Asmongold Reacts to Final Fantasy 14͏͏ vs WoW Raiding | by WillYum_PLAYS

Asmongold Reacts to Final Fantasy 14͏͏ vs WoW Raiding | by WillYum_PLAYS

Asmongold TV

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@VampireNoblesse - 05.01.2022 14:50

When is Asmon going to continue FFXIV?.. or is je already, off stream?
.... hope he keeps it going, so he's atleast back in time for the 2nd EW raid tier

@sifuminus720 - 05.01.2022 17:42

You've linked the wrong video in the description, you've linked his "WoW vs FFXIV flying" video

@VampireNoblesse - 05.01.2022 19:40

you do go after gud gear for Ultimate fights, when they are fresh (even for last savage) .., or for relic weapons (glamour & bis)

@VampireNoblesse - 05.01.2022 19:42

focus on MSQ imo (besides trials & raid).. do other side conten, like heaven on high, relics, beast tribes, etc. during downtime imo

@VampireNoblesse - 05.01.2022 22:10

gawd, hated the 1st EW extreme trial xD..

@VampireNoblesse - 05.01.2022 22:35

been reading thru the comments here..., so many are gud

@masdf7053 - 06.01.2022 16:19

why is he wearing a rag on his head in recent videos?

@Tigreuh - 07.01.2022 07:28

My god the amount of copium here, I can't wait to read and see how you will all react when you finally find out that FFXIV is not an high level pve game and that end game pve sucks.
It's shit, it's maybe the only thing wow does better along with pvp.
And I'm talking about mechanics here, not style (audio/visuals), the lag sucks and has never been fixed, the gameplay loop was better in 15 years old games, you farm for tomes, you do your 4 bosses, and that's it. No, savage is not as hard as mythic, not one bit, no EX are not as hard as heroics, this is just bullshit, I cleared savage in a pick up group, I cleared EXs multiple times in pick up groups, name one pick up group clearing mythic raids after a few days, you can't even think of top level guilds doing that.

And no, the community is also shit, just saying it's welcoming doesn't make it welcoming, truth is it's not more welcoming that anywhere else, and people leave groups all the time, and people rage, and people get banned for telling others it's stupid to harass them (yeah, you read that in the correct order), and people abuse systems like housing (which forces you to stay subscribed to the game, btw) for real money, and people scam others, and almost all the guilds are full of drama, and people ERP in highly populated areas, and karens whine, and people use macros to stay logged in, and I could go on for a few thousand words.
But they all think they're good people, so it's fine!

@Koakoa45 - 07.01.2022 22:45

Will WoW name their next xpac after FFXIV again? Although Endwalker fits WoW - walking to the end of the game

@Koakoa45 - 07.01.2022 22:49

Then there is people like me who gets all jobs maxed out and geared. Cause... why not it is there!

@Koakoa45 - 07.01.2022 22:55

It's not hard to find WoW players for groups- they are all on FFXIV LOL Removing people from your group is not toxic. What is toxic when you belittle them then boot them or you call them out with insults like "you suck, learn the fight" Saying, "Sorry you do not know this fight and we want to get this done." is not toxic or just removing them.

@nunyabidness8762 - 08.01.2022 03:46

I was thrilled to play, for the first time, an expansion, doing dungeons and raids where no one knew what to do yet. I never had that opportunity until Endwalker to experience that. Working it out, figuring out the mechanics, and doing it. Not to mention, not having ANY dungeon guides to fall back on if I couldn't get it. Loved that.

@LordKazake443 - 08.01.2022 22:23


@ce8539 - 08.01.2022 23:41

infinite battle rezzes??? sheesh

@SantanaK6 - 09.01.2022 10:04

This guy's voice is too annoying I couldn't get through it even skipping ahead

@alaineninmah7040 - 09.01.2022 11:24

There is a Parse culture but its not reflected in the Normal community

@Webberjo - 10.01.2022 21:31

For release day savage raiding, you either craft or buy HQ crafted gear, meld 5 materia into each piece and you're good to go. Costs like 7-10M gil.

@StyksBewmGoblin - 10.01.2022 21:50

Wait until you try Savage.. its a whole nother beast.

@davidhoffert3652 - 12.01.2022 05:03

“It takes a long time to get gear for heroic. Ran my friend for hours.”
“End walker is easy. Run a few dungeons and max level 3 professions in no time!”

