The ONLY ADC MACRO GUIDE You NEED for Season 12! - League of Legends

The ONLY ADC MACRO GUIDE You NEED for Season 12! - League of Legends

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@abdelillahchekrouni1711 - 28.03.2022 13:01

So basically learn how to carry in lowelo till u get teammates with braincells once u reach high ranked hhhhh. And it's trully the only legit way of doing that

@harrycorrea2547 - 05.04.2022 03:20

Im a low elo player but watching this videos makes me feel that i have a little bit of everything lol, maybe im stuck because teammates

@TimboCanada - 05.04.2022 14:03

I hate when you’re behind in lane and your jungle takes all the safe farm from the collection zone of a lane, even as you’re longing them off.

@EGOISTA99 - 08.04.2022 06:47

Being much much much better that oponent doesn't mean you have any sorf of control. Because he will not dominate lane cuz he have control. Pro adc will dominate lane cuz he will have better follow up/adaptive gameplay. And still i saw few games when someone doing "10 days challange" as adc. And at elos like gold plat there was games when that challanger adc player can't win lane and all he can do is basically not lose a lane and limit aftershocks of his support playin' bad. Never saw it on 10 days from, jungle, mid or top. So i fact that you can use better what support or jungler give you do not mean you have control. Cuz most supports at lvl 1-6 (i mean champs only when skill is equal etc) like Leona or Naut can almost solo you xD when you are "carry" and they are supports. And same example mid, top or jungler will not be solo killed by sup at full HP cuz they have control of thier own fate. I think its the same reason why you have teams in LEC, LPL or what ever when cuz get pretty avg team but great mid or top and they make playoffs or even worlds like Hanwha last season or misfits this season. But I cant remember when last time i saw team with they only great player is adc and they winning. KC in this season didnt make LFL finals even with Rekkles, greatest adc EU all time (at this moment at least)

@L0giks - 14.04.2022 16:41

Lol exemple of Missfortune split push. Yeah she was in 14/6 min 26 xD she had half of the kills xD.....
anyway I learned some things keep it up I guess...

@googleprofile2629 - 15.04.2022 17:43

Yes but usually when you go to the side lane as an adc because your mid won't move, they decide to start a fight lol

@shadows_star - 17.04.2022 13:08

These tips only matter if your monkey support doesn't ruin the wave my constantly spamming their skills onto the wave 24/7 and allow you to control it.

@daydarkness3347 - 21.04.2022 15:50

My only advice for any ADC player in 2022 is to quit the role and actually start playing the game

@SnowDragon894163 - 23.04.2022 23:53

lmfao i love how all of his examples include adcs who are 11/1, 14/6 etc. Like how is this helpful??? LOL.

@Frstypwngaming - 24.04.2022 09:21

Wowow; you put a platinum ADC main on Lucian in gold MMR and he's 9/10 popping off making plays and enabling plays.

@Vegeta-dn6lk - 30.04.2022 19:31

So if its normal for irelia to win 1 v2 duel. Why we should pick 5 champions like that? Its look like Fiora Jax Riven Irelia Tryndamare is perfect team to win game

@jellyfishkisses3370 - 01.05.2022 20:33

Thanks for such comprehensive tutorials! You kinda sound like an anime protagonist dub lmao

@aiven3504 - 03.05.2022 15:05

I will give u guide how to climb as adc its simple.

Swap ROLE :)

@MikeVoidKai - 04.05.2022 18:29

lmao garbage recommand video

@jakeheez - 05.05.2022 20:40

this video isn't really helpful at all outside of like, iron and bronze

step 1: you are 99% reliant on your team playing well
step 2: just know what to do you moron

okay now that you have the basics here's 20 videos of a 13/3 kaisa destroying a bronze 2 mundo

@Andreas-Addos - 06.05.2022 11:17

Interesting video but I come from HoN so I can´t really understand some points you make, why would you always want to push all lanes instead of just later in the game have great vision keep the lanes close and just farm so you control atleast 70% of the farm available?
And why would 1 tactic be right for all kinda champs?
Seems like people don´t think outside the box in this game

@babaspector - 15.05.2022 21:05

13/3 kaisa almost dies to mundo "not even close"

@mohamadosama735 - 20.05.2022 11:24

Learning from a adc from league is really usefull

@ginsengbunny - 02.06.2022 08:51

didnt watch the video just wanted to say i thought the title said Mario

@kfk4441 - 07.06.2022 15:49

Awesome video. I'm really thankful that you used MF as an example. I'm a support main and my gf plays MF, she's my duo and she's very stubborn with the fact she cannot do anything because she's squishy, even tho she has played mf for years and I do better than her in just some months.

