Was it Vault-Tec? - Who Dropped The Bombs First? Part 2 - Fallout Lore

Was it Vault-Tec? - Who Dropped The Bombs First? Part 2 - Fallout Lore


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@D3F1CAT0R - 27.12.2023 11:56

I believe vault tec didn’t drop the bombs but supplied them because in Fallout 4 we can find the Yangtze submarine (Chinese) which launched 4 nukes into America

@adamturick3846 - 07.12.2023 06:10

It wouldn't suprise me if vault tec was making munitions out of materials the dug up in the process f building their vaults. It's also possible, as we know from real-world events and shady under the table deals, that they sold those munitions to a third party, like india or a middle east country, given the resource wars, who then sold the B grade stock to China who bought them out of desperation and convenience, then used them to bomb America. Kinda like how Iran got their hands on AK's and then used them against Russia due to an almost ironic 3rd party deal with other countries who bought AK's straight from Russia.

@milosan259 - 29.11.2023 13:34

Turns out it was the Chinese. But it was brought on with the knowledge that America was experimenting with bio weapons and was told to stop. With tensions extremely high, China made a preemptive nuke strike.

@MartinGasparini86 - 21.11.2023 12:57

I find weird they build the vaults program the experiments they spent a lot of money in that...sell the Spot in the vaults... and nothing happened... people will start asking refound and the vault get wasted... the bomb have to drop to start the experiment and to make the money get from the vault spot worth it

@Not-an-Alien - 17.11.2023 14:31

I always assumed vaultech became the institute

@nytesla_punk3327 - 03.11.2023 21:45

I think it was a multitude of countries who dropped the bombs, but Vault Tec designed and manufactured them, private company n all, and hastened experiments, as they had a good measure of how the war was incoming.

Vault Tecs purpose was a Generation Ship, so itd make sense that theyd be hired by states to develop bombs if they could already develop spaceships, or that they were planning to

@ashe7683 - 16.10.2023 04:57

I know im waaaay late on this but I have a relatively simple explanation, they're American bombs that either fell out of American planes or scattered when/if the planes failed.

Vault Tec was a known US contractor, its likely they made bomb components for US nuclear arsenals, and we know from the the multiple plane wrecks and their black box recordings (as well as real life physics) that EMP bursts from nuclear detonations will fry airplane's circuitry and cause crashes, malfunctions ect, if bombers were hit by the EMP it could have caused the bomb to be ejected from the bay prematurely, or the shockwave could've knocked them out of the plane since bombers carrying payload will sometimes fly with the bay doors open (intentionally or not) and it could be similar to the numerous "broken arrow" incidents in history, just exacerbated by the end of the world.

@ALWilde-LibertyTree - 14.09.2023 11:44

Vault tec is still around in Fallout verse in Davos, it was never about the money they had control of all resources (much like the folks who meet there regularly) it was about playing god.(jeez I wonder just where would we find inspiration for a group of people like vault tec?)😮😅

@Miniselkie - 02.09.2023 06:55

Tbh I still think it was China

@Deadsinner66 - 25.08.2023 08:18

The Logo is possibly a sponsor for them to advertising their marketing to get more people investing their money into their vault projects funding the experiments unknowingly

@StartingOut_ - 22.08.2023 13:28

Reclamation or re-claim-nation

@russiannoodles - 12.08.2023 19:14

What if the bombs were being carried by planes which were hit out of the sky when the war began, It would explain why they would be undetonated.

@ztatix - 05.08.2023 02:59

I think vault tech just wanted to launch a few nukes to scare people into vaults so they can experiment on them, but they didn't want to fully destroy America, but they underestimated Americas and chinas response which made both countries shoot nukes at each other destroying earth

@go-theorists - 20.07.2023 12:15

USA was transporting bombs when the bombs dropped. Explains logo and why they weren't set to go off... Note the 'ones' 9999

@GetgainzDe - 04.07.2023 16:41

Why is the thumbnail in German

@TheXB0XFan - 18.06.2023 09:54

I've always thought it was interesting how each vault had a different time frame for how long they were supposed to keep the door shut. 76 was to wait 25 years, but 111 was only supposed to wait a minimum of 180 days, if no all clear from Vault-Tec.

Odd how the one tasked with preserving pre war civilians for the future is allowed to open its door before one year has past, and the other is tasked with rebuilding society, but has to wait 25 years. It seems like the times should be flipped.

