Elite Dangerous: Farming raw materials from crystal shards

Elite Dangerous: Farming raw materials from crystal shards

Andrew van der Stock

10 месяцев назад

846 Просмотров

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@proto-skunk9548 - 08.01.2024 05:17

Thank you, I thank you very much for your video, I was wandering around the same planet for hours looking for the glass needles, I didn't know how to use the surface scanner correctly, if it weren't for you I would be playing blind, thank you and good video!

@ibnorml5506 - 05.09.2023 03:31

Wow. I have been away from Elite Dangerous for about a year, and the horrible changes they have made to the game has convinced me to no longer recommend it. It is amazing that they took the scanner and eliminated the map entries for deposits. Now one has to scourer a quarter of the planetary surface MANUALLY to find the crystals??? That's insane! This game is already tedious enough, they have to make it even more tedious? Unbelievable!

@grahamcrabb7714 - 27.08.2023 15:00

Thank you and lessons learnt. At least I wont get mangledknees farming these😊
