Which Kreg Jig to Buy for Beginners- The answer you are looking for!

Which Kreg Jig to Buy for Beginners- The answer you are looking for!

Anika's DIY Life

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@davidndahura7437 - 01.04.2023 01:33

You need all of them, thanks for the video. ❤

@maciejsaganowski256 - 04.04.2023 22:49

thanks, super useful!!

@gregghernandez2714 - 15.04.2023 08:44

It's really a shame that Kreg didn't leave the option to continue to buy the Kreg K4 and K5. I have the K4 (and love it) but would buy a K5 in a heartbeat if I could still get my hands on one. I do have the 720 pro and I think it is just okay compared to the K4. Due to the reviews I decided to buy the Armor Tools pocket hole jig, and that sucker is just packed with a ton of cool features. One of the most innovative is the fact that you can put the drill bit and collar in the side of the jig, and as you insert the wood, it will adjust the drill bit to the correct size automatically (as long as you make sure to loosen the collar). Also the clamp self adjusts to the wood too. Pretty neat. Great overview of these Kreg products. Thanks.

@lindasharkey1799 - 19.04.2023 23:54

This was a very infomative video of options as I am a first time user of using of a kreg jig. It has helped me make an informed decision for my current projects

@officerdoofy4184 - 28.04.2023 14:56

Thank you for the clear concise break down!
I took on everything you said and also disregarded some of it and bought the 720 haha. Bigger the better right?!
Great quality video :)

@Pnkfloid49 - 08.05.2023 20:38

Great video. Exactly what I was looking for

@phenomenal_woman - 11.05.2023 21:40

Hello Anika, I would like to make a picture ledger. I have the wood and it is cut. I was thinking of purchase the Kreg Jig from Amazon for around $40 or maybe the one for under $20. This is not something I plan to do a lot, in fact I may only use it once.The wood is 3/8 inch thick, so I wanted to know if the drill part needs to be a special size or if whatever comes with the jig can be used to drilled to a certain depth. I want a strong connection and I think this would do better than just glue and finishing nails. Thank you.

@jf6720 - 20.05.2023 01:26

Excellent video! You helped me make up my mind.

@johnsimon7867 - 22.05.2023 04:47

I'm going to make screens for my new porch and the 320 will work just fine! Thanks for your great videos!!❤

@ajducey1868 - 13.06.2023 02:18

I have the 700 and can't seem to make it work with the 2x4s...it's like it permanently set for smaller stock. the clamp doesn't fully engage.

@williammaxwell1919 - 13.06.2023 09:34

K720... a Beta model mass produced. Kreg should have supplied this to woodworkers to assess and comment on before bring this product to market. Too many minor flaws, many of which can be attributed to Kreg trying to force those loyal to the brand or new Kreg users, buying a lot of prefifural /additional required components because this Kreg gig is not backwards compatible... the software industry discovered this years ago.

@JoseGomez-gu1qr - 15.06.2023 01:39

Anika*s, buenas tardes,como utilizo la minikreg de 6mm mm, es solo para maderas de media o menos grosor??-

@robertmorse4582 - 11.07.2023 03:32

This was a great video

@pironi2405 - 21.07.2023 18:32

For my home diy project 320 is enough for me.👍

@israelnemitz8323 - 26.08.2023 21:19

Great video!

@jimgreenhouse214 - 09.09.2023 20:40

Great video. I enjoy how thoroughly you explain details without talking down to beginners. You have a new subscriber

@SteveH-TN - 10.09.2023 01:18

Thanks for sharing this video. I purchased my Kreg jigs several years ago. I’m watching your video to learn what’s available now. I love using my K4 glad I purchased when I could.

@glengullickson6538 - 20.09.2023 13:14

New to this. Thank you!

@jamesbumgarner5737 - 21.09.2023 19:52

Newbie to WW. Thanks for sharing your experience and recommendations. Cheers.

@wilhelmtaylor9863 - 05.10.2023 05:14

Instead of "which Kreg jig to buy" the question should more logically be "which pocket hole jig to buy". There is life beyond Kreg and some of the other vendors have features Kreg has not yet matched.

@randomtube8226 - 05.10.2023 05:17

I just recently got the 320 since im just starting out with pocket holes. For some reason im having a hard time figuring it out and getting the hang of it.

@uglybobhere - 22.11.2023 00:05

😅pocket holes are becoming addictive. They are clean.

@francisexperience - 04.12.2023 13:50

Very good presentation clear concise and very knowledgable, thank you.

@shellyharrell4865 - 19.12.2023 04:17

What about pocket holes in 45 degree angles?

@ERone43 - 21.12.2023 00:23

Can any of them do dowels/dowel holes? Or is there a way you could mod it to do dowels?

@misselissalk - 11.01.2024 07:51

If you send a board through a planer and it changes the thickness from a “standard “ thickness, is that going to be a problem for the 520?

@hmcmail57 - 18.01.2024 06:39

Thank you for such a clear and thoughtful video! I Recently purchased the 320 in a kit that came with a face clamp and I learned so much about its functionality from watching this video. It was my first time working with pocket holes and I don’t know how often I’ll use them so I took the cheapest option. I envy the ease of not having to reclamp all the time, but even in spite of that I was so impressed by how well it worked. I have a very small space and work surface so I need to be mobile and not dedicate workbench space to a single tool. The 320 was perfect given these limitations.

@patriotsleepercell4060 - 18.01.2024 07:30

Im sure you have other uses for the thickness gauge other than drilling pocket holes with Kreg.

@WhatDothLife - 24.01.2024 19:52

Great video! Very informative. I've been wanting to get one and I've been so undecided. After your video, I believe I want the 520! Thank you!

@hectorguerrero3189 - 09.02.2024 01:23

Hi Anika, I am subscribed to you channel. And I have a question: what model of kreg jig pocket holes . I need purchase to make a pocket holes in 2" lumbers?
Please I need you help for my project.

@Inflateyourwealth - 22.02.2024 02:59

Anika, you have no idea how helping your videos are for me. I always get my all questions answered every single time🎉
I am so inspired by your channel, I am going to start my own channel and use my Punjabi language.
Thank you so much.

@jeffccr3620 - 24.02.2024 14:22

Stopped using Kreg when they made jigs obsolete never looked back looks like they want to be primarily a screw company
Still have the k4 and 5 in a box somewhere just never pull them out
Switched to a competitor that doesn't abandon it's contractors just to sell them a new tool that's inferior 😮

@gailybird1 - 02.03.2024 21:08

I got more than expected from this video. Thanks!

@PeoplesCarpenter - 23.03.2024 04:40

This was a great, succinct overview, thanks! That explains why I can't find the K4 for sale anymore. Looks like I'll have to get the 720 then. Oh dear. ;)

@michellehart4115 - 02.04.2024 19:57

Thank you for the informative video! I am looking to invest in a pocket hole jig as I just began my woodworking adventures about 4 months ago. Are there any jigs that will work with a 4x4? I am looking to make a pergola swing set in and rather than the traditional A frame I will be using four 4x4's as my vertical posts. I would like to avoid having so many visible screw holes and wondering if I could use a jig and which one to connect the 2x4 that will be horizontal to the vertical 4x4's. Thank you!

@Devmc1212 - 26.04.2024 23:42

Damn i was looking for a K4 and was wondering why i couldnt find one

@danvanhecke8508 - 03.05.2024 15:23

Excellent video. Clearly explains differences between jigs. very Informative for a novice like me! Thank you for sharing!!!

@jserr9682 - 28.05.2024 00:18

Well techniacly the one that is for you is the one you can afford the 720 you can use for basicle everything I Use it for repair and everything else ....so if you have the money save you the hassle and buy a 720 that's all. So In sumary the only difference is how much money you have to spend thas all

@yadymcb2360 - 08.06.2024 07:08

Ahhh I finally get it! Thank you for explaining all of this. ☺️

@allencristobal6336 - 07.07.2024 09:21

as a beginner, all I heard was , buy everything

@TAZIOZAFFARONE - 17.07.2024 20:12

Probable all of them are fine, the most important to this (as was my experience) is to have a good drill with high speed, if not, you have to buy one. I got 3 drills, none of them was doing the job, so, ......

@cmebeth - 05.09.2024 16:30

Very nice video! Thank you!

@2010stoof - 28.09.2024 14:13

For the price get the r3 junior older model lol and an Irwin quick grip clamp.

@Ann-eb8fo - 09.10.2024 20:46

Thank you!

@briansschneider - 25.10.2024 16:53

Thank you. One of the best reviews of this line of jigs.

@ionion4754 - 05.11.2024 12:44

Thanks very much.Awesome video.

@RichardBoisclair-hw6nb - 19.02.2025 19:43

Forgot Kreg. Their design is flawed and it’s cheap bendable plastic. For a few dollars more there’s Massco. You should do a review and will be amazed. I have both and the Kreg is on the shelf to give to goodwill.

@rosariomontes758 - 03.03.2025 07:56

K3 and R3 are the best jigs everything else =💩