😂 😂🤣

@Googlrr - 12.01.2022 09:44

If this guy was trying to review FF14 vs Wow raiding he prob should have waited until savage unlocked so he could properly review what the real end game progression is like

@Googlrr - 12.01.2022 10:04

There's so much misinfo on what's 'allowed' in FF. You're allowed to tell people if they're doing a thing wrong, you're allowed to kick them. You just can't use 3rd party tools to judge their DPS. I've been in tons of Savage raid groups at this point. People will call you out if you consistently fuck up. People absolutely get kicked from groups. You'll only get banned if you're being a dickhead. Idk why people act like FF is the gestapo here to ban you for the littlest things... that just isn't how it works.

@PcGAMEr877 - 13.01.2022 19:40

My respect for Asmogold just doubled when he paused the video to tell off his chat. What a great dude

@jasperhighwind6119 - 13.01.2022 23:24

Squaresoft is the reason why I love RPGs.

Final Fantasy I was my 2nd one (after Dragon Warrior I). And I even play Secret of Mana on Iphone every now and then. My profile picture is a fan art of Id-Weltall from Xenogears, and I am currently looking up gear for Final Fantasy 14 which I've been playing for almost 10 years.

Yeah, I was a Squaresoft kid; I am now a Squaresoft adult :D

@apharys8921 - 14.01.2022 12:58

The most painful part of FFXIV party finder is when you've had enough practice and are going for the clear. That's when people start dropping after one or two wipes, throwing insults, etc. There are always people who have less experience and sign up for the clear (some wanting a carry, some just clueless) or they just mess up a lot and ofc there are almost always people who don't want to deal with that.

Then every time you get new people in a group it takes a bit for everyone to get used to each other which leads to more people dropping and it becomes a vicious cycle until the group falls apart. Best example I can think of is the Cloud of Darkness tile phase; while the strat is more or less set in stone everyone refreshes their tiles a little differently, if two people run for the same tile at once it's basically a wipe. That was not a fun one to pug, even for farming.

Once you manage to get a clear most farm groups are pretty decent. Still get a lot of quitters but it's not as bad, people aren't usually as mean they just leave if the boss isn't dead in 3 pulls (and after having stuck with those groups a bunch of times... I should have left too, they rarely get anywhere).

So far Endwalker has been fantastic for me though. I don't have a lot of time to play and started raiding late but I'm still managing to make progress without too much trouble and the fights have been really fun. ^^ The worst part has been trying to find pugs I can join as a Reaper lol it's a very popular job to no one's surprise.

@dangerwarg9682 - 15.01.2022 03:41

Man, if there is one thing WillYum needed to do in this video, then that ONE THING would be to clarify the footage you see here is not of savage or extreme fights to avoid spoilers. Something so simple, yet he's too busying blowing sunshine up FF14's ass it almost sounds disingenuous.
Like holy hell the inaccuracies of what he's saying.

@dangerwarg9682 - 15.01.2022 04:37

It is perfectly OK to call out and criticize in FF14. Not insult for the sake of it. Not bully. Not any of that unneeded trash. No elitist shit. No cursing people out either.
I call out and criticize trash and stupid players all of the time. I'm still in the game because I'm not a fucking idiot. Sabotage your own game and ours? I'm gonna have words with you. Break rules? I'm gonna use your actions against you. Force me to coddle to YOUR trash standard? I'm gonna warn you, and prove that I mean what I say and that I'll do what I claim.

@farrongoth6712 - 15.01.2022 20:08

I get and give the complete opposite from FFXIV, I never expect someone to know anything for anything really, and give special leeway for anyone's first time, I give leeway to high level character's running old content as well, and I have more often then not seen other do the same. WoW was the complete opposite everything I did someone would have be like "Have you watched the tactics for this if not leave".

Don't get me wrong people complain about people not having watched tactics in FFXIV but I have so rarely seen that.

I am on Europe servers though not American servers.

@Tyrvana - 15.01.2022 21:58

Not enough context though i'll consider as i consider it; No, if you expect people to have prior knowledge without ever challenging the content you are an elitist and probably a toxic piece of shit. Thats the kind of mindset that always has been in wow from myexperience preventing me to do content such as "fuck you, go to bg's if you don't have good enough gear ect" or the "you fucked smth up twice even though its just a normal raid, you are fucking gone" ect. In finaly fantasy its always in my experience been the complete opposite so i have no idea where Asmon is coming from here.

