Pros & Cons of Detached & Attached Garages in Calgary, Alberta: Mistakes to avoid

Pros & Cons of Detached & Attached Garages in Calgary, Alberta: Mistakes to avoid

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What's better? What's better value - attached OR detached garages in Calgary? The answer might surprise you!! Find out what's better for your family right now. VIDEO TIMINGS:
0:19 Difference between detached vs attached car garages
0:27 What is a detached car garage and one bad thing about it
0:51 What is an attached car garage?
1:03 What's a more desirable option in Calgary?
1:16 What about apartments, rowhouses/townhouses?
1:57 The most popular type of housing in Calgary
2:22 How much does it cost to build a garage?
2:37 What if there is no garage?
2:50 Where to park if you have no garage?

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Hi! I am Anastasia. I am your Calgary Lifestyle Guide. This channel is all about down-to-earth advice on moving to Calgary, living in Calgary, and buying/selling properties in Calgary. I am a local Real Estate Agent/Calgary Realtor with CIR REALTY and YYC Lifestyle Blogger and YouTuber.

Besides being a Calgary Realtor who loves her job, I write and vlog about the best of real estate, lifestyle, food, drink, culture, travel, and things to do in YYC! Thank you so much for visiting! Check out my blog:

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━━━━━━━━━▼REAL ESTATE CONTACT INFO▼━━━━━━━━━
Anastasia Dvorak
Real Estate Agent/Realtor
CIR REALTY, Calgary, Alberta
Serving Calgary and the surrounding area
Text me: 403.835.6913
Note: I do not always pick up my phone as I am busy with clients, so for the fastest response, it's better to text me or schedule an appointment online here:
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Email me: [email protected] (note: please make sure to add your cell phone number at the end of your email. I reply to every email, but sometimes it goes into your junk folder - that way I can still get in touch with you even if my reply email message gets filtered by your email system. Thank you!)
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