Oryx. Best game meat I’ve ever tasted.
ОтветитьWent to Texas bc my sister lives there. She complained about a lack of women’s rights, but I saw none of that. As an Asian American woman, I loved every bit of Texas. Definitely going back.
ОтветитьIf there is god's grace.. One day i will also make a living as a ranching cowboy lifestyle in my own homeland..
This is what i always wanted from my very child hood GREAT LIFE AND LIVING my dear fellas 🌄
For anyone curious, 06 Ranch is over100,000 nearly contiguous acres just east of Ft. Davis, and probably has anywhere from 1,000-3,000 head of cattle. Their most hated neighbor, Clayton Williams, had opposing views about caring for the land and was able to run 2-3x the cattle in a quarter of the acreage. His ranch was extremely successful because he didn't glamorize the idea of ranching and embraced land and water management instead. Kind of a shame that his son is a loser and had no interest in it.
ОтветитьCoffee is said to be very expensive in cold regions. There may be edible 'tea' produced in cold regions. In the grasses that reindeer eat, there may be grasses that can be made into tea. This is speculation. On the grasses and roots that reindeer eat, picking out edible vegetables and growing them will increase the number of food in cold regions. It will also be good for farming in cold regions. Once told, it won't spread if there's not enough use or if someone who doesn't need it. Even if the person who needs it gets it, it won't be long. It needs to be told in detail in many repetitions. 추운 지방에는 커피가 많이 비싸다고 함. 추운 지역들에서 생산된 먹을수 있는 '차' 가 있을수도 있다고. 순록들이 먹는 풀들에, 차로 만들수 있는 풀들이 있을수도 있다고. 이건 추측의 내용 이라고 함. 순록들이 먹는 풀들과 뿌리들에, 식용이 가능한 채소들을 골라내어 농사재배를 하면, 추운지역들에 식량들이 늘어날 것이라고 합니다.추운지역에서의 농사들에도 좋을 것이라고 합니다. 한번 알려주면, 쓰는게 부족하거나, 필요없는 이가 받았을때는, 퍼지지 않을 것이라고. 필요한 이가 받아도, 얼마 못간다고 함. 아주 많은 반복으로 띄엄띄엄 알려주는게 필요하다고 함.
s @양목장과 소목장. 추워진 계절을 버티지 못하여 죽는 소들과 양들이 있었다고 함.미국과 일본과 인도와 중동 등등. 유럽의 소들과 한국의 소들이 추운계절을 어느정도 기간을 버티는게 있다고 함. 양들을 기를때, 털들을 반씩만 깍았던 곳들은, 갑자기 추워져도 양들이 살았다고 함.갑자기 추워지며, 소들과 양들이 죽고 고기를 먹지못하는 곳들이 있었다고 합니다.
Sheep ranches and cattle ranches. It is said that there were cows and sheep that died because they couldn't endure the cold season. In the US, Japan, India, the Middle East, etc., it is said that cows in Europe and Korea can endure the cold season for a certain period of time. It is said that in places where they only shaved half of the wool when raising sheep, the sheep survived even when it suddenly got cold. It is said that there were places where the cows and sheep died and the meat could not be eaten because it suddenly got cold.
S2-비닐하우스에, 순록들과 소들과 야생의 동물들이 먹는, 식용 풀들을 재배하면, 빠르게 자란다고 함. 재배하여, 목장들을 해볼수 있다고 함.추운 국가들에 많이 필요하다고 함.
In a greenhouse, edible grasses that reindeer, cows, and wild animals eat are said to grow quickly(vinyl covered house). They say that by cultivating them, you can make ranches. They say that cold countries need them a lot.
똥오줌에서 발생된 메탄가스들을, 공기들과 메탄가스로 분리들을 할수 있다고 함. 속이 비어진 기다란 건축물에, 발생된 메탄가스들을 넣고 몇일을 기다립니다. 이후, 층별로 빼내어, 메탄가스 들만 모을수 있었다고 함. 층별로 가스를 빼낼 때, 층별로 분리된 문들을 만들어 닫아야 서로 섞이지 않는다고 함. 층별로 닫을 때, 기스가 나지 않아야, 가스 폭발이 발생이 안된다고 함. 속이 비어진 기다란 건축물에, 층별로 닫는 일들은, 옆에 계단들이 있는 구조물 건축물이 필요하다고 함. 층별로 분리 문을 닫는 일들은, 직접 사람이 해야 하거나, 건축물 외부에서 로봇이 할 필요가 있다고 함. 그래야, 가스 누설에 의한 폭발사고 들이 줄어든다고 함.
It is said that methane gas generated from feces and urine can be separated into air and methane gas. In a long, hollow building, put the generated methane gas and wait for several days. Then, they were able to pull it out layer by layer and collect only methane gas. When removing gas from each layer, separate doors should be made so that they do not mix with each other. When closing by layer, there should be no gouging, so that no gas explosion can occur. A long, hollow building needs a structure with stairs next to it. Separation of doors on each floor needs to be done by humans or by robots outside the building. This reduces explosions caused by gas leaks.
