Bright Memory: Infinite | Review in 3 Minutes

Bright Memory: Infinite | Review in 3 Minutes

The Escapist

3 года назад

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@nicklager1666 - 12.11.2021 20:06

It feels like the visuals just blend together in a muddled mess to me. Might be something worth a look on a sale.

@84jesterx - 12.11.2021 20:11

Well done and unbiased review...HOWEVER you didn't even bother to mention (or maybe didn't know) the developer size for this game, which is why this product is getting a spotlight. Bright Memory was originally developed by ONE PERSON. Literally, look it up. Which then Infinite obviously did grow to maybe only a few more people as needed, but mostly it's been almost a one person showcase. The game obviously has limitations and it shows when you compare it to most AAA developed shooters. But you can't help but be impressed with what this small team achieved here. Also, original owners of Bright Memory were provided a free upgrade to Infinite.

@01oo011 - 12.11.2021 20:13

For the price it may be worth checking out.

@minias1444 - 12.11.2021 20:25

Infinite is 3 hours long? Is that... maybe overselling it a bit?

@MichaelChisholmChizzieRascal - 12.11.2021 20:26

Seeing so many enemies with health bars in a shooter is a little disapointing.

@ArthurDraco - 12.11.2021 20:27

Call of Duty on indie budget

@FireBomberBassist - 12.11.2021 20:38

That swimming animation scared me.

@DiplomatGaming - 12.11.2021 20:42

The game is meant to be played on a gaming PC maxed out with mouse & keyboard.

@rubz1390 - 12.11.2021 20:44

Look like Shadow Warrior 2013 without monsters.

@MrPsymind - 12.11.2021 20:59

for the price this seems a very good deal. I for one bought the earlier version for an even lower price and got the new one for free. Dev deserves commendation for that alone.

@casuallyspelic9145 - 12.11.2021 21:23

Is it just me or is the placement of the camera really low.

@gogeterdone - 12.11.2021 21:30

Still, pretty fucking awesome for a game made by one person. 👏 👏👏

@e2rqey - 12.11.2021 22:36

Is the person in the gameplay crouching all of the time or are they just that short in-game?

@BlueAversion - 12.11.2021 23:19

$20 seems a pretty steep price for the small amount of content.

@WeeklyMusicalShitposts - 13.11.2021 00:25

I'm glad they finally made this. Bright Memory 1 through Infinity-minus-one just left too many loose ends.

@Cryten0 - 13.11.2021 00:57

A black hole appeared on earth? Why is there an earth left afterwards?

@DEATHrocket777 - 13.11.2021 02:23

Wang-less Shadow Warrior

@RichardJRussell - 13.11.2021 16:21

So... you know when you get a game with a female main character and, sooner or later, someone brings out a mod to put her in a bikini or some such. With this game that's the developer. In a game that is played in first person and you only see your character in cut-scenes, you can BUY an assortment of bikini mods.

@wilkic2 - 13.11.2021 18:11

Excellent review. Hit all the key topics with good pacing and energy. I’m not a big FPS guy but you gave me a great visual and mechanical impression of how it would be to play. I may pick this up on sale. Looking forward to your next review, Jesse

@samuelhunter4631 - 13.11.2021 22:09

Summary:"It's...nice, BUT"

@mA5Hine - 13.11.2021 22:13

Isn't the title pronounced "Bright memory HEAVE infinite"?

@skepticalfan - 14.11.2021 03:19

Way to short

@cmdell4693 - 14.11.2021 03:40

One person made it, and honetly the footage you showed of bugs were kinda your own fault, you super punched yourself into electrified water and you failed to wall run.

@VeritabIlIti - 14.11.2021 21:22

I was about to say, when did Microsoft pull its attention off of this? Now I see why...

@stormboss57 - 15.11.2021 12:34

Add this lady protagonist right in to Shadow Warrior 3

@nightcatarts - 16.11.2021 02:18

Looks like a prettier, shorter Shadow Warrior remake.

@TheCreepypro - 18.11.2021 06:45

I wish the developer well but this isn't for me

@ducksauce2696 - 19.11.2021 15:55

I do not think the pricing is steep. Plenty of gamers spend 20 bucks on something as dumb as an ingame skins or battle passes these days. Besides walking sims like Edith Finch and Gone Home are shorter, have the same price and yet they are really popular among video game journalists. They showered those games with praise when they released not minding the short playtime and light to no gameplay mechanics. There is no clear guideline to whether this should be a negative mark on the games scoreboard or not. In the end it comes down to personal preference if you are willing to spend 20 bucks on a short game. A movie ticket plus a drink is 20 bucks these days as well and you can't replay it.

@truthbetold6496 - 22.11.2021 17:12

Made by one person yeah good game hell no, its pretty bad, bad plateforming bad stealth parts when you aim the gun stays high.... glade i did not pay for this junk
