How I Made Factorio Play By Itself | Ultimate Automation Challenge Tutorial

How I Made Factorio Play By Itself | Ultimate Automation Challenge Tutorial


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dogefort - 17.10.2023 12:04

Am I wrong to want to see different speed runs of different auto mega base designs?

Sourcerer Seven
Sourcerer Seven - 14.10.2023 11:21

"Tabu" is the German spelling of taboo and Wikipedia says it's the historical spelling as well, so it might just be that German, and probably others, never deviated from the original spelling while English did.
So the technical term might have been loaned from one of those languages (Japanese does this a lot, many terms in Engineering and Medical fields are German loan words), or it was established and frozen in technical literature before English changed the spelling of the colloquial term.

It is still pronounced exactly the same as the English "taboo", with a long vowel at the end, so you using a short U threw me off until you said taboo at one point 🤣

Permanent - 09.10.2023 22:31

i think you have officially beat factorio 😂

Þór Jóhannesson
Þór Jóhannesson - 06.10.2023 22:00

The resource scan can be done.
When you create a block always make a mining block. Then after x time/ x many blocks if there is more than x ore skip the block if there is 0 ore deconstruct all miners and build a real block

Y Franchi-Alfaro
Y Franchi-Alfaro - 06.10.2023 01:23


geemcd - 05.10.2023 00:41

25.20 I love that you show us a huge complex undertaking, something I can just about follow on a conceptual level, but also freely admit you have no idea how this part works as it was made by a collaborator. So wholesome sir x

Al H
Al H - 04.10.2023 20:37

I could be doing my programming homework right now but instead I’m watching this

Y Franchi-Alfaro
Y Franchi-Alfaro - 03.10.2023 06:06


Guffels - 25.09.2023 15:59

would love to see this with the time acceleration mod. 64x for 24 hours just watching the counters go up

Genesis Cyber
Genesis Cyber - 23.09.2023 20:20

Question? Given enough space, will the blocks form a fractal?

Michel Jolicoeur
Michel Jolicoeur - 23.09.2023 05:55

Awesome proof of concept.

GenericKen000 - 23.09.2023 01:44

How are you automatically adding trains and cargo wagons to the system?

MrBob369 - 22.09.2023 16:18

How do you like the train system here, where each block is surrounded by rails? I just finished watching the Megabase in a Book series which takes a different approach to the rail system. Which do you prefer?

Søren Reinke
Søren Reinke - 22.09.2023 12:47

Now that is a brilliant build you and the community has made :)

Ado Muir
Ado Muir - 22.09.2023 12:14

heh i have been fooling aroundin factorio building my own modular system. and i ended up using that editor mod for my dev environment too. as the saying goes - "everyone has a test environment, some people have a seperate prod as well" :P

Brandon Williamson
Brandon Williamson - 22.09.2023 07:16

is there a way to connect logic from the accumulator system to the switches, for example if charge =50% the refinery switches shut off and then if 40% the steel smelter switches cut off and so on. I'm sure its doable but a cool self preservation measure.

Vhoxz - 21.09.2023 15:25

An algorithm for a spiral isn't super hard, but I have no clue how I would translate that into factorio logic xD. If I were to do something similar I'd probably just use a simple rectangular grid :).
That could also make it easier to work with coal/nuclear power, just make one expand to the left the other to the right... I'd just build 2 grids next to each other, a power grid and a production grid. Would have to be a custom map with some straight shoreline to make things easier. I see how adding mining automation would make things way harder tho, you'd end up with city blocks with 100 ore mined after 2 minutes and the block is empty... then you'de have to come up with an algorithm to remove mining blocks and replace them with something new. That process wouldn't be impossible, but it would probably tank the performance cause you'de have to keep track of the location where you removed a block, store that info, build a new bloc before continuing the spiral, ... nightmare fuel.

B Case
B Case - 21.09.2023 15:05

love this

MrKriboux - 21.09.2023 14:09

Simply brillant !

ZiomekM - 21.09.2023 13:17

Leave it running... it will be a great stress test for your PC 🤣

Jason Williams
Jason Williams - 21.09.2023 04:33

This is really cool.

Steve Dark
Steve Dark - 21.09.2023 03:57

You could store the demand of each block in a combinator and look for items with negative demand and prioritize them as you do now. You could then have a single combinator in the brain always demanding one siencelab driving the expansion. I dont think this would allow for overproduction since the trainnetwork should only add delay and not limit throughput, but if i did limit throughput the "supply" numbers wouldnt be accurate though...

Arkatoreus - 21.09.2023 02:06

Possible blueprint?

Oleg Peregudov
Oleg Peregudov - 21.09.2023 00:13

Have you shared a BP book of this build? Like you did with a base in the book. I'm not interested in 100% automation, rather nice city blocks with resources production.

Arjan B
Arjan B - 20.09.2023 17:56

I am so going to copy locomotives in the middle

Jar Media
Jar Media - 20.09.2023 01:13

when chapters?

