LEAKED! Central Banks Have FINALLY Revealed Their Master Plan for Gold & Silver - Andy Schectman

LEAKED! Central Banks Have FINALLY Revealed Their Master Plan for Gold & Silver - Andy Schectman

Money Sense

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LEAKED! Central Banks Have FINALLY Revealed Their Master Plan for Gold & Silver - Andy Schectman

Gold plays a crucial role in central banks' portfolio diversification and risk mitigation strategies. Its status as a low-risk, real asset that maintains value across economic cycles makes it an attractive option for financial institutions worldwide. For example, the Reserve Bank of India allocates approximately 8% of its reserves to gold.
Andy Schectman, a renowned expert in precious metals, particularly gold and silver, views the increasing interest in gold as a gradual but significant shift in the global financial landscape. He describes this phenomenon as a "changing of the guards," with gold being remonetized globally. While Schectman considers silver the most undervalued asset, he believes gold will play a more critical role from a monetary theory perspective.
Recent developments support Schectman's observations. Zimbabwe's central bank, for instance, recently introduced a new gold-backed currency called Zimbabwe Gold to combat inflation, which reached a seven-month high of 55% in March. This move underscores the growing trend of nations turning to gold as a stabilizing force in their economies.
Schectman argues that while silver offers more significant potential for price appreciation and volatility, gold's status as a tier-one asset globally gives it a unique position in the financial world. He predicts gold will play a significant role in future global currencies, potentially backing them at 40%.
The precious metals market continues to experience volatility. Silver recently saw a 0.45% decline, trading around 29.35-29.30 dollars and stalling its recovery from mid-May lows. Meanwhile, gold faced selling pressure, influenced by a healthy US labor market. These fluctuations highlight that despite their growing importance in global financial strategies, precious metals remain susceptible to various economic factors and market dynamics.
Russia's Agricultural Minister Oksana Lut recently announced plans to create a Brics grain exchange, with transactions to be settled in the national currencies of member countries. This initiative, directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, represents another step in the bloc's efforts to decrease reliance on the US dollar in international trade.
Andy Schectman warns of potential severe economic consequences for the United States should there be a sudden shift away from the dollar. He predicts that such a move could trigger high inflation and interest rates, potentially destabilizing the US economy.
Schectman argues that the weaponization of the US Treasury market against Russia, particularly in response to the invasion of Ukraine, has inadvertently incentivized countries to seek alternatives to US Treasuries. Gold has become an increasingly attractive option for nations looking to diversify their reserves and hedge against geopolitical risks.
The West's unprecedented sanctions against Russia have accelerated the push for de-dollarization among many nations, especially those aligned with China. These countries are increasingly turning to alternative assets, with a particular emphasis on gold, to mitigate political risks and reduce their vulnerability to potential economic sanctions.

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