The Best Settings For Streets Of Tarkov (Patch 14 Update)

The Best Settings For Streets Of Tarkov (Patch 14 Update)


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@klemintime1452 - 01.02.2024 03:18

Thanks for making this video and mentioning me in it! Tarkov really needs more of this solid info circulated in the larger Tarkov creator scene so I'm glad you stepped up. Very clean, simple explanations without any of the additional fluff or exaggerated numbers. Hopefully, your video will allow a much bigger audience to get a better idea about these settings and clear up all the clickbaity misinfo that continues to float around. Good work man, and thanks again :D

@scott7892 - 04.02.2024 04:43

Potato settings guide

@mookmanic - 04.02.2024 03:50

if anybody is due for a CPU upgrade i highly recommend the 5800X3D. it makes tarkov run like butter on streets at 1440p. i recently upgraded from a 3700x where i was getting 50-80fps on streets, now i’m getting 90-120 at all times depending my location on the map. the 1% low increases delete the old stuttering and inconsistent frame drops.

@CynicalVapsta - 04.02.2024 03:16


@hyena-chase2176 - 04.02.2024 01:03

nice vid ta, i was playing this game on my friends pc he has 12700k and 6700x ,i have the 5800x3D same gpu and i get better
fps,so you right about the 3D cache

@suh2456 - 03.02.2024 23:24

For the option "Only use physical cores" it worked dramatically on my PC for a short time until I did a complete fresh install of everything on my computer and now the setting does absolutely nothing for my system. I wish I had more experience and knowledge of the operation and internal stuff going on to get a better understanding of why that was. To be fair as well I don't think my CPU was actually performing properly until I had done the fresh install.

@meinnase - 03.02.2024 22:13

The mipstreaming thing for some reason only happens on factory for me, i didnt turn it off regardless because it didnt seem like i was getting any performance boost out of it either way.

No issues on Shoreline for me, really only streets still sucks, im on 8gig vram too, but i got 48gig ram, maybe tarkov wants more than 32 now? lmao

@tommasosevergnini7339 - 03.02.2024 12:35

I did everything you said, but the green aura around the arms and weapon still doesn't appear.

@Phoenics2 - 03.02.2024 04:17

I honestly think there should be an overall lower texture resolution mode and a way to toggle the character on the loading screen on or off that would help load times and performance (at least for me)

@goofball99100 - 02.02.2024 21:42

What a goat

@buddymac1 - 02.02.2024 18:30

Personally I followed your video where you upgraded from a 3700x to 5800x3d this wipe and I found I now get 90+ frames on steets

@SirEatsALot94 - 02.02.2024 13:19

Automatic ram cleaner does work. But only when you esc-key when in raid

@Getsomeshock - 02.02.2024 11:17

Please don't call it AI. Its just a program.

@grev. - 02.02.2024 06:46

ram cleaner just dumps tarkov memory to the page file, don't use it

@Raecrisos - 02.02.2024 03:32

I really hate this game optimization to be honest I have been always undervolt freak and for playing the game I have already upgraded ram which help with stutter but performance in 1-2 raid keep geting worst and worst I even take a weeks to stabilize my overclock turned out it doesn't help much , but miniscule FPS increase I mean literally 2-4 fps. The autocleaner needs to be run for sometime I think it clean the game clutter and takes few minutes for the Ram to stabilize moved to Standby list then you have to free up the standby list you will stutter when enabling all time unless you have giga PC

@theman101441 - 02.02.2024 03:26

In my opinion fsr is better because its 90% as good as dlss if not just as good the plus side is if you are using a 10 series or older dlss is not usable period where as fsr is

@devonmaple969 - 02.02.2024 03:21

I have 5600x cpu and checking the "use only physical cores" did boost my fps by 5. Overclocking my gpu (stable overclock) boosted my fps by another 5. Also, USE AUTOMATIC RAM CLEANER! when your raid feels sluggish or you've been playing for a while. All you have to do to clear ram is hit ESC and bam. Ram is cleaned up instantly.

