Project Zomboid Muldraugh Survival Guide

Project Zomboid Muldraugh Survival Guide

Blorpo's Zomboid Tips

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@HotHatCat - 08.08.2024 00:47

thats really useful for me because i usually start at muldraugh or start in rosewood and go to muldraugh after gearing up. great video btw.

@anonymouse2675 - 08.08.2024 06:18

Now THIS is an awesome video! No fluff. No filler. TONS of great information, and we didn't have to sit through 40 minuets of pointless talking. Great Job!

Hmm. Is there Canning in Project Zomboid? Is that a viable way to preserve food without refrigeration or electricity? If so, then how do we do this? Where do we get the stuff we need, like jars and lids? What foods are cannable?

@Cpotpie - 08.08.2024 07:50

Commenting as I go so you may get another,

I wish you would’ve said WHY you prefer that place and justified it a bit better. /g kinda left open on why you prefer that house. I typically like to move to that storage place you mentioned about 1.5 m in. It’s already got a fence built and if you’re lucky you can save the gates. When you clear it you’ve basically got all the industrial supplies you need and a well defended base with a prebuilt fence

Edit : my b not that storage unit. The other one.

@Cpotpie - 08.08.2024 07:57

Good overview of muldraugh mah dude

@timsanders33 - 08.08.2024 15:42

Noob question from someone thinking about buying pz. How come there are no zombies in the buildings?

@zaneg7095 - 08.08.2024 16:15

Thanks. Thats a really good guide.

@SebastianFlint-n1v - 08.08.2024 18:04

Thanks for the tips broski

@Christ_rules - 08.08.2024 23:43

i just survived my first horde in westpoint i was clearing out the south with my trusty short shotgun and boom 40 zombies after me from no where i was so terrifyed

@Retro-Iron11 - 09.08.2024 09:29

I always choose the house that is on the corner of the access to the lake as my base house. It's got 3 sides are the big wood fences. I found you can get rid of the hedges by pouring gravel on them. I also have 6 400 barrels feeding the kitchen sink and managed to also got one to feed the washing machine. I've actually spawned there before a few times too as well as each house next door up and to the left of it. I set up traps down at the lake and also cleared the forest so it's a straight run down now instead of that path that zig zags. I never got that many generators but I do have 3 sledge hammers and I never went inside the logging co yet.

@dnegelyt - 09.08.2024 12:59


@DiabloGoldSecrets - 14.08.2024 13:36

Amazing vid. I do this and build my mega base at the “fish here spot” late game. My starter home is across from yours haha, I break the wooden fence to go straight south east into the woods towards the lake. During the winter I build a road out of wood from the lake to the fenced neighborhood where we both start in. At this point I’ll start traveling to other towns for their big pois.

@campin_sasquatch7740 - 15.08.2024 19:29

I'm based at the farm. I tell everyone, the woods are haunted stay out of them 😂

@BaseDeltaZero1972 - 27.08.2024 15:30

My early days of PZ, I always made the Mass-Genfac Warehouse my base, it has loads of space to build a whole 2nd floor living area, easy to make a nice rooftop garden etc and you'll find most tools you need there...even the sledgehammer turns up there occasionally.

I still recommend it to noobs.

@Gomek_ - 28.08.2024 04:01

can you do one of these for westpoint?

@Obuyenboutique - 31.08.2024 02:19

Only 1 more sub to go!!!!!! Come on people, hit that subscribe button.

@GreenSkinGentleman - 21.09.2024 19:59

I'm basing up in the Dixie Gas Station/Clothing Store area and this really helpful because I don't know where to loot in Muldraugh. Took me forever to find books since the elementary school and the adult center didn't have them. Didn't know that the logging company buildings had tools, I thought it was just a bunch of logs.

Had experience with the northern warehouse before. It's a good base, but the garage doors are hard to secure since you can't fortify or repair them. But you can seal off the second floor without a sledgehammer or the fence cheese by placing office cubicles in the facing south and east, then place furniture behind them (basically the same fence cheese but it's removable and only works if it's facing south and east)

@Paszzk - 30.10.2024 22:27

i only saw the 1st second of this and chose muldraugh for the 1st time and holy the luckiest shit happened, a survivor base was right next to my starter house, a car with gas was also right next to it, i found zombies with a large bag and a hiking bag in a store right next to my house, 1 zombie even had that shirt with the face on it and there were so many axes i was in axe heaven i love muldraugh so much
EDIT: i forgot to mention i got the car key for the car with gas from a zombie with a suit on that just happened to be right next to my house, thats mostly it because after all of those happened i just put cheats on and turned on ghost mode to ss it all

@redtsun67 - 01.11.2024 04:03

I actually really like the storage area on the far right, next to the mechanic. Spacious lot for lots of cars to take apart for parts and XP, also plenty of space for a farm. The large storage units can make for some really comfy bases, or you can put everything in the brick building in the corner.

@edwardmarcus8353 - 02.12.2024 23:03

Solid location. I quite like the house across the street from your base. It's got the shed, ample space for farming, easy access to the forest for wood, walkable to the pharmacy and store, then backroad access for a quick drive to rush the west side bar, gas station, storage, and the warehouse. That said, I die a lot. A lot a lot.

@adensucksatairsoft - 24.12.2024 11:25

I unironically am watching this video from that house you said you like

@IShowJit - 06.01.2025 06:19

Remake for B42?

@polepino - 10.01.2025 15:21

Funny I use the house that's across from yours as the road curves to the right, the corner lot that's kind of closest to the lake with the open fence to the wooded area, in the same tall fenced neighborhood, ive walled off streets so that pretty much the whole neighborhood is safe. I actually highly recommend the neighborhood for beginners, it's easy to wall off the streets and create a protected low Z pop area, that you can farm in and when you put generators on if you want it can be up against the southern forest.

@wxmyjnsn - 11.01.2025 18:13

They totally redid this area in B42. The Police Station is now a good base. It doesn't have a stove but there are a few houses nearby. High fences and only one opening to close off with a gate.

@seriousb3449 - 18.01.2025 08:04

Lolz thats funny. New player. Actually picked the same house

@LoneVocalist - 19.02.2025 13:19

why aren't zombies attacking you?

@GigsTaggart - 22.08.2024 02:14

Take a drink every time he says typically.
