Fury: SS officer execution HD CLIP

Fury: SS officer execution HD CLIP

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Jack Towers
Jack Towers - 20.09.2023 06:48

Shoulda Scalped him

Bide Ni
Bide Ni - 18.09.2023 17:08

Too much hate in a movie.
I ask myself if there were actually unpunished war crimes like that made by our men or if this is more and Hollywood mrxst directors sxal fantasy.

Derek Miller
Derek Miller - 18.09.2023 06:37

Angel of death is the coldest one of them all.

john wick
john wick - 16.09.2023 05:40

That white phosphor smoke would have them on the ground choking. But not our heroes.

James Masters
James Masters - 16.09.2023 04:33

The M4 Sherman Tank - so underrated, it was a good tank.

Pabu May
Pabu May - 15.09.2023 07:04

All the SS should have been executed.

Jerry Ficco
Jerry Ficco - 13.09.2023 00:53

I thought things movie was horrible and Pitt was mediocre at best.

Repent and believe in Jesus Christ
Repent and believe in Jesus Christ - 12.09.2023 01:47

Repent to Jesus Christ “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

nooshi - 10.09.2023 03:56

How are you folks allowed to play these clips and monetize them? Do you get permission? Genuinely curious!

H - 10.09.2023 01:44

just more zionist revenge porn

Khalid AlAli
Khalid AlAli - 09.09.2023 22:54

It’s fascinating how whores just spring up, be it peacetime or wartime.

mike smith
mike smith - 09.09.2023 07:56

I've watched this movie multiple times over the years, and it JUST dawned on my the significance of "Hey Angel, this one's yours!". The executioner's fave is eerily hidden....the soldier is referring to the Angel of Death who has come to execute the SS officer for his crimes. I really think that's why the mysterious executioner's name is 'Angel'. He's referred to no where else in the movie.

borax92 - 06.09.2023 20:38

Shernan tank piece of sh..

Paul Barham
Paul Barham - 06.09.2023 10:52

No animals were harmed during this movie.

Tom Henry
Tom Henry - 06.09.2023 09:19

Good screen

Günter Hauser
Günter Hauser - 05.09.2023 23:15

Typische Holywood Scheiße, die Pak hätte den Sherman zerlegt, und die Execution war ein Kriegsverbrechen,wieder einmal.
Was sollst, keine Seite ist sauber aus dem Krieg gekommen, nur sollte man nicht auf Moralapostl machen wenn man genauso viel Dreck am Stecken hat. Wieder rechtliche Hinrichtungen von Gefangenen gibt es in sehr vielen Fällen sind bekannt. Von allen Kriegsparteien, Gefangene können sich nicht wehren.
Hemingway hat über 200 Deutsche Soldaten getötet, Gefangene und Verwunderte vor allem. Bewießen Da er sich damit selber gebrüstet hat, ohne konzeqenzen, waren ja "nur" deutsche!!
Scheiß Doppelmoral!!
Die Deutschen waren bei Gott keine Unschuldslämmer, aber wer sich ergibt steht laut Genfer Konventionen unter Schutz.
Die Erschießung der Amerikanischen Gefangener US Soldaten war das Ergebnis, nachdem die Gefangenen 3 mal getürmt sind und jedesmal alle Wachen getötet hätten, obwohl sie gewarnt wurden da die Panzer truppe nicht für Gefangene, Bewachungseinheiten zur Verfügung hatten und die US Soldaten Pipper versprachen nichts zu unternehmen wenn er sie verschont.
Falls jemand den Vorfall erwähnen möchte.
Es gibt Bücher und viele Berichte zu Kriegsverbrechen beider Seiten.

Chris Nasif
Chris Nasif - 04.09.2023 21:41

You can tell the Mayor was happy to give over the SS officer forcing children to fight.

John C
John C - 04.09.2023 03:18

Ahhh all that pink mist. Lol God that’s violent.

Exit Only
Exit Only - 04.09.2023 02:12

If the execution of a SS officer bothers you, wait till you read Eugene Sledge's book, "With the Old Breed", a firsthand account of his experiences in the Pacific. The Marines and the Japanese fought like absolute savages, and had to, to survive when Japanese infiltrated at night into Marine's foxholes at night, resulting in brutal hand to hand combat. Didn't help that the Japanese would play dead or feign surrender, only to shoot or grenade Marines. Can't blame the Marines for not playing games with an enemy determined to fight to the death, using every dirty trick in the book.

