MUSIC Trailer (2021) Kate Hudson, Sia, Maddie Ziegler Movie

MUSIC Trailer (2021) Kate Hudson, Sia, Maddie Ziegler Movie

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@dyzphoriia - 01.02.2024 22:44

I'm not even autistic and im offended

@carolinacuchacovich - 29.01.2024 16:33

I do know a few autistic girls with the same movements and expression. That's why is a spectrum. A lot of autistic people wouldn't be able to read and write in this comment section. And a lot can. Again, is a spectrum. I don't see why this offended so many people.

@lukasblur3500 - 28.01.2024 20:44

Lol how ironic, she made this movie to further the career of her protégé (with whom she has a very icky and inappropriate relationship), but ended up cancelling both their careers 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@tarcisiofilho8648 - 28.01.2024 09:03

This is just awful. Mockery

@JustMe-ty2rp - 26.01.2024 03:22

The people saying it is 'disgusting' aren't thinking straight.
Yes, it was a bad idea - BUT Sia was trying to do a good thing.

It came out the wrong way. She should have listened - but her heart was in the right place.

@zb1307 - 25.01.2024 12:57

How could you possibly use an autistic person to act in this movie? They can’t even shot in the right spot let alone act

@zb1307 - 25.01.2024 12:55

Haha this is rubbish

@wnl1x - 25.01.2024 01:49

This is so wrong

@charlottelilian16 - 23.01.2024 15:05

i feel like this is fucked up

@88craigv - 21.01.2024 16:29

What was everyone involved with this film thinking?

@Zell8158 - 21.01.2024 16:25

She exploited this lil girl

@DaijaYoung-wd1ms - 21.01.2024 12:37

Bright colors so a lot of people on the spectrum wouldn’t even beable to watch also I don’t like how they didn’t hire a actor on the spectrum because sia said and I quote “working with someone with autism was too stressful” why are we still supporting her after all these things she has done!! Made Maddie do this then made Maddie do black face then sia wore box braids and said it’s cause she was playing a biracial character?? What!!

@sierraisstressed - 21.01.2024 11:12

Like it could’ve been a good movie if it was done correctly 😭

@pharaoh6977 - 20.01.2024 20:55

As someone with autism I do believe someone with the diagnosis should've played the part, however I also believe there wasn't an intent to be offensive although it may seem that way.

@avery444baby - 20.01.2024 09:05

Oh that’s not..

@glyberajones4031 - 20.01.2024 01:01

I don’t get the hate . So it’s ok for Dustin Hoffman to do it?

@marselobear2322 - 19.01.2024 23:52

WTF was she thinking

@MadiFlower - 18.01.2024 02:13

Does she actually have autism bc in dance moms she didnt

@Jorja_47 - 17.01.2024 22:47

who let Sia cook

@Rexstar17 - 16.01.2024 06:11

Sia. Cmon. Really?

@ToxicBastard - 11.01.2024 02:51

Simple Jack spinoff?
I have some 'tism in me, but I don't think I'd get away with making this movie, props to Sia though because DAMN lmao.

@AmericanGamers594 - 09.01.2024 00:48

I’m somebody on the autism spectrum. This film really didn’t offend me that much. I watched it and I really didn’t feel that much emotion watching it. There are a couple things I really don’t like about this movie. Climbing on top of a person during a meltdown. It’s very dangerous and could even cause death. 2. When the black guy said it was alright that his special needs brother was dead. I just have no words. For some reason I didn’t get offended by this movie. But hey. Everyone is different. But overall I liked this movie a little bit. 6/10. The bright colors didn’t affect me that much. I really don’t want to bring hate to anyone who got offended. I’m also High Functioning.

@powwow522 - 06.01.2024 08:14

This movie was beautiful really. WOKES need to shut up!

@valerievanmol9305 - 05.01.2024 06:18

Well well

I am a true fan of Sia
I am on the spectrum
I am offended and mad at how Sia portrayed this autistic girl.

But mistakes do happen.
Lets not forget that Sia is on the spectrum herself. And certainly has not a clear picture in mind of how asd people really are (even herself).

Because in this movie, Maddie becomes young SIA in a way.

She wouldnt openly insult herself, na mean???

So this movie was done in a benevolent manner. I believe so.

Yes Sia broke her neck on this .... but it will be okay for her eventually.

I guess she just had that wrong idea of what autism really is.

Its not on the face. Its in the head.

@NatureBadger2739 - 02.01.2024 18:00

They could have just used an autistic actor, then it wouldn't mocking and it would be authentic and wouldn't have recieved so much backlash

@beatrizlimaenf - 02.01.2024 00:06

It looks like Maddie doesn't have parents! Everyone watching her being yelled at in a reality show and finding it normal. If i was her mom i would have had taken her away from that toxic environment!!

@cherzzi - 30.12.2023 05:14

wtf is this

@hallo9062 - 30.12.2023 03:43

you guys should stop destroying peoples Art and try to see the intention behind it. She wasn‘t trying to hurt anyone. This movie is sweet & innocent.

