UEVR Mod is AMAZING but not for me - Flat2vr mods for Unreal

UEVR Mod is AMAZING but not for me - Flat2vr mods for Unreal


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@VRDaD - 09.01.2024 03:12

After fiddling for an entire evening to make work a game the way I wanted, and failed...I'll have to agree with what you said. Sadly. Praydog did an amazing job and deserves all the praise he gets, and my only hope is that VR devs will take note and develop epic native VR titles.

@riaz-ali - 08.01.2024 20:03

"it's not for me"... ok, then you're just not really a gamer, someone who doesn't appreciate being able to see more of their favorite games

@lohan0903 - 08.01.2024 16:45

Agree with everything you said, Matteo! Still, the UEVR-mod is nothing short of the best VR news that ever came up since VR is a thing. And that is because it addresses the one single problem we VR enthusiasts WERE still facing ... and that is content! Hardware has reached a quality where improvement is still very welcome (who would say "no" to better quality?) but it is definitely good enough now to absolutely enjoy the games.

The only problem up to this point WAS blockbuster-like games. Given the niche, that VR still represents, this won't necessarily change anytime soon. That said, most of my biggest VR experiences stem from Flat2VR games that were never built for VR. So the UEVR mod is a win-win situation. Those Unreal 4/5 games are developed anyway regardless of the VR-market but we'll be able to enjoy those blockbusters in true VR. So, I suppose the "content issue" (the biggest issue we VR enthusiasts faced from the start) has vanished. And for that I praise Praydog and his team. He already demonstrated his status as god among men with his incredible RE engine mods ... now he has reached upper echelon!

@mirshia5248 - 08.01.2024 05:51

for me, when i tried it, it wasnt 99% there, it was 50% there, meaning you get 6 dof view but no physical moving, no 3 dof controll or 6 dof

@mirshia5248 - 08.01.2024 05:50

i tried it, and it wasnt for me either, il stick with plug and play native games

@m0ose0909 - 08.01.2024 03:59

Majority of made for vr games tend to be shallow. Maybe one day we'll have good ones at the same depth and quality of flat games today.

@baron2871 - 07.01.2024 05:12

I think what you fail to mention though is that many native VR games released are ASS! Many studios don't even understand the audience they are making the game for, sticking to tried and true formula, usually another zombie shooter. Because there has hardly been any real investment in the genre, this mod gives us AAA experiences in VR that we are craving. It might not always be perfect, but already i have discovered so many new 'old' games i had never played before. I just played TRON RUN-r disc run in first person, and i can tell you t was as good a VR experience as i've ever had. I do understand though why its not for you, as it wont be for many.

@stevetb7777 - 07.01.2024 04:56

Nvidia 3D Vision and the 3D modding community have been enjoying AAA games in 3D for a very, very long time. I've been playing for years on my projector. Welcome to club, VR peeps. =D I still think I will prefer playing on my projector over having a headset strapped to my face for this purpose.

@cropette - 07.01.2024 02:00

It's a bit weird to hear that from you with all the videos you posted about the best vr mods released every past years. Even, if you are right about the lack of immersion in these modded games, it remains a wonderful tool and, something which is really strange, it allows to play flat games in VR with so beautiful graphics that you would not get in native vr games. So many people say that re 4 and re 8 village on psvr2 are so great, but in the end, these games are just flat games which can be played in VR as well.

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:54

omg that girly smile in the thumbnail..ok..i see what we're dealing with🥴
hope those who know what gender they actually are & know tech..
ignore this lame feminine negative clickbait attempt for ad pennies🙄
& 'preciate/enjoy what praydog accomplished for us..for free..forever

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:50

this UEVR is all we're gonna get for the rest of our lives..
your beta quest leader Zuck is bunkering down in Hawaii for the 'reset'..everyone who read the blackrock net zero memo knows what's up
no AAA budget VR games coming at all..& quest cell phone graphics cards cant run shii but ports..meanwhile Praydog is the ULTIMATE port mod
but its 'not for you' tho'..the only AAA VR we'll have for the rest of our lives in this carbon reduction agenda..a little entertaining VR escape as the gates close..'not for you'

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:46

Praydog built this shii day & nite..for FREE
Sony was gonna scrap PSVR2 after 'rona..
released it anyway out of sheer kaizen discipline..
but they aren't investing anymore into it..nothing AAA coming on PCVR..this is it..but its' not for you'

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:36

..& what's the alternative to what UEVR/Flat2VR/Praydog have created?
wait for AAA VR games that aren't coming ever again because blackrock is in deindustrialization mode to 'reduce carbon'(populous)
keep playing compromised quest game ports on cell phone graphics..on grey contrast LCD screens..for the convenience of wireless

@80AmrDiab - 06.01.2024 13:32

It's not like that .. there are a lot of games you won't even try on a flat screen, and now I'm looking forward to playing all the games on VR even with a controller.

special thanks to all the modders around the world .. they made VR alive !!!

Half-life 2 VR a game from 2004 is better than all quest games combined.

