What's The Sex Culture Like in South Korea?

What's The Sex Culture Like in South Korea?

K Explorer

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Magda Manduhai
Magda Manduhai - 06.10.2023 16:41

So dating in Korea means to have sex!

Jyotsna Padmanabhan
Jyotsna Padmanabhan - 06.10.2023 12:39

Porn IS harmful. I don't understand why porn should be a source of sex education it's so weird. There are so many other resources everywhere for sex books as well as online resources. But to say banning porn is bad really just fools naive people into thinking you can't learn about healthy ways of having sex from anywhere else. There are so many people who have fought porn addiction and still advocate against it also the industry as such is so exploitative to both sexes.

Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali - 02.10.2023 16:40

Good luck proving that one night thing was something mutual and that you were actually not graping the chick . I am Muslim and I will not practice that anyways. But first thing that come up my mind is how would you trust that stranger with your most intimate thing? It is almost 50% prison chance right there just for the sake of a one hour or so "pleasure".

Zoius Gigantomegistus Minimus
Zoius Gigantomegistus Minimus - 02.10.2023 07:52

Good video. Also, my guy you hit the gene lottery. You're handsome; no homo (LOL).

빨래요정 - 01.10.2023 05:06

Koreans tend to feel ashamed about contraception. Therefore, discussions about contraception in Korea often revolve around issues related to sexually transmitted diseases,unwanted pregnancies, and abortions.

Bubblefantasy - 28.09.2023 19:41

Does anyone know about the perceptions of South Korean men and women towards whether prostitution is seen as a form of cheating? Is cheating common in South Korea?

Ray Mak
Ray Mak - 28.09.2023 11:58

They are so open minded today

kitkatt430 - 25.09.2023 22:09

For the life of me I'll never understand why people think that Koreans aren't getting it in just like everyone else. They may not talk about it openly like people in other countries but they're not innocent and they have promiscuous people over there just like in any other place...and to say they don't have fantasies and sexual thoughts is definitely a lie unless they're not human..

Sangyul Shin
Sangyul Shin - 25.09.2023 16:25

I'm Korean and my parents are very conservative. I've never had conversations about sex with my parents. However, I'm not gonna be conservative to my children.

Julia Dlamini
Julia Dlamini - 22.09.2023 19:25


Nick Different
Nick Different - 22.09.2023 07:55

You have a way of always knowing precisely what questions we want asked. Great job!

Roshani Roy
Roshani Roy - 20.09.2023 20:00

Handsome black boy❤

michael polka
michael polka - 15.09.2023 08:03

Man japan is pretty chill, baller.

Oleniev Art
Oleniev Art - 15.09.2023 07:35

Great video, thanks.

Brian L
Brian L - 14.09.2023 10:32

i'm not religious but when i read the Bible and how to forbids fornication, i use to think God is a no fun God. but when you realize the rise of HPV and the crazy increase in throat mouth cancer..it's so scary. Everyone, please go to your dentist regularly. get him/her to check your mouth/throat for abnormalities. this type of cancer is curable if spotted early. deep kissing is a form of oral sex and you can pass on HPV . Money and succcess doesn't matter if your body is infected.

Doug - 13.09.2023 11:16

The host's facial reactions to the interviewee's responses are so weird and forced. Calm your face down dude! No one naturally interacts like that IRL.

Perpetuant - 11.09.2023 22:56

So they have a purer and better culture base than the west.

anelka - 11.09.2023 16:45

"저희나라 충 " 또 나왔네......에휴!!~~~

emylix3 - 08.09.2023 22:48

Countries shouldn't be afraid to teach sex education. All they will need to do is include videos of the birthing process in the curricular. All students will be so turned off by it that they'll be extra vigilant to not become a teen parent.

paula martin
paula martin - 05.09.2023 02:41

I know iam going to sound like old school but sex before marriage is a sin and even so perniciousness ,sex is a private matter and should be kept private and sacred within marriage as god intended.

Later Later
Later Later - 02.09.2023 00:38

None of those K girls are natural, some sort of body modifcation they underwent.