I neither watch Asmon but i can only imagine how fucking easy it is to party up with people begin a large streamer without ever having to worry about half the shit other's who are a bunch of nobodies have to. I rarely ever see people leave even if the content failed that wasn't even on them when played with streamers. Completely different. Last time i checked he went in blindly and now he says people need prior knowledge doing x / y.. Once a elitist always one, yes i can actually claim that statement, the only difference is anxiety and guilt eating me alive.

@stuppletrax - 16.01.2022 19:14

The main issue is for me like.. FF14 system's for gear are better designed. Whereas WoW has a better visual aesthetic, and encounter design imo. FF14 was made with minimal effort required on PC load. WoW you can't exactly run on a potato anymore. FF14 can run on a 10 year old PC just fine so I guess that's why the art team took the direction they did. I'm not a massive fan of the hyper-realism when it comes to MMO graphics. FF14 has been pretty fun otherwise, but it'd be nice if the art style looked more like WoW.

@jokerbatman101 - 17.01.2022 01:22

In WoW Gear up is not so easy but if you have gold or real Cash is like a nice walk

@idleeidolon - 17.01.2022 05:10

The only time I got into a PF that dissolved quickly was when the person who made it mislabeled it as "Farming Party" when it should've been "Learning Party." In farming parties you're expected to know your shit, and if you wipe, it quickly dissolves because people expect to do run after run after run for the drops they want. In Learning parties, people don't care so long as you see the next mechanic and learn how it works. You can wipe for hours. It's all about setting expectations.

@jackgreenway4646 - 17.01.2022 14:17

Final fantasy is so fucking shit, everyone just hyping over nothing, the leveling is awful, the story is awful, the pvp is awful and the raiding is god dammit awful.

@TowelRanger - 17.01.2022 23:53

I haven't finished the video yet, but the trial he's talking about isn't shown in the video for spoiler reasons. The video footage is the first fight of Pandemonium.

@FloNess1 - 18.01.2022 16:49

I never played wow and I'm shocked that people leave from wipes in wow, I thought it was normal to keep going and try again

@ShadowFlash-ke1yn - 19.01.2022 02:02

It's crazy to see how Asmongold changed over the years of being a content creator..

@darkwinter8 - 20.01.2022 03:18

As far as dungeons go in FF14, start at Level 71, you can use the Trust dungeons to learn the fight with AI companions.

@SimonJ57 - 21.01.2022 01:25

The Duty complete limit for Party finder is an interesting point, I wonder if it would be fair to compare to curve, but people take the Curve acheivement FAR too seriously, especially at normal level...

@MidKnightOTC - 21.01.2022 05:04

laughs in '04 ffxi

@Nocc2991 - 21.01.2022 13:58

I respect this guy for telling everyone off for making fun of some ones voice. Half of them are grown ass men/women, act like it.

@Jae-jae1392 - 23.01.2022 09:49

Guy sounds like he's about to sous vide some steaks with butter

@koraene3228 - 25.01.2022 15:56

In FF the is some kind of etiquette that you have to discover when using the party finder. Some group are formed to farm for loot, you have to know the fight and you should stay until everyone has obtain the farmed drop. You have group form for clearing. They are people that just want the clear for the quest that unlock that fight. They are learning groups. There are for people that want to learn and discover the fight. Expect a lot of wipe, funny jokes and motivational tank.
You have also the people that just want to beat that fight to unlock the next (raid 8 players), you are expected to join Knowing the Mechanics ( you saw a tutorial video at least). People will help you but won't tolerate you dying to the same mechanics three times in a row in general.
In brief you yourself, what people offers and what you offers before going to the party finders.
If you are a new player I encourage you to try group doing minimum ilvl content. Because it allows you to test old fight as they design and not just rush trashed because of the over ilvl.

@Chrisfragger1 - 20.03.2022 20:43

Kind of pathetic to make fun of someone's voice, as they can't change that, unless they are doing something really odd with it, like forced accent maybe.

@bomberdxful - 05.07.2022 00:16

As a player who's never played FFXIV nor WoW (past the free trial), without any bias, which one should I go for? I seem to life both, jumped on WoW and now Im at level 20 waiting to decide which one I should commit to. I have a thousand hours on other mmorpg (like BD, for example), but I truly like this dungeon/collecting stuff style.

@Dorokill - 16.11.2023 07:11

newest comment in a year, remember when he wanted to raid

@Phenixvsdragon - 26.11.2023 00:14

I have trouble in FFXIV raids because there is too much flashy colors. I will love to try ffxiv battles but with wow designs.