@Frostblitz20 - 14.06.2023 16:54

Vault Tec prob used alot of the money to fund their own vault that’s more advanced and larger then any other vault that ever exist to ensure the top executives of vault tec and their love ones survive.

@Veprem - 26.05.2023 03:49

Who says the people at the top of Vault-Tec cared about money? One could say the goal of all their experiments was a "new world order" and the first step towards that was wiping the slate clean with nuclear Armageddon.

@sheeringobject - 14.05.2023 00:23

Original reason To build vaults was To simulate and test problems of living In space

Afterwards they turned vaults To fallout shelters but why did they not fix the test vaults into real working vaults, they were Built To fail for social experiements and other before war tests

I guess they were lazy and ignorant just sold those vaults as real cover from fallout and used that money To invest In their space program
But they did not make it there, apocalypse came before they were ready To launch

Maybe test vaults were not ready To give enough info To create such working program To prevent fails and horrible outcomes

@sheeringobject - 14.05.2023 00:19

Doesnt matter Who shot first

But why, what for

To Start apocalypse, give up or?

@salvadorcastillo4537 - 09.05.2023 06:19

I was forced to buy my vault spot, I couldn't progress without doing so

@Baalslegion07 - 02.05.2023 04:55

To e its blatantly obvious that Vault-Tec did in fact PLAN to drop the bombs, to basicly have the ability to start their experiment as soon as they needed it too. But when the americans won Anchorafe back, it went out of control and all nukes were fired, some of them probably built by Vault-Tec. I mean, how else would they have so much power? Having military contracts and offering the services they are offering, they had a ton of influence. The only real issue was, that their power stretcged only throughout the USA and presumably their allies.

To me Vault-Tecs plan was always to go to space, thus leading thrm to conduct thlse experiments to see how people would react to that alien environment and also testing possible solutions for already known about problems. Drug abstinence in the presence of drugs, violence against each other, long term cryogenic freezing, having an entire Vault full of clones and so many more were clear examples of problems and possible solutions for space-themed situations. Then we have Vault-Tec among the stars in Nuka-World, where they basicly presented their ideas and prototypes. Then we hace all those social-experiments in Vaults, like the rich/poor hotel in Far Harbour, which simply didn't went as planned due to the rich folks simply shutting the poor ones out by cutting off the funds as soon as their side was finished or the Voting-Vault that tried to test how much people will follow orders under the threat of their life!

In a space mission, intended to settle people on a different planet, tons of people of different heritages, backgrounds, political ideals, mindsets and upbringing would need to work together to built a better tomorrow. They'd have the issue of being required to work together, stay civil and generally be smart enpugh to knlw when an order is wrong to folllw if the chain of command has a bad person on top of it. They tested all lf that and then tried to solve issues they knew about. Training soldiers? Why not have super-soldiers raised from birth? People tending to not agree with each other? Why not clone one dude and let him work with many different clones of himself! Long journeys? Why not freeze them. The possibility of earth-vegitation not being able to grow on other planets? Super plants and the G.E.C.K! It makes a bkt too much sense nlt to be the case.

That and the fsct that many Vaults were nlt complete as the nukes were launched, makes it clear to me that Vault-Tec definitly knew about the very real threat and maybe even planned to have an influence on when the war will start (either through gaining control over the governmemt or by being the ones who would start it when the time arrives), but didn't actually get that far. They would have probably needed many more years to actually build every Vault, get to a save place and then start armageddon.

The aliens are a much more logical explanation. Since they did kidnap an american official who had access to the nuclear codes AND a very important Vault-Tec manager (maybe even their CEO if I remember correctly). So they had every means to start the war. But if we exclude the supernatural, like the lovecraftian beings akin to Ug-Qualtoth and the Zetan Aliens, China remains the most logical culprit. They truly had nothing left to loose and did station submarines at tactical spots, who shot their missiles just before the US was able to find out about them. I love the idea of Vault-Tec being behind it all, but it leaves to many unanswered questions, that all other explanation dont leave

@billsager5634 - 30.04.2023 23:08

Vault-Tec seems the most likely guilty party, although possibly as you hinted, that they wanted a small scale nuclear war, rather than complete annihilation. Think business - ROI. Why invest so much money on the vaults - and the RESEARCH PROJECTS for each vault - if no "test subjects" are in the vaults unless there is a nuclear incident?