@B.D.B. - 02.02.2024 02:16

Anisotropic filtering hasn't had a measurable performance hit in at least 20 years, I have no idea why it's even an option. Z-Blur, chromatic aberration, noise and grass shadows are all post processing and have very little performance impact, but they will make it harder to spot enemies in specific scenarios. Z-Blur hinders you the least and looks nice, so I keep it on. Shadows and HBAO are your biggest enemies in wooded areas.

@Topher_Guy - 02.02.2024 02:11

What a useless video if you have any sort of any idea on how graphic settings work.... No surprises here at all

@IVIDK1987 - 02.02.2024 01:52

I went into factory at night and went into the room by dead scav and found out dlss quality and hbao off i could see just a little tiny bit better. Just a heads up.

@carlsonbench1827 - 02.02.2024 00:36

This video is bad. It harms your efforts at portraying yourself as a credible professional. The thumbnail doesn’t match the content.

@thelonepacifist - 02.02.2024 00:32

The only thing I have done this wipe was check lower the textures for streets. I got a 1070 card and content with playing at 60fps at 1440 with mid settings.

@codypatterson9771 - 01.02.2024 22:02

How do I get rid of the stuttering and lag?

@FutureLaugh - 01.02.2024 21:44

this is pathetic, the fact we need to have NASA PCs just to supplement the refusal of BSG to fix their spaghetti code. I guarantee you most normal incomes in russia would not be afford a PC to play this game. If they only optimized their game then everyone would be able to play

@nunyabusiness2597 - 01.02.2024 21:40

this video could have been 4 minutes man, jesus christ just show the settings and the performance.

@macandcheezus7376 - 01.02.2024 21:16

gigabeef is the comprehensive explanation GOAT

@AkirySK - 01.02.2024 20:49

well crap.... textures reset to high for me too and didnt notice till you said something. i just thought 14.0 was too much for my little 3070 too

@gmclucy - 01.02.2024 20:23

hopefully this helps me, I've been having really bad issues with clarity and being able to see in the game for some reason, stuff beyond 30 meters becomes so blurry pixelated that I'm having a hard time doing tarkov shooter because I cant even hardly see the scavs at that distance

@veerkillerx - 01.02.2024 19:52

I play with FSR and it suuuuucks. Vram too low to work with anything else at the moment tho.

@twelvenation985 - 01.02.2024 19:38

when you see vram full it prob is not full the game just requests all of it and then uses what it needs

@bryski5990 - 01.02.2024 18:46

The fact that there are an infinite amount of "tarkov settings" videos, just tells us that BSG really needs to work on optimization, lighting and graphics quality in general. It should be a top priority.

@DKLYF - 01.02.2024 18:42

the game SHOULD NOT need this much fucking around just to get it to a playable state. Why the fuck isnt bsg optimising the game themselves this is beyond a joke. This would not be acceptable for ANY other game in this day and age but for some reason tarkov players just cope with it.

@sinister_j - 01.02.2024 18:14

Dude why dont you go straitgh to the point instead of speaking and speaking. it make everything confusing.... I dont care to know that DLSS can produce artefact, i just want to try your setting and see if there is improvement. PLease next time, go straight to the polint setting after setting.

@skeevythewizzard5465 - 01.02.2024 17:03

Most of games nowdays: Pay-to-win with in-game items
EFT: Pay-to-win with PC upgrades

@deceivefatal7200 - 01.02.2024 16:05

i tried to put all my settings to the lowest possible for maximum fps, including stretching the resolution. Which was successful until a grenade landed anywhere near me and would lag/crash my game

@susan-wojcicki-is-still-a-jew - 01.02.2024 15:54

Nice of BSG to make the game run even worse somehow this wipe

@paulrein4444 - 01.02.2024 15:30

Try using the Ultima thermal camera and a holo sight together with DLSS on, ghosting is awful can't use it until fixed

@SirPenguino - 01.02.2024 15:22

i actually was having issues with ghosting on my reticles which is why i turned it off but i loved the video :D

@BM050 - 01.02.2024 15:04

Dude, I litterly just coppied your settings from your last year video lol. Was wondering why everything was loading in so aweful, Mip Streaming not working explains it. Thanks for the good explanatory video's. You know what you are talking about techwise. Also I finally could craft 366-APM and they banned it from the flea 🥲 bit of a bummer, but probably for the best.