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:32

Matteo sooo metro feminine..of course he takes the negative angle..this is what girls do! i bet he's DL

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:20

no more VR games coming yall..blackrock shutting all industries down per agenda..
'7% deindustrialization per year to reduce carbon in half by 2030..net zero by 2050'
we're lucky Sony released PSVR2 just out of passion..they aren't investing anymore to VR
Valve is focused on steam deck not index..if you dont know what's happening..pls STFU

@CCP-pb5ss - 06.01.2024 13:03

UEVR is the only way we're gonna get any AAA VR games going forward
most projects in all industries got scrapped altogether due to 'rona..praydog came thru like a soldier
& this dork Matteo immediately does a clickbait video..i just cant stand useless people like Matteo
they dont create anything..they take popular names & talk bad about them for clickbait pennies

@therealbagface9388 - 06.01.2024 08:25

Its not for you because YOU'RE an idiot 😂 its friggin UNREAL

@thebubba1 - 06.01.2024 05:11

3060 or greater.....lol. try a 3080 12gb if you dont want it to look like a potatoe

@matthewfuller9760 - 06.01.2024 00:19

Does anyone know if any Arena Shooters were released that would support this mod? Yes I know they are very old at this point.

@CCP-pb5ss - 05.01.2024 23:44

grey beard boomers..literally in a basement..complaining about tech evolution..
moaning about microtransactions..these games arent even built for you! STFU

@CCP-pb5ss - 05.01.2024 23:41

NOT FOR YOU??? then why..why the slander of such an amazing groundbreaking project? 11,000 games! AAA VR lives on!

@CHROME-COLOSSUS - 05.01.2024 21:50

Some of the best VR games in history were made for flatscreen.


I’m all for interaction, but you are off your rocker here. Good video breakdown, but you lost me when you dismissed what are functional AAA hybrids.

I mean WTF.

I hope you feel better and have a better new year, regardless.

@sal8697 - 05.01.2024 13:48

for some reason it doesn't work it keeps saying : openxr is not loaded couldn't create openxr instance openvr is not loaded openvr_api.dll not found what is the problem here ?? (i am using quest 3 and openxr) after i deleted xr folder it says: OPENXR error form factor unavailable do you have any idea how to fix that ? i installed openxr and the same games works fine with other people but not with me

@TheCangar - 05.01.2024 11:16

Completely agree. I don't even have time to play the great made-for-VR games, and simple viewpoint changes is not what I am looking for when I jump in. So if I do have time I won't be using this injector. But it is great that it exists and who knows, maybe it will overall be a new entry point to VR.

Get well soon! ❤

@articleparticle3743 - 05.01.2024 07:30

Like all tech, this is the worst it will ever be going forward.

@hughmanwho - 05.01.2024 05:56

I love keyboard and mouse games played with keyboard and mouse.. in VR

@sascha6313 - 05.01.2024 01:26

Oh noooo Borderlands 3 is not working? Is there an other Mod for this game? 😭

@rickaron7593 - 04.01.2024 21:52

Until I can get an upgrade some games will work on my week 1080ti. I'm playing stray and it works beautifully. Out of 1000s of games I bet there will be a reasonable amount that will work on my pc. Down the road of this year I'll buy a 4070 graphics card.

@Astro-Llama - 04.01.2024 21:41

I think my primary train of thought looking to use UEVR would be “I wonder what it would be like to be inside this world/area/game” and that’s pretty much it. Playing a full game regardless of its support or lack there of might be a rare occurrence for me

@patfish3291 - 04.01.2024 21:38

Absolutely right! Good VR games have to be designed for VR.
This tool is only for hardcore PCVR Gamers, who have played everything and want to test, experiment, and ticker with new stuff around - but it's not for those who want smooth VR experiences.

@tomcat3900 - 04.01.2024 21:35

I think PSVR2 and Quest 3 owners are kidding themselves. If they had access to all these games, they wouldn't do a little tinkering to get them to work? Gtfoh. What the hell is Sidequest? It's tinkering to have access to more VR games not available on their platform.

@tomcat3900 - 04.01.2024 21:30

Your loss. You'll be missing out on soooo many titles. I think i will gaming 90% with this mod and the rest between PSVR2 and Quest 3 titles.

@oggaming7362 - 04.01.2024 21:03

The amount of Meta shill work you do at this point on your channel is just gross these days. I've been subbed to you for 3 years. But your channel has plummeted off the side of a cliff recently with how much pandering you do for Meta now. Even this video's thumbnail has the Quest 3 in it.... and this video has NOTHING to do with Meta Quest in any way. You then go on to be less than interested in this amazing mod, struggle to praise Praydog because you can't step on Meta's toes, and then proceed to downplay this mod through your tone and overall lack of enthusiasm.

You go on to blame your "burnt out voice", but why make a video about this right now then? Your excuse of having a burnt out voice is just a cover for if anyone, like myself, were to call you out on your tone during this entire video.