Cn Wil
Cn Wil - 29.08.2023 01:35

My father told me when I hit puberty, "You can get a female pregnant, so be careful." That resignated in my head until I was 26, kept my ass straight - LoL

carlosnvlr - 29.08.2023 00:44

Your style, eloquence, and fluency in what I consider a difficult language (Asian languages imo) wow! 💯 And you’re a Black man!
Treading on those negative stereotypes 👏🏾💪🏾🔥🔥🙌🏾

Kuddos to you and your work!

horangi113 - 27.08.2023 17:05

Interesting interview! And appreciate how respectful and receptive the vibe is in sharing their personal thoughts around what I think is still a pretty touchy topic in S Korea.

Garol Stipock
Garol Stipock - 26.08.2023 20:25

Sex "culture"....

curious way to frame it..

gm gm
gm gm - 26.08.2023 15:46

I dont know how you live in korea you must like the country. They are so racist 😂

truth finder
truth finder - 26.08.2023 00:44

talking about sex education with kids, means turning sex like a very normal and common thing like it is in West, like one night stand,.. While still Asia, the sex is just a process to make babies. in West its like smoking and drinking, like to fulfill your uncontrollable horny desires. Western hip hop has turned a taboo sex into a coolest thing that today even the junior school kids love to have to sex. Protect your culture, don't just blindly follow the America. Otherwise you will too start taking drugs like Americans as a normal food.

NuclearReactor - 22.08.2023 18:34

Please add korean subtitles thank you

MARIA A - 21.08.2023 08:36

Wow that dude's look and fashion is top notch. Doesnt matter if he is black. He is breathtaking.

Aziz Aziz
Aziz Aziz - 18.08.2023 22:26


Marcos V L Ragnini
Marcos V L Ragnini - 18.08.2023 16:48

Esse cidadão se veste tão bem! preciso aprender muito sobre como se vestir, pai amado!

Grand Tartan
Grand Tartan - 17.08.2023 01:59

Korean women are stunningc!

sky shin
sky shin - 16.08.2023 11:20

To be honest, I think Koreans like one night stands and do quite a lot.
But because of the conservative culture, I don't think people say they've done a one night stand.
Everyone says that their friends have done it haha.
It would be hard to say that they did a one night stand in front of the camera.
Especially women will be more like that. Sex education in Korea is much better now, but 10 years ago it was terrible.
They didn't even teach me how to put on a condom. I don't think the perception of a one night stand matters.
Koreans believe that not being honest about their sex life is the biggest problem with Korean sex culture.
In Korea, anything other than normal sex is considered very bad. Few people know exactly what they like and can make demands on their partner.

Alex T
Alex T - 16.08.2023 01:46

One night stands? Check. Hongdae & Gangnam? Check. LOL

Simone B.
Simone B. - 15.08.2023 22:09

Is it true that you are eating dogs in South Korea

John Warner
John Warner - 15.08.2023 16:50

Sex education is up to the parents. It doesn't belong in the school system. America is a good example of the failure of that concept.

Islet of Langerhans
Islet of Langerhans - 11.08.2023 15:22

Walking around, asking women what the sex culture is like around here. Amazing what you can do with a camera and a microphone.

John Lee
John Lee - 10.08.2023 21:28


탱구 - 08.08.2023 13:17

확실히 외국인들은 원나잇에 대해 안 좋게 생각하는 자기주장을 확실하게 하는데
한국인들은 외국인들의 정서에 대한 오해로 인해 일단 뭐든 다 허용해야 본인이 좀 개방적으로 보일 거 같다는 생각에 뭐든 다 허용 가능하다고 말하는 느낌이네

Ruarika - 08.08.2023 12:15

I think we are more conservative.
Yet they say One night stand (one night sex) is common.

No logic at all 🤣

T.M. - 06.08.2023 05:47

Thank you for doing this. This was a great video!

ReinTV - 04.08.2023 05:21

This dudes accent is so interesting to hear in English then go into Korean, cool af

John Keen
John Keen - 04.08.2023 01:11

Korea is the most feminist country in the Asia

udontno - 03.08.2023 12:51

The girl with the ralph lauren cap is so damn hot but her voice is like😵‍💫😵‍💫