I tell her the issue is not her gameplay, but how limiting her mentality is, miss fortune runs so fast you can make the enemy do mistakes just by pushing waves. Literally she's a champion you could buy boots as a third item.
I'm going to watch this with her

@longpham54 - 23.06.2022 13:39

First of all is your SP know how to play the game

@chri5081 - 26.06.2022 18:38

So i havent played league in depth to know the answer -- but if adc and sup want to end up in the mid lane -- how come mid and bot lane dont switch at an earlier state -- as they will be close to both objectives (drag/rift/baron)

@gianlucamarvulli4524 - 30.06.2022 20:29

in low elo there isn't rules

@alexu176 - 01.07.2022 06:52

As a new player this was one of the first videos I found helpful thank you

@f1ksrolig797 - 08.07.2022 15:35

i feel like this is the right way to play, but ok lets see, i have an account in silver, and when i take down bot tower, and go top to get tower, and i station myself in mid, even after 20 min in game, the midlaner will cry and tell me to leave, so i tried the muting from start thing, but then they start trolling when i try to get farmed in mid.

@martinzuniga6605 - 12.07.2022 17:24

I think this is what is holding me back. I'm afraid to push lanes solo because I don't wanna give a shut down to the enemy.

@tkh846 - 12.07.2022 19:57

That Kai'sa thing is basically what happened in my Lucian game today... I did the same, ofc no enemy responded, I managed to get tower and inhib, enemy got dragon, my team started flaming and blaming me because we lost the drake, went in a 4v5 fight while I was trying to push top and lost us the game... and got told to uninstall.

@jeffreyliu4531 - 18.07.2022 18:16

that example where jhin side killed thresh is pretty bad, thresh is trolling and caitlyn is too behind the wave, if thresh and caitlyn play properly they win everytime jhin should not be able to walk near the wave unless there's a gank from jhin side.

@888marcinb - 24.07.2022 19:24

but what if.. hear me out... WHAT IF you cant control the minion wave because the enemy has the advantage?

@sig1761 - 25.07.2022 09:29

i did this stuff, and I actually did better. i snowballed more often, have high KDAs, could 1v1 even melee units, do pentakills. But we still end up losing because I can't defend every single lane myself while my teams go out and chase kills and getting killed in the process.

@Sim0sama - 29.07.2022 19:47

One time I was playing zilean support with shurelia, and we just finished the baron but some of us die, I was playing with my adc so I told him to push the mid wave while I was pushing the bot so they had to chose what to defend and they chose mine. Well, I active my E 90% of movement speed + shurelia + multiple booms and stun and I just run away, so my adc could push a lot too 🤣
So yeah.
That’s just macro and you can do it in whatever role

@karelruzicka8721 - 03.08.2022 22:46

The one and only guide for Adc's in season 12 is - don't play Adc. It's just shitty.

@spitfire5518 - 04.08.2022 23:46

sounds like ezreal

@evanfrost8902 - 09.08.2022 19:04

He sounds like EZREAL

@itzaleyva1623 - 10.08.2022 22:04

After watching this video played a game of ranked w/ Neeko mid ended up 13/0/7. Your analogies were super helpful thanks!

@ether6521 - 11.08.2022 06:46


@louisharris9352 - 04.09.2022 08:21

See this covers a whole lot but what to do when my jungler goes 0/10 in 5 minutes every game and my support doesnt buy support item because they want to farm minions

@vuckoz2527 - 02.10.2022 17:43

bro sounds like ezreal

@thatskrvzy - 12.10.2022 06:01

imagine jeff from american dad teaching u to play league

@umberto46sletsplays - 23.10.2022 02:33

pog he's ezreal

@waiwaiwong6914 - 24.10.2022 14:38

i aint sure about this anymore, after seeing gumayusi got stump in sliver elo with his yuumi support.

@jgarcia7424 - 22.11.2022 12:38

I'm in love with the fact that the voice is super similar to Ezreal's

@allainangcao28 - 22.11.2022 13:41

Only Ezreal can teach me ADC… 😂

@shiiine6314 - 09.01.2023 23:22

im always doing that also when my team falls behind or iam to far behind im just a glass cannon so i go to any lane and pressure there bot or top seems the most best for doing that bc i cant get flanked or i do get it bc my line of sight wasnt big enough and i force 1 of them top come to me or even 2 bc they want my free kill so my Team is save from them and can pressure elsewhere and i just runn away and go elsewhere and repeat that scenery until im farmed out and be more useful as you said im not an adc anymore im just a solo bot or top laner almost every game they blame me for it and flame why i didnt join Mid fights :D.

@maxvonbar9020 - 14.04.2023 17:50

Why ADC and Support not start the Game in the Mid?

@Akira05 - 02.05.2023 16:21

you belong in a museum