Nicholas Huang
Nicholas Huang - 03.09.2023 15:45

Actually the one watching the white flag could be the SS officer in disguise..
Could tell how the face expression from the supposed SS officer when they approached him

PrometheusFire209 - 03.09.2023 06:14

Racist Americans biggest conflict celebrating American soilder pride or being upset that they are woke for killing nazis

kamose48 - 02.09.2023 22:34

War hollywoodlike....

David De Andrés
David De Andrés - 02.09.2023 18:02

"War crimes are actually le good when they're done against le evil nazis". This is nauseous propaganda, and a society which normalizes and glorifies war crimes against its enemies (much that they may have merited it) certainly has no moral ground to judge them. "How could the nazis justify their war crimes? How could they so dehumanize their enemies and disregard war customs and laws?", they ask, while doing exactly the same. Hoolywood decries nazi war crimes while glorifying what basically amounts to an inverse Kommissarbefehl. Simply nauseating.

Канапия Жусип
Канапия Жусип - 02.09.2023 17:40

I lost my grandpa in WW2 who was on Russian side, though we are not Russians, and I do not support execution of German kid, even SS, cause he put no threat to them.

Seanautilis - 02.09.2023 03:20

Brad Pitt is a twit not fit to lick the boots of any American man who fought in WWII

P-Dog -
P-Dog - - 02.09.2023 01:08

Didn’t even know white phosphorous was used in ww2 till seeing this

theonetruekirk - 01.09.2023 11:37

Yay, glorifying murder.

ThisTroper - 30.08.2023 15:06

Plot Twist: The Burgemeister was the SS Officer all along and the one they shot was a blind and deaf soldier who didn't know what was happening.

p_filippo 7uz348
p_filippo 7uz348 - 30.08.2023 00:24

I always hate it when they kill the SS like that.

Death by shooting is too fast, the SS deserve to be tortured

Brad - 29.08.2023 09:16

There is probably nothing that kills the authenticity and realism of a war movie or any military movie than a lack of cuss words.

There is a reason they have the expression "cuss like a sailor" but you could just as easily make the same expression about Soldiers in the Army or Marines or I even imagine Airmen in the Airforce. Cussing is as much a part of being in the military as combat boots.

Renan Felipe dos Santos
Renan Felipe dos Santos - 29.08.2023 05:33

Lo pusieron a bailar La Macarena 😎

Thug Off
Thug Off - 28.08.2023 23:29

Glory and huge profit

Mihai Popescu
Mihai Popescu - 27.08.2023 17:49

Never happened

Inquisitor Krieger
Inquisitor Krieger - 27.08.2023 10:12

"That guy is tyring to preserve his race and culture! Kill him!"

Oh and the SS didn't hang children.

sonrouge - 27.08.2023 09:56

Is it wrong that I think Fury's main gun should've been used on the SS man?

Um Usuario
Um Usuario - 27.08.2023 07:22

Wow warcrimes so based!

Esteban Fonseca
Esteban Fonseca - 26.08.2023 17:39

A jews wet dream that movie is😅

Ferdi Altungök
Ferdi Altungök - 26.08.2023 08:58

Funny movie :) 3 US soldiers kill 30 Germans 🤣
Then there is the SS Hitler and the Himler army of death. 😅
Simple American exaggeration films

Yusoph-Kiram Mama III
Yusoph-Kiram Mama III - 25.08.2023 14:34

They took turns on that German woman inside the tank

hunt2727 - 25.08.2023 07:45

Censorship on the internet demonstrates that the version that the Allies want to impose about the war, is not the Truth.

Andreas Herrmann
Andreas Herrmann - 24.08.2023 14:22

Drecksfilm übeler Machart

Conspiracy Bear
Conspiracy Bear - 23.08.2023 18:40


ArtypNk - 21.08.2023 09:58

Warcrimes are fine as long as anyone dying doesn't say a naughty word while dying.

Ray S
Ray S - 19.08.2023 18:19

Fact is we didn’t violate the laws of war and execute every SS guy we captured. There is a famous pic of Bradley taking to a captured SS officer. Fury was in dire need of Dale Dye’s military adviser services.

Jupiter - 19.08.2023 17:02

The SS guy really went out with all his SS uniform suited up