@StEvEn420BrUlE - 26.12.2023 10:29

This shit rules everyone in the comments are just haters

@hello-gk5cz - 25.12.2023 12:34


@timeovandecandelaere1709 - 24.12.2023 15:35

Bravo Sia❤❤❤❤. Tu as fait un film sur l'autisme et donc sur moi 😍🥰. Thank you very much ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@-.TOAAST.- - 24.12.2023 03:27

Wait can someone explain all the offensive bits to me?

@Emvrekk - 23.12.2023 05:08

This movie is just no…

@johndavis29209 - 21.12.2023 08:03

Oh my god how did anything think this was a good idea yikes for real lmao

@komododn3315 - 20.12.2023 05:32

This movie seems like it could've been beautiful, the plot and representation, it had so much potential and it was slaughtered by so many reason (bad writing, bad character development, bad character interaction, bad representation due to the fact the writers didnt want to learn about autism to write an AUTISTIC CHARACTER) it was such a missed opportunity

@jamesgutierrez4695 - 19.12.2023 13:22

This is hilarious

@aaronarguijo8293 - 17.12.2023 07:34

Even from the trailers it seems so exagarated man it is scary specialy whith the incorect representatión

@kan-o-beans_kai - 17.12.2023 02:38

Okay, this is a really bad imitation of autism. I'm autistic. This, this is not autism. This is absolute shit. That's not even what low functioning autism looks like

@crimsoncat510-el7dy - 16.12.2023 05:40

I can kind’ve see the target of this, but in hindsight it REALLY missed the mark

@tubahuman6433 - 11.12.2023 22:08

No hate to Maddie but hate to everyone else involved in this movie.

@kemimarsh - 09.12.2023 23:57

the fact that people accidentaly write better autistic characters than this

@Chase2010TheMarioAndPokemonFan - 08.12.2023 23:45

Hello, my name is Chase. I’m 13 years old and my pronouns are he/him and my gender is male. And I have high functioning autism and ADHD and I also go to a special needs school.

Ok… This video SUCKS! The character in this video is an Autism STEREOTYPE! In fact the character is not even autistic! This character is wearing autismface which is a big no-no. And the character cried on set because she was making fun of autism. She didn’t even intend to make fun of autism. Like why didn’t they hire a REAL autistic person… Also, my brother has severe autism and she DOES NOT act like the character in the video. And Sia needs to realize AUTISM IS A SPECTRUM!!!! There is not just one way to be autistic, Sometimes you have a little bit of autism (Asperger’s and high functioning autism) (like me), Sometimes you have severe autism (like my brother) and you can fall somewhere in between. Some autistics are verbal (like me) some are non verbal and talk with an iPad (like my brother) Some autistics do self harm (as a stim?) (like my brother) Some autistics don’t do that (like me). Some are professionally diagnosed (like me and my brother) Some are self diagnosed. And the video has bright colors and loud sounds which makes it difficult for an autistic person to watch… I DISLIKED THIS STUPID VIDEO! FRICK YOU SIA!

@marbardan - 06.12.2023 23:18

Ah yes. The “Latinx” of autism.

@levanceland - 04.12.2023 16:28

So let me get this straight: If you don't hire an actor that's on the spectrum to play a character that's on the spectrum, that's offensive.

But if you hire a midget to play a character that is a midget (Snow White, Wonka), it's offensive?

@The_Isabella - 30.11.2023 22:57

wow this sucks

@francescasantorufo5398 - 29.11.2023 00:48

Wonderful performance

@flipnap2112 - 28.11.2023 07:15

never heard of this film and after reading a lots of comments about how this is inappropriate for people with autism.. I dont get it. Was this supposed to be a therapeutic move about autism for people with autism? It looks to me a fictional move involving a broken family dealing with a lot of issues in their lives. If I had an autistic child I probably wouldn't take them no most of the movies that come out. Maybe Sia said something about this movie that im not aware of but isnt this just an artistic movie made for everyday cinema goers? Like If I had a family member who is dealing with intense psychological issues I probably wouldn't take them to see "Joker".

@X360PHILNUMBR1 - 27.11.2023 15:08

As a person that was diagnosed with Autism, this is truly insulting and downright horrible to watch... And this is just the trailer.

@allysparkdiamond6940 - 22.11.2023 17:49

I thought SIA was better than this. The representation of this person, Music, is NOT how every autistic person is. Some are non verbal. Others can actually speak. It looks so wrong in every way.

@susannahlewis2715 - 21.11.2023 03:27

This truly is such a upsetting thing for so many people. Having someone portray what is known as a disability who has no clue what it’s really like. And then to stereo type I don’t blame maddie at all it was defiantly sias wrong doing here. But perhaps she thought she was doing the right thing. However to not allow a autistic person to play the part is down right dumb to be honest. I’m autistic and I find this extremely insulting we have many challenges we have to face on a daily basis and each person with autism is different yes we get stressed but we also deserve the chance to try.
