Getting started with Yocto Project - Chris Simmons - NDC TechTown 2022

Getting started with Yocto Project - Chris Simmons - NDC TechTown 2022

NDC Conferences

1 год назад

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Jeff Gros
Jeff Gros - 06.08.2023 23:22

Great content. My favorite part was how the content was presented. Not only are the slides shown, but the camera is doing a good job of tracking the presenter. So regardless of what I need to focus on, I can get what I need. This sounds obvious, but it's not. I cannot tell you how many presentations I've watched where the presenter says "study this piece of code for a few minutes" and the cameraman spends 2 minutes watching the presenter drink water (whereas I spend those two minutes insulting the cameraman's parentage). Well done!

Bayron Cabrera
Bayron Cabrera - 09.06.2023 17:15

Amazing introduction, thank you very much !

Max Truxa
Max Truxa - 03.04.2023 14:44

The comment regarding BSP kernels is incorrect. One of the great things about Yocto is that you can override pretty much anything. That includes `PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/linux`, `PREFERRED_VERSION_virtual/linux` and the BSP kernel recipe's `DEFAULT_PREFERENCE`. Using various combinations of these you can select any kernel you want. You will of course want to select a kernel that supports your board.
Great talk otherwise!

RWalter - 13.03.2023 20:17

I recommend this book to understand more deeply this great presentation "Embedded Linux development using Yocto project cookbook. Second edition".

Alper Yazar
Alper Yazar - 11.02.2023 23:56

Really liked it

bobby - 27.12.2022 02:19

Mr. Simmonds, can you also make Advanced Yocto videos instead of always Introduction videos (thanks for that btw)

Corn Julio
Corn Julio - 16.12.2022 08:37

Gosh ! This is extremely dry. I know I will not follow this one as a step-by-step guide ever.

Terrance Parker
Terrance Parker - 24.11.2022 22:14

Your Embedded Linux lecture and this lecture helped me immensely understand the development enviroment for Cortex-A MPUs.

edgeeffect - 24.11.2022 13:44

I've used buildroot in the past (because I was working with OpenWRT) but the people at my old job were always on about Yokto, Poke-ey (they used the wrong pronunciation) and Bit-Bake.
I'd love to see a side-by-side comparison of the two from somebody who's used both and doesn't have any allegiance to either. I get the feeling that Yokto is the way to go but devs love shiny things.
