaters etc. Thanks for the vid!

Yours Truly
Yours Truly - 05.08.2022 06:12

How to lose weight? Cycle 500km every day and dont eat anything at all. There you go

Deweq - 02.08.2022 17:16

This video is 100% what i was looking for..

Great video!!

Giveover - 31.07.2022 00:55

5 cubes of sugar in one Banana 🍌 not good for you.

Bjørn Clancey-furali
Bjørn Clancey-furali - 30.07.2022 12:09

After baking some nice (and sugary) bars from GCN i have gained an not small amount of weight.

Brian - 29.07.2022 10:38

Always remember that weight is lost mainly through reduced caloric intake (dieting). The exercise is good in itself, but only helps a bit with the weight loss. 😉😎

I have to say, though, that I disagree with the food pyramid. All those incredibly starchy foods in the second tier need to be reduced. Put them near the top of the pile.

Asia Stormy
Asia Stormy - 28.07.2022 22:04

The Food Pyramid is outdated and causes many of the diet problems faced by people today. And the protein portion is crucial to lean meat.

Basic Nutrients facts: FATS= Energy. Carbs = Faster Energy Protein = Tissue building (Muscle, bone, organs, hair, nails..etc) and repair and maintenance of those body parts.

2500 CAL is high. The base should be at 2000 CAL ANd deficit should start about 300-500 CAL from that 2000 CAL base. Most people live too sedated a lifestyle to buy thru 2500 CAL a day.

And that is just the tip of the ice berg to regaining your health back to an acceptable level nutrition wise before you even get on your bike or walk or jog...etc. Nutrition and understanding how and what food does what with your body is very crucial but RARELY taught even by DOCTORS. Which is why people in general tend to fail in their path to improving their diet or health and ends up going back to all the bad habits.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 28.07.2022 15:59

Went from 170lbs to 135lbs in 6 months by doing 2 days of circuit weight training and 1 massive 4-5 hour ride per week staying predominantly in Zones 1 and 2. So 3 days of week of working out and I really owe it to the long ride that help me burn the fat off. I did not start off in month 1 riding 5 hours but started with an hour and every couple of weeks I increased it by a half hour. I am a true believer that you only have to ride the bike once a week as long as you're doing some form of exercise on other days of the week. If you are overweight there's no way I would recommend going for a run because it's too hard on the joints and you'll end up injured that's why I chose the cycling venue.