This channel can't, in good faith, claim itself as "Your channel for everything VR related" when you're just a Meta sycophant now. Been subbed for a long time, been a part of your Discord server too. But, I'm out. I know you're a good guy, and a family man... so I do hope that the money you make from Meta is worth it to you. But your integrity is lost, this video proved that completely. And I was only here for your integrity. If it's lost on such a great mod from Praydog... then I don't want to stick around for anything else that it's lost on while you promote the shit out of Meta.

Good luck, Metateo... err, I mean Matteo. I honestly wish you the best. I already miss you and the old Matteo311 channel.

@el-_-grando-_-_-scabandri - 04.01.2024 19:52

to heal your voice just eat some Rock candy/sugar candy/rock sugar/crystal sugar ... whatever you name it. thank me later

@marcocavaco3150 - 04.01.2024 19:29

I'm personally all for the stereoscopic experience more than the "VR" interaction part.

@NostalgicTribe - 04.01.2024 17:19

The gaming companies should be sending praydog some money and a thank you card. Cause people going to be buying games like crazy just to use the injector.

@AKCobra1120 - 04.01.2024 15:12

If anything this will lead to fewer ports. Why spend time and money porting your game to vr when you can have some intern spend a couple of hours creating a profile and just include the profile and UEVR with the game?

@petergill7025 - 04.01.2024 15:10

Struggled to understand why you made this video? You sounded like a hard core triple/flat screen fan reviewing mainstran VR.

Triple/flat screen is great, Mainstrean VR is great, modded VR is great, UEVR VR is great, review what you like/dislike good and bad, but going outside your lane just for clicks, what can I say.

You lost my respect :(

@tenniselbow2023 - 04.01.2024 14:55

give me the list of the 110000 compatible titles with unreal engine 4 and 5 please !
OH that's total bullshit just as always ?
I wonder wich one of those content creators will be the most dishonest person ?
click bait, lies, over enthusiast about almost everything.
UEVR is a great thing for PCVR users but stop bullshitting and being in constent competition with other CCs in order to get the golden medal for the best liar of the year !

@S1MONSAYSVR - 04.01.2024 14:45

I agree with your opninion at the end of the video. Thats probably why I havent been hard on mods to begin with. This also goes for the Dr. Beef ports. Appreciate the work they do to bring older titles in vr and in this case new titles, or any unreal-based game playing in VR. A PROPER VR port for me is RE4 on Quest. A brand new rebuilt weaponsystem, with manual reloading, holsters. Doors beeing able to be opened. Remodeled cupboards with original visuals and textures with doors that can open. Totally new menu system catered to work in VR. Thats a great experience.
But I'm happy people are loving this mod injector.

@74amazing - 04.01.2024 13:38

The mod cannot receive enough praise. Of cause, not everything works. Of cause you got to tweak your experience. But there are so many examples, where it just works. My personal fav atm is mechwarrior 5. The existing Mechwarrior vr mod has already received an update and is based on the uevr now. It works like a charm. The performance is so much better than before the uevr mod and the game looks gorgeous. In combination both mods make mw5 feel like a native experience as long you are in the cockpit of you mech. And this is only one out of a big number of games, that work really great.

@Cazanu417 - 04.01.2024 12:50

i havent even watched the video but let me guess from the comments?youre hating on it cause youre a meta shill and this isnt on standalone and PCVR must be hated,i played as much is i could bare of asgards wrath 2 for wich you painted as some insane VR masterpiece and i was shocked to learn you cant grab enemies,punch,most of the stuff dont have physics,pretty empty game with worse combat than skyrim and on top of that it looks like late ps2 or 20 years old visuals that offer no immersion in VR,played robocop in VR today and my mind was blown how insane unreal engine 5 is in VR,il take this over any mobile game ever from now on even tough i have access to every VR platform.

@barzucci - 04.01.2024 12:14

checked Lies of P and oh my gosh, what a game changer.

@paullynch1246 - 04.01.2024 12:04

I played through Little Nightmares 2 with very little tweaking and it was amazing. I think the experience will vary depending on the game

@jamiesalmonsculpture8599 - 04.01.2024 11:07

Only one game makes me want to try this and that's Stray. Is it worth just for that, personally I'm not sure

@WOojerVest3andQuest3onMe - 04.01.2024 11:02

You forgot to mention one important thing. This is 💯% FREE for people to use and Try out. Sure it isn't for everyone and I agree. I want games that are made for VR and ready to go without any tweaking. But, what this does is transform games that weren't made for VR to be playable in VR. Kind of like Luke Ross been doing but, without the cost of admission. I haven't try'd it yet due to my busy schedule but, I ❤ the fact it is available for us to try out. It is a game changer meaning it changes a lot of games by being able to play them in a new perspective. I am excited to try out Hogwart's Legacy in VR. So I can compare it to Luke Ross's mod. But, I understand, what you're saying it sucks spending lots of time tinkering with settings to get it all right. When you only have a limited amount of time. Sometimes, you just want to get in and play for some quick fun. Hope you get to feeling better. Happy New Year! 🎉🥳
