How To Sign Up and Make Money With the Amazon Affiliate Program Tutorial

How To Sign Up and Make Money With the Amazon Affiliate Program Tutorial


13 лет назад

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@TrishMullen - 10.07.2011 00:14

Thank you for this, just what I was looking for, most helpful, Trish

@cherylAutry - 07.05.2012 19:29

This video was insightful. Thank you.

@TurboPsych - 12.06.2013 14:56

Question - at 2:50 you have a search list of several items, I was wondering if there is a way to set up a link from Squidoo to the results of the search list and not just link to one product page.

@infomarketingexperts - 12.06.2013 20:40

You would need to create a page with all of those products on it. The search page that comes up is for you (affiliate), not the customer.

@shristishresthacisti - 27.09.2013 14:05

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@macbr9 - 31.01.2015 06:45

Liked this video a lot, going to watch it again later
