World's Most Emotional Music • "REGRETS" by Shaheen Fahmy & Phoenix Music (feat. Lara Ausensi)

World's Most Emotional Music • "REGRETS" by Shaheen Fahmy & Phoenix Music (feat. Lara Ausensi)

Epic Music World

3 месяца назад

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@ShaheenFahmy - 16.03.2024 19:23

Thank you for the promotion and the lovely feedback we have received for our album and especially for this track 😊🙏

@johntest6298 - 22.03.2024 17:14

nice tracks

@trux1763 - 20.03.2024 19:07


@mikep.coplin6800 - 18.03.2024 04:11

Three more years until the end of my fifty year normal human self test ends, to see if I can save my soul like everyone else. When that happens I will be flying your way. This music reminds me of the peace and higher grounds of the planetary registration shries, that floats in reserved planet build space, for future completion of your planet. Cool tune little hottie ;-)

@josemanuelrodriguezserrano75 - 17.03.2024 14:17


@DimitriKurkov - 17.03.2024 04:53

When we were before the eyes of the Lord and men, I swore to always treasure her. I did not lie.

When I was with her to hear her father's last words, I promised him I would do everything for her. I did not lie.

When you automatons and your blasted armada came to our planet, I held her in my arms and swore that I will keep her safe. I did not lie.

When we were at the dock for the last transport ship off world, I kissed her and promised... I promised... that I will find her. I... did not lie.

When I stood there... and watched as you bastards blasted the transport right out of the sky, I swore that I will make every last one of you pay. I did not lie.

So listen up you sons of bitches, I know you know where I am. Your algorithm must have finished pin pointing where I'm sending this from. COME AND GET ME. I'LL BE WAITING FOR YOU BASTARDS.

Last transmission recorded from Automatons facility Epsilon 4 on Malevelon Creek. Epsilon 4 was subsequently under assault from a combined force of Automatons troops and heavy assets. The facility was then destroyed by presumably the detonation of five unexploded 500 kgs bomb throughout the facility, wiping out all combatants in the area. The transmission was believed to be from retired Helldiver Carl "Simp" Connor.

@thepecosand4882 - 17.03.2024 01:27

Que gran música 👏👏

@hollymatton474 - 17.03.2024 00:35

Beautiful ❤❤

@susanneha.5497 - 17.03.2024 00:03

Schade, dass es so kurz ist. Es ist inspirierend und löst Gänsehaut bei mir aus. Es ist so voller Kraft ❤🌕🖌

Es klingt wunderschön aber ebenso unvollständig

@BenBerkenboschMusic - 17.03.2024 00:00

AMAZING work Shaheen 😍😍😍

@didierpelupessy - 16.03.2024 23:04

“Is it…? No, it’s not supposed to be my turn yet.
It should be… ah, I see. That means he’s fallen before his time.
Precious few of us left then, isn’t there? Fewer every year.
If he’s gone that leaves…
Just us, doesn’t it?
I’m sorry, my thoughts are somewhat scattered. He was my friend after all.
I wonder if he knew that. I never told him, not outright. I think he knew.
He knew.

@bernhardstil6128 - 16.03.2024 23:02

Really beautiful. Kinda reminds me of House of the Dragon but that might just be me.

@SeleKatalin - 16.03.2024 21:32

Cele mai crunte regrete sunt, atunci când nu ți-ai îndeplinit acele obiective pentru care te-ai înrolat înainte de naștere. Și regretele vor fi imposibil de suportat pentru sufletul trecut în neființă, atât de mult suferă, încât, bântuirea îi va rămâne singurul mod de a-și calma suferința, care fără minte și Ego e imposibil de controlat. Și acum regretele sunt mult mai mult decât, COLOSALE ✨

@florianpm - 16.03.2024 21:23

Wow. Lara's voice never disappoints, literally got chills all along... Amazing work! 🫶

@Music_From_The_Soul - 16.03.2024 19:18

A very "cinematic" song. Beautiful.

@44hydras28 - 16.03.2024 18:28

"It's not death that should frighten us. Living with the choices we've made along the way, those regrets, that's what should really scare us."

@andrewsun4385 - 16.03.2024 18:24


@amangogna68 - 16.03.2024 17:28

Fantastic music and amazing vocals ! ❤

@jehosafatcarrizales3119 - 16.03.2024 16:43

Awesome music as always, really makes you think all the crap I might he doing in my past

@JesusIsComing-ru5tw - 16.03.2024 16:21


@Dknight72L - 16.03.2024 16:18

Wow... no words just an emotional feeling that consumes you in a way that cannot be defined. 😢🥺😔

@millerlucerojames - 16.03.2024 16:11

Before we parted ways ... she asked if i had any regrets .. i told her " there are many i have .. and so few i remember but the regret i will have is not being by your side .. " she turned her back to me as i left ... her words " my only regret was never telling you how i felt ... that i love you "

@Coreybradley08 - 16.03.2024 16:04

This song truly touched my heart deeply my regret is not meeting my current partner she is everything I wish I had met during my younger years 💗💓😘💋❤️💕

@CA-vo6ky - 16.03.2024 16:03

Beautiful as always it reminds of something but I can’t remember from where

@trinphimolsri9027 - 16.03.2024 16:01

😊i like this song😅