Why go through the expense of hiring and training personnel to conduct tests - tests which Vault-Tec executives wanted results - if nothing happens. You could end up paying employees 10,20, 50, 100+ years with ZERO ROI. The most likely scenario was once Vault-Tec had enough vaults ready to begin testing, why not set of a few nuclear weapons, thus people scurry to the vaults for protection, and now Vault-Tec can implement their research projects.

Unfortunately for both Vault-Tec and humanity, their "small war" became a worldwide apocalypse. That explains the unfinished vaults as well, because say if Vault-Tec wanted a small test in Boston - -Vault-Tec could advertise how well their vaults worked, as sell even more vaults. Plus results from their research projects would bring additional revenues sources.

The bigger question is what happened to Vault-Tec executives? Did they all die from the nuclear annihilation? Did they have their own secret Vault? Or did Vault-Tec become The Institute?

@jvazacas - 24.04.2023 13:28

What I find funny is so many players don't believe Vault Tec dropped bombs so they can perform their experiments, even with in game evidence, yet with absolutely no in game evidence outside of a Bethesda game mechanic that couldn't be turned off, a majority wrongly believe the SS is a synth. Lmao...that says it all

@Rev_GC - 23.04.2023 16:43

As the current events play out "in our world"; I wonder whether you are ready to revisit your assumptions regarding the motivations of the factions in Fallout.... Understanding the history and psychology of humans in our timeline, I have always thought that your assertions regarding the why of things to be incredibly naive in most cases.....

But perhaps it's just that I have been exposed to the reality of how immoral, and frankly "evil", most people truly are, even if they cannot admit to themselves what they themselves are capable of.

@cascadianrangers728 - 17.04.2023 22:35

Fyi, bombers will immediately release their payload during an emergency, to lighten their weight and have less trouble staying in the air.

Even a cargo full of nuclear weapons is less valuable than the crew of the bomber. There are fail-safes built into weapons so that they can be jettisoned safely.

I think the gravity bombs were released when the bombs hit the u.s and American bombers already in the air began evasive maneuvers and emergency reactions.

Even 1950s bombers could stay in the air after a nearby nuclear blast, the aircraft of the fallout universe were probably even more sturdy and capable.

@cascadianrangers728 - 17.04.2023 22:33

It makes a lot of sense for the company making the bunkers also made the weapons.

Without exact, top secret details about the weapons they were trying to protect against, they would be too ignorant to offer much protection at all.

@cascadianrangers728 - 17.04.2023 22:26

More important than nuclear Holocaust destroying their customer base, if vault tec caused the apocalypse, even if they would somehow profit from it, where would they spend the money after the bombs drop? What can you get from the wasteland you couldn't get from prewar America? No, destruction is the only motive for calling in the fires.

@G4ZP3R - 14.04.2023 01:00

What if vault teck is a company made by the aliens and they wanted to find a way to get their own control group by starting a nuke waylr

@sandvich795 - 06.04.2023 04:12

kinda far-fetched theory but this got me thinking vault-tech was somehow affiliated with the chinese

@thetank3014 - 01.04.2023 23:22

What if vault tec was playing both sides

@the_kvatch_gard - 13.03.2023 03:05

Waste landers could have just put a bumper sticker on it

@Blancherive1081 - 13.02.2023 01:24

I find it very strange that Vault-tec could be the cause of fallout. I always thought the aliens were responsible. it seems much more logical to me

@axkamen3429 - 04.02.2023 22:21

We have been inside nearly every powerful organization in the continental US. We have seen deep within the Brotherhood Of Steel, been to the top of The Institute, even taken control of a Zetan ship.
But the ever-present Vault -Tech remains a mystery. We have met a few employees, in the form of Vault inhabitants and the Vault-Tech Rep. Even they seem to be in the dark about the real organization.
The only other group shrouded in this much mystery is the Ug-Qualtoth cult. Spelling aside, you know who I mean.

@Fauxhawx - 04.02.2023 03:54

Isn’t there a destroyed plane around megaton? Wouldn’t it make sense if a bomber heading towards china was knocked out of the air and it’s payload ended up where the bomb is?

@floobergoober_ - 23.01.2023 08:27

The words “enjoy” and “Fallout 76” do not belong in the same sentence.

@unifieddynasty - 14.12.2022 02:58

The obstacle that all powerful billionaires face is that, at some point, more money doesn't equate to more power. That's why we see so many rich people do grandiose things with their money -- because they are not just concerned with profitability but also with their legacy.