-추운 국가들과 여러 국가인들에 여기의 내용들을 줘야, 해당된 국가인들도 먹고 살수 있다고 함. 지속적으로, 가끔 몇명씩에게 내용들을 줄 필요가 있다고 함. It is said that only when the contents of this are given to cold countries and various countries, the relevant countries can live on. It is said that it is necessary to give contents to several people from time to time.
Place looks dry asf, but it's got a weirdly nice aesthetic to it.
ОтветитьCowboy way of life is dying breed God bless them and there 🙏 families.
ОтветитьObviously, these ranchers are fearful of transparency. They're a multi-million dollar corporation with a 500,00-acre ranch complaining about their taxes while their workers probably pay a higher percentage of their income than these ranchers do. Did she mention the Texas Navy? Oh, well. That's Texas.
ОтветитьIf you haven’t anything to rancher lately, think one if you see one
ОтветитьHi I like it
ОтветитьAm from Kenya
ОтветитьGood luck I hope you get a lot of rain.
ОтветитьWhere is this on the map?
ОтветитьIt's disrespectful to ask about acreage because if you knew how much it would make it real hard for them to complain about shit daily
ОтветитьRanch size ?
ОтветитьI grew up in Texas but far away from this world, but I was taught to respect it, respect the land, the people that work the land provide our food. I have worked herding sheep which is also hard work. Respect.
ОтветитьAlmost 280.000 acres acording to google so that's one big ranch, it's understandable why hesitated to answer. Too bad land in Texas is desert and can't compare to Montana or other green lands
ОтветитьWhat do you say when people talk or show you cattle mutilation? What's your response to and this goes to all actual farmers and ranchers? Do you believe in that sorta of stuff they talk about like alien abducting cattles or just all the crazy stuff done to them,what's your take on it?
ОтветитьThis is brilliant. Love this. I wish nothing but the best for the ranchers. Love. All the way from Malaysia.
ОтветитьI watch to absorb positive energy
ОтветитьGive that woman 👩 a steak
ОтветитьI’ve hunted on this ranch and the country is absolutely beautiful.
ОтветитьThanks for the video
ОтветитьHoly smokes what a life they have
ОтветитьI’m sorry but this old cowboy has spent to much time out in the sun. Did he seriously say cows were SMART?? 😂😂😂
ОтветитьGod bless these people and all who stick it out and live this life for OUR benefit! It's for our benefit because of the food the raise for our tables and it's also to our benefit to know to that these people do exist and that this way of life still exists! It's both beautiful and brutal and it moved my soul to it's very depths! God bless you and your ranches and may they continue through the generations! We need them and we need you more than we can ever realize!! 🙏❤️❤️🇺🇸
ОтветитьFt. Davis, Alpine and Marfa are really neat little towns. Marfa is artsy, Ft. Davis is like an old west town and Alpine is just a little comfortable town with most everything you could need. Dark, quiet frontier all around, Milky Way clearly visible at night.
Ответитьthis rancher is full of crappy ideas
ОтветитьThis woman just said what the government is up to 30/30 and its happening today in los angeles!!!
ОтветитьI miss growing up in the country no lie that feel like therapy
ОтветитьAs a Texan, it's my spot where I like to live in, with a cow-girl who likes the countryside 🇺🇸🇳🇱❤
Ответить4th generation lol . They rob this from Mexico. The og is the vaqueros
ОтветитьHonor and pride, when she talks about loosing her son Jake in drama.. but you can see pain in her eyes..true ranchers
ОтветитьNice farm 🎉😊
Ответитьtexas112222 BLESSINGS
Ответить20,000acres ??Obscene😢
ОтветитьWhat a great channel. So much depth in the content and shows just how diverse the country is.
ОтветитьWest Texas is beautiful. Highly recommend going to Big Bend. I’ve driven through Alpine on my way there. Have a picture with the sign. Stayed in Terlingua, Tx in a solar powered, rain water mud hut. I’m a Texan through and through, been all over Texas. There’s so much to see and do.
Ответитьso beautiful. I really enjoyed this one
ОтветитьOs Americanos podem dar graças a Deus. Por canais como o seu que dão a conhecer a realidade da América e do povo Americano.
Para assim termos uma compreensão real de quem são os Americanos e como é a sua vida.
Hollywood trouxe muito glamour á America e aos Americanos. Isso tem prejudicado muito a imagem que as pessoas têm da América.
Thats an American family
ОтветитьThat way of life is truly amazing and I hope you never let foreign illegals ruin that place. I hope to visit the good ol United States very soon (legally of course) Greetings from the Philippines 🇵🇭🖐🏼✨
ОтветитьThing about ranchers is they always look for sympathy and act like they are hurting for money the property alone is worth millions their ancestors stole for Pennys they are very greedy ppl that fill their pockets with money
ОтветитьOutstanding look into these incredible people. Thank you.
ОтветитьDrought = climate change
ОтветитьMaybe you could have families come and stay for one week to learn about ranching bring in some extra income that way it doesn’t have to be all year. It could just be part time. Maybe even put them to work!! A real working ranch….city folks are interested.
ОтветитьAm I the only one that thought ‘ the way she’s speaking and the sound of her voice’ it sounds like she’s riding a horse and speaking while narrating 😂😂