The Creepiest OSINT Tool to Date

The