Adobe Lightroom Tutorial: Professional Photo Editing Tips | B&H Event Space

Adobe Lightroom Tutorial: Professional Photo Editing Tips | B&H Event Space

B&H Photo Video Pro Audio

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B&H Photo Video
B&H Photo Video - 27.04.2020 21:05

Did Clifford's in-depth tutorial answer your questions? If not, comment yours below!

The Devil _01
The Devil _01 - 13.09.2023 13:15


Marvin George
Marvin George - 22.07.2023 17:59

Best spent 2 hours in my photography journey. Great share. Thank you.

The Bendu
The Bendu - 08.05.2023 12:43

At a certain point, this is more special effects than photography.

Dick Clark
Dick Clark - 18.01.2023 00:30

Cliff: Great tips on how to edit to make pictures pop. Thank you.

Mat Marin
Mat Marin - 18.12.2022 11:00

This was a great video. I think that I learned so much about being able to look at an image and have a road map of tools to use and what order to get the image that is possible. so many times I would look at what the camera captured and thought that it was just okay, now I can see what is possible. Thank you again.

James B
James B - 08.12.2022 15:47

There's certainly some useful information in here, but what we're really seeing here is a very (VERY) mediocre photographer teaching people how to take their bad photos and COMPLETELY change them in post until they look interesting. This isn't a lesson on photography, it's a lesson on making digital art.

susan tellez
susan tellez - 28.11.2022 22:52

Please look at the camera when you speak

Serrie Lu
Serrie Lu - 27.11.2022 19:51

I just know this is without doubt the best instructional video, on just about anything, I’ve ever watched on YT. The, “cut to the chase”, the making others think of the answers, questioning me on how to do…,the reasonings’ in your opinion, you provide, is simply teaching at its very best.

G11strikeforce - 03.11.2022 15:46

I can’t get the same panel under the histogram mine are just crop, red eye and mask how do I get the other choices?

G1ROF - 14.09.2022 01:17

you can do what you want!

Silviane Pasquali
Silviane Pasquali - 12.09.2022 11:02

perfect speed 1.25

Preet - 12.09.2022 11:01

Oh my god so good explained thank you!!!!

fathan wira
fathan wira - 12.09.2022 10:31

its blatantly obvious that you're trying to scam people

Prince Sarno
Prince Sarno - 12.09.2022 10:21

TrasNice tutorialest most garbage soft ever 19

Bá Lực
Bá Lực - 01.09.2022 06:12

money as Pro logic looks to run smoother on MAC! FFS!!!

JAY SE1 - 28.08.2022 16:05

Excellent tutorial! Thank you so much

Taste with new drinks
Taste with new drinks - 09.08.2022 11:11


Saif Elnasr
Saif Elnasr - 22.07.2022 04:06

I find what was mssing at last, the greatest explnation for wha we missing 👌🏻🎭🤟🏼

Stacie’s random channel
Stacie’s random channel - 19.07.2022 01:36

I prefer Lr vs LrC on my laptop. Am I missing out on important settings by opting to stick with Lr? I'm a Windows 11 user btw.

tejd studio
tejd studio - 05.07.2022 19:28

Beautiful, impactful and extremely interesting tutorial. learnt and absorb a lot from this tutorial

Fredrik Svärd
Fredrik Svärd - 19.06.2022 00:22

The theory is good, but the unedited versions are generally better. This just shows how hard it is to actually beat apple/insta/lightroom and so on filters and presets. Engineers know what people want to arrive at and when editing from scratch it's easy to mess up.

Joshua Kersman
Joshua Kersman - 12.06.2022 08:47

I love this lesson. I absolutely love that he explains his own feelings on the image. why he's doing it and not just, I'm doing this. I'm doing that. he's actually giving me the insight into what he sees in the image even before the editing. it really helps to keep me inspired to learn more about photography

Philip Miller
Philip Miller - 10.06.2022 00:34

Superb presentation! some of these option look different in LR 2022. But this is a new approach to masking

Johny Michaud
Johny Michaud - 06.06.2022 05:26

Thank you so much for this. Great course and can't believe this is free. thank you again.

Colin Mee
Colin Mee - 03.06.2022 11:57

Wow!.. just Wow!!