@cckin2u - 01.02.2024 14:40

Im playing on 1440p, cpu upgraded from 3800x to 5800x3d, i noticed some minor improvements on maps other that lighthouse and streets, maybe more frequent high fps.
Then upgraded gpu from 5700xt 8gb to 7800xt 16gb and saw massive improvement, specially on lighthouse and streets!
I love to run lighthouse now since scoping in does not tank fps at all.

Edit: 32gb 3600mhz gskill ram

@GmodFilmsTR - 01.02.2024 14:34

do you have the 240hz or 165hz ultragear? do you recommend your monitor?

@Agent_Eli - 01.02.2024 13:40

I have nearly an Identical setup (3700 RTX + Ryzen 7 5800X3D) and can totally back you up on the CPU claim: this game absolutely benefits from the extra cache on there. The performance I saw after the upgrade was almost unbelievable.

@mircocutrupi1706 - 01.02.2024 13:39

Best settings: buy new pc components. For the rest, it's up to you.

Nice, Thanks.

@CalHeWhoDares - 01.02.2024 13:35

Thanks for this mate 👍

@ugimoto2935 - 01.02.2024 13:23

My 12900k @5.2ghz + rtx 4080 suprim x @ 3ghz = high quality @uwqhd 👌 works like a charm

@Uldaa - 01.02.2024 13:21

Klemintime’s video is the one to check out for sure.

I recommend everyone here to understand what each option does and do the settings ON YOUR OWN judgement. Performance in this game is HIGHLY dependant on hardware and thus copying your favorite streamers options wont lead to desired effects more often than not.

Giga here states that HBAO ought to be disabled, while in my experience it’s one single setting that makes game environments have depth and just looks really good. The gun bloom thing in specific scenario is a non factor as you dont look at your gun when playing anyway.
SSR will tax your GPU in specific and textures will start jittering when GPU at higher clocks (try overclocking your gpu, your puddle reflections will go nuts immediately)

Details like this are missed by most content creators that do not go full rtard on optimizing performance (and its good they dont tbh, its a complete pain).

As for external software/settings, here is a list that is most impactful:
Process Lasso does wonders for stutters specifically. It enables use of only physical cores of your CPU and actually works (in game version does not).
Nvidia rBAR increases your GPU’s performance output. It can be enabled within Nvidia Inspector sofware.
Intelligent Stand By List cleaner is RAM cleaner software that works in the background instead of asking you to press Escape key in game.
Nvidia Control Panel -> Adjust desktop color settings section is where you can make basic customization to colors, brightness, contrast of your game. This wont affect game performance like Post FX does.

Happy to answer any specific, additional questions anyone might have.
Have a beautiful day, everyone

@NovaAge - 01.02.2024 13:18

It is hilarious to me how Tarkov has a graphical option for a specific map, it feels like an admittal of defeat that either the map is too ambitious or that they can't optimise it properly lmao.

To draw comparisons: imagine if TF2 had a low graphics option for Wutville specifically.

@sthlmfps - 01.02.2024 13:14

I really enjoy vids like this even though nothing really seem to help and i just need to get an upgrade for my 13 year old cpu 😂

@rudiausbuddeln - 01.02.2024 13:08

youre talking way too much offtopic awful video

@frederikgoogel5611 - 01.02.2024 12:13

The lack of ambient occlusion kills me.