Raveno91 - 19.09.2023 23:28

One word, " dangOreus " Please try it 🙏

VAL9000 - 19.09.2023 09:41

The supreme goal of Factorio players is optimizing so much they don't even have to play the game anymore

SnowTS - 19.09.2023 09:18

I think the true White Whale for Nilaus will be when he automates cliff removal in production rather than in pre-development planning :)

wolvesoTh - 19.09.2023 06:24

Also saw at least in the first backup, That the Yellow science Does not restrict 1 train which backs up the Fuel train and causes havoc.

Doktor Cool
Doktor Cool - 19.09.2023 01:17

I seem to remember that the first spiral self-expanding Factorio base I watched many years ago in a video (which also used recursive blueprints) did actually collect the resources and built the components for the expansion. As far as I remember they just covered city blocks with a miner grid blueprint, where only the miners which actually had something to mine materialized. The guy then sorted the mined products into copper, iron, coal and stone and had a station for each type.

Since the guy also used a no-water map but didn't use magical water-out-of-nowhere mods, he couldn't build batteries and thus his base browned out during the night. Oil was also not available - it was all about growing the base.

Victoref - 19.09.2023 01:10

hmm sounds danish

Andre Heise
Andre Heise - 18.09.2023 21:39

A great project. Unfortunately, new research laboratories and missile bases are being built before existing ones are fully utilized. The same applies to the production of science packages. I modified the blueprints a little:

- An extra copper stop for copper ore
- Added a missing inserter in plastic production
- Oil trains return to the Infinite Ore block if they cannot be unloaded
- Lower sulfur buffer at sulfur production train stops (because it delayed the start of production of sulfuric acid)
- A circuit that prohibits the construction of further research laboratories, rocket bases, etc. (unfortunately the signals are ignored as soon as the AI can no longer find anything to build, then it still builds new research laboratories, rocket bases, etc.)
- Infinite provider chests for base building parts in every infinite ore block (prevents drones having long flight distances as the factory grows)

Despite small errors, it's a great project that's a lot of fun.

Michael Stokes
Michael Stokes - 18.09.2023 20:08

I loved this. Great job! I liked the developer part since I am developer too.

Christoffer Hjorth
Christoffer Hjorth - 18.09.2023 18:30

i really like the concept of stations requesting trains, and trains beloning to the providing station and not the demanding station. i think i might screw around with that in my Pymods world. have been dabbling a bit with cityblocks, given that i love trains, and have very mixed experiences TBH, but i like fiddling around with trains, intersections, cityblocks, etc. my maybe proudest train related thing i have made is an endgame wall, supplied by a single train, based on demand, the roboports on the wall were all seperated by 1-2 tiles, so i never had issues with bots being too far away, or bots taking an hour to get to a wall segment with resources. i won't get to this level, but im fine with that, ill keep dabbling around with a little of everything.

Stan Meijer
Stan Meijer - 18.09.2023 15:57

This video gave me some great ideas for my own megabase. I'll try to implement the max train-on-demand and the way of refueling!

IExist Sometimes
IExist Sometimes - 18.09.2023 15:33

I believe joSEF identifies resources by attempting to place pumpjacks and miners and seeing if any get expended, which I reckon could be done even with the infinite chests, but the methodology for that base is wildly different, and it is interesting to see the differences between approaches.

Crowxar - 18.09.2023 15:00

Where's episode 2 funny man

jmatya - 18.09.2023 13:50

Could you maybe link the previous timelapse video as a clickable card to the video? Might bring some clicks as well

Rob Beijerinck
Rob Beijerinck - 18.09.2023 13:04

full lengt and post a link to the save off this game just befor activate the button

Lonr - 18.09.2023 07:48

Your mind is a beautiful thing.

Curtis Dyer
Curtis Dyer - 18.09.2023 05:52

Very elegant solution for debugging. Similar to your many-to-many train network, it's one of those things I'm almost sad to know, as it's hard to go back or try other stuff. Despite that, I always look forward to videos like these.

Ben Miller
Ben Miller - 18.09.2023 03:44

I really want to see the resource gathering implemented! although of course it would require the resource nodes to be much closer together, but still it would be fun

koukaakiva - 18.09.2023 02:35

You said you could get rid of the infinite resources and/or deal with biters. Does that mean you don't have plans to do so? I always thought it would be cool to make a blueprint for the "brain" that you could stamp down at a certain point of a standard game of Factorio and then it would take over expanding the factory after, but that would require dealing with resources and maybe also biters. Either way cool stuff.

iceteee95 - 18.09.2023 02:20

You should try to invest time in learning Space engineers (the Game) 😅

Viken Emesh
Viken Emesh - 18.09.2023 01:59

Circuit network is "not debuggable" "You have to invent your own breakpoints"

There is, of course, a mod for that. Allows you to freeze arbitrary groups of combinators and singlestep them: Controllinator

Stephen Simmons
Stephen Simmons - 18.09.2023 01:26

Functionality, what is the difference between letting the power crash and shutting down a base recource production? The shut down just propagate through the entire factory and take a long time to return to true creating false demand flags the whole time while doing so. Could you just set the min power level higher like 75% to completely resolve this issue?

Koppa Dasao
Koppa Dasao - 18.09.2023 00:41

7500 hours? You do know that a year only contains 8000 hours?