ThothHeartMaat - 01.06.2022 11:48

if you love a woman.. tell her that she is a woman...

bigshooter461 - 26.05.2022 20:21

Just watching this now and I have to say that the DOF edit you made was horrible, this would be much better if you used a mask in PS and made a more realistic front to back gradient for lens blur that more realistically kept the field of focus. Parts of the image withing the field of view that should have remained sharp were unrealistically blurred by the adjustments you made with the tools you used. I do appreciate the value of the tools available in Light Room and what you are sharing is still quite valuable. Especially for adjustments of highlights and shadows and your advise on capturing as much information in the initial file as possible.

Danny Hetherwick
Danny Hetherwick - 26.05.2022 00:30

Anybody have a link for the "how to speed up lightroom" video he mentions in the beginning? TYIA!

mal-avcisi - 19.05.2022 18:01

very bad result. thank you

James Franklin
James Franklin - 04.05.2022 22:08

I like this kind of work. The man is a master of his craft. Nice workmanship. Only why is it not in photoshop?

Britis Profi
Britis Profi - 03.05.2022 20:28

Cliff’s presentation teaches not only post-processing

Rashid Al-Yahyai
Rashid Al-Yahyai - 14.04.2022 15:12

I learned a lot form this video, thank you Clifford

Gabriel Blanco
Gabriel Blanco - 07.04.2022 22:47

vibrance is not a smart "saturation"! Vibrance works in the "midtones! geez!

Michael Buse
Michael Buse - 02.04.2022 19:18

This moron thinks ISO doesn't affect exposure? "It's just volume" Show him the exposure triangle and give him a lolipop.

4 Eye Optics
4 Eye Optics - 02.04.2022 15:47

Which version of lightroom is he using?

Clipping Path Universe
Clipping Path Universe - 16.03.2022 07:52

Last Time during using lightroom i was a little bit confused but after your video it's completely simple to me. thank you

The Kilgore Trout Experience
The Kilgore Trout Experience - 02.03.2022 23:15

This lecture is amazing! Thanks for posting it in full... Would anyone here know whether it's possible to delete photo files from disk at the same time as deleting from LR? Thanks :)

Sean - 18.02.2022 23:58

I'm 20 minutes in and already hate him. LOL that just means I have about 4 days of experience with Lightroom and I'm sitting here going "I would have never thought of that"

Matthew Kurtz
Matthew Kurtz - 18.01.2022 22:11

I’m a half hour into this and I love it. I have been using Lightroom for two years and I’m learning A LOT! Thank you so much for sharing.

JAG'S PRODUCTION - 10.01.2022 21:37

Thankyou ♥️🙌It helped

david davidd
david davidd - 07.01.2022 20:34

another example of editing Lemmings, rushing aimlessly to go over the edge. extreme slider adjustments. gimmicks not creativity.

Alex Forsyth
Alex Forsyth - 19.12.2021 23:00

Some very useful information here and I'll come back to it again. I think some of the images are oversaturated but every one to his own. Quality video, thanks !

Talbot Brooks
Talbot Brooks - 18.12.2021 02:55

I have resisted making use of Lightroom and similar tools for all but the most basic adjustments reasoning that if I couldn't get it pretty close to "right" in camera, then I didn't deserve the shot. To do otherwise was cheating myself (I could be lazy) and reality (artificially create the moment rather than capture it). Clifford's workshop didn't just shift my perception of post-processing editing, it opened my eyes about how to get where I wanted to go artistically without sacrificing the underlying integrity of my photography. It made me realize how foolish I have been in not using available tools to reasonable advantage. The most important aspect of this workshop is that he links edits to an underlying vision - this isn't about making an image technically correct, it's about using tools to express yourself. Well done and much appreciated.

SCRIPS - 16.12.2021 00:32

This is great!

David Fitcher
David Fitcher - 09.12.2021 18:33

Tjose are awesome shots man!

Walter Deecki Jr
Walter Deecki Jr - 08.12.2021 14:18

No, getting it right in camera means getting it right the first time, but an "Iphone" or smartphone photographer wouldn't know that. only those of us who have been to school, have degrees, and shoot raw on DSLR would know that you need to get as much done on scene and in camera as possible, that's why we buy lights, light meters, he's an idiot.

Rev. Bob Kett
Rev. Bob Kett - 07.12.2021 18:35

I'd rather show less, but show how
