Install Arch Linux using the Evo / Lution Installer

Install Arch Linux using the Evo / Lution Installer

AJ Reissig

9 лет назад

15,519 Просмотров

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@0311huy - 26.03.2017 06:27

please help, when i choose boot evo linux, it run and after second screen with green[OK], arch asking for a password, i type my debian login name & password but it wont work

@joeyvico - 15.11.2016 11:02

The project has moved to makeiso. Do you know where I can find the original evo arch installer?? It was so easy with that and I can't find it now. Thank you

@michadybczak4862 - 14.03.2016 00:59

That video is unfortunately obsolete.

@-_-kunlinux4301 - 22.08.2015 23:38

Hey dude what is your main os ? you are using ?

@LordDrachenblut - 18.08.2015 06:23

I would like to hear you talk about gnome boxes. I haven't tried that out yet. hopefully KDE will make an equivalent interface soon

@amaina67 - 01.08.2015 23:04

4 years of linux use and I can now say it -- Arch Linux, HERE I COME!

@gjermundification - 28.07.2015 21:15

Can you please do a benchmarking on keyboard versus mouse click for text based installers on time spent? I must admit I spend less time pacstrapping a drive just by typing, however you may or may not end up with more convenience stuff. Enlightenment FTW! Interesting to see that these type of installers are still existing. This type of installer was in my first linux installation; RedHat Colgate / debian 2, around that era...

@uh8myzen - 21.07.2015 18:26

I have actually used this installer to attract users to Arch and the traditional install method who were otherwise terrified of it. Evo/Lution is a little less intimidating for those used to Ubuntu or Mint installs, but its still far enough out of their comfort zone to make a traditional Arch install seem less intimidating.  After about a month I go back to them and ask them if they want to try the "real" Arch install and so far 15 out of 17 people have said yes and come out the other side more confident and knowledgable (and not a little to pleased with themselves).  I like Evo/Lution as way of "softening up" those who avoid Arch out of fear. I agree that new Arch users need to experience the traditional install (I learned more about Linux in my first Arch install than I did in five years on Debian or Fedora), but sometimes tools like this can give people that extra push to help them overcome their fear and step out of their comfort zone.

@evanwater3633 - 12.07.2015 18:47

yup. use it everytime. athough it messed up my time a few times.

@garth1967 - 10.07.2015 19:41

AJ I am not a Gnome user within Arch I use XFCE/KDE..What I have trouble with is Gnome really is Gnome based so to get things working in Arch can be rather hit or miss in Arch..Or maybe I'm missing something..So you use Gnome and seem really familiar with it..Would you do Arch Gnome..or am I asking something silly

@simoncrossley8008 - 12.06.2015 16:51

followed all the steps, all went well I went for KDE + extras, reboot but I just arrive back at a command prompt????  I'm use to Ubuntu but fresh on Arch Linux.. any pointers are appreciated, ty in advance

@tasnimali9312 - 08.06.2015 23:50

When it prompts me to say my graphics card, do I leave it as VirtualBox or use my computer's AMD one?

@youeatmetube - 29.04.2015 21:05

You mean to tell me I wasted 3 days of my life for learning all about how to install Arch Linux :) Damn. Now normal people would be able to install in a a day.

@z0phi3l - 18.04.2015 15:58

Not sure if mentioned already, may be incorrect, last time I installed Arch was back in 08, but makeinitcpio should Make your Initiation routine, or what hardware drivers and daemons Linux runs at boot

@londonjack3755 - 13.04.2015 05:40

How do we install catalyst driver using the Evo/Lution Installler?

@johnmal5975 - 08.04.2015 05:34

Awesome video Alex!  Thank you, I will try this while watching the video.  Thanks!

@MrTimdesires - 08.04.2015 00:53

Great tutorial for us who needs to get into the system, and not so interested in setting things up. I'm spolied with Mint and Fedora. Now I can get the time to get Arch instead without the booooring setup. Thanks a lot for this. I give a total setup max 7-10 minutes. Otherwise I ust try another distribution. 
