Astrid Lindgren Speech: Never violence! 1978 Peace Prize of German Booksellers

Astrid Lindgren Speech: Never violence! 1978 Peace Prize of German Booksellers

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5 лет назад

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Source of the text spoken in this video: .

This speech is probably one of the milestones in the worldwide efforts to end corporal punishment and violence against children. As a result Sweden was the first country to ban corporal punishment against children and became one of the most peaceful countries (as Psychohistory according to Alice Miller and Lloyd deMause suspects).

What a shame corporal punishment is still allowed in the USA - everyone can see how violent the American society is in comparison to other modern countries. - #ratifycrc !

Inspiring thoughts on this topic come from Robin Grille: in his video "Peace Code in the Human Brain" and in his book "Parenting for a peaceful world" (where he sums up some statistics


#corporal_punishment #violence_against_children #ratifycrc #peace_research #peacebuilding #psychohistory #alice_miller #lloyd_demause #peace_index
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