We also see something similar from an ideologically diametrical place. In the book World War Z, one of the chapters alludes to North Korea completely sealing off their country after the zombie apocalypse. The North Korean people are herded into vast underground cities and the entrances permanently sealed off. The narrator wonders if this was the plan of the North Korean Great Leader all along -- so that the Great Leader can become a god to his people, controlling even the air they breathe and the artificial sunlight they see.

When we examine these themes, it becomes quite plausible why a deep state and corporate collusion may have led to the nuclear bombs.

@zedorda1337 - 11.12.2022 07:26

Sorry but look closer, that is not a Vault-Tec logo.

@armoredman6941 - 26.11.2022 02:20

If you check the fallout 4 special videos in strength the city blows up from the inside, no bombs seen

@VampireBabysitter - 15.11.2022 04:05

I don't think Vault-Tec's end goal was making money. If it was, they would've just made cheap vaults. The money was just to help fund their experiments. Vault-Tec was a corporation made of scientists who wanted to perform inhumane experiments in order to learn more about human nature.
I don't think they wanted to cause the destruction of the USA and China YET. I think they wanted to scare people into buying more spots in vaults in order to keep funding the construction of said vaults and didn't expect that the governments would immediately nuke each other to obliteration. That's why some vaults weren't finished yet. They would've set off all their nukes if enough vaults were built and filled up and the bombs still hadn't been dropped from either side.

@davidknowles2491 - 14.11.2022 17:00

I'm reminded of the Ferengi Rule of Aquisition which states that "War is good for business".

We know that Vault-Tec has ZERO morals and no regard whatsoever for human life (Vault 75) so why not sell arms to China? Countries sell arms to other countries all the time, and often make a lot of money doing it. Don't forget not all vault residents paid for their slot (The Sole Survivor earned his by being in the military) so VT would have to prop up the books somehow in order to stay ahead of the game.

@KillSwitch7733 - 11.11.2022 18:33

I think vault tech did it. People make the argument how does that help them financially well it was their businesses in making the very "safe" vaults all across America. You drop a few bombs here and there before everything collapses people put forth every last cent to vault tech to get inside one before the bombs made it to thier town or city. In response to vualt tech dropping bombs on America they didn't ruin their own plans they simply sped up the process America accused China and bombed China, China responds with stealth subs and variable other ways of bomb transportation and dropped on America so on and so forth leading to everyone bombing everyone. By then vault tech would have racked up billions within maybe a day of 2 time before annihilation came. Which is why they made the G.E.C.K they will have had dwellers restore the world and make it new and vualt tech CEO and higher ups probably have thier own vualt when the world would rebuild they would come out the first multi billion dollar company in the new world.

@thesonofthesouth - 28.10.2022 11:00

It would of been cool to be able to nuke Boston again from the submarine 😂

@lengthywronganswers1918 - 26.10.2022 14:06

Mars did it.

@danielw.3670 - 20.10.2022 19:35

Oh haven't watched the video yet and by going off with the title reads I want to say yes vault tech did start the war you can go back to Fallout 3 Megaton why did Vault Tech stickers are on the Megaton bomb did vault-tech drop bombs on America? I just started playing Fallout 76 and it's trying to keep up with the lure and you do a very good job with that I don't have a lot of time to play considering I drive across America hauling food from to coast

@martymcyourflysdown6872 - 10.10.2022 06:50

I think Vault Tec and their experiments are a reference to the CIA and MK Ultra.

@stevenmarcouillier3177 - 15.09.2022 19:24

In my opinion vault tek dropped the first 4 bombs that the American military saw and recorded on the terminal entry but those 4 bombs were rigged to not detonate to create a panic buying frenzy for vault spots, however when the American military saw them in the air they launched all their nukes thinking that china had launched the vault tek ones and china detected America’s launch and retaliated causing global atomic annihilation this explains why the 2 undetonated nukes found have vault tek logos on them and why they are so far apart because vault tek was looking to increase sales in multiple regions

@theythinkofyouaspeasants6325 - 10.09.2022 00:03

ok so I'm late ASF but in the first video Oxhorn talks about a fan theory that Pam destroyed the world to make her job easier. I just watched a video of Neil Tyson talking about AI. He claimed that it wouldn't be true AI that caused the destruction of humanity. Rather it would be a machine that was trying to complete a task. He used the example of a machine programmed to make paperclips turning the whole world into paperclips.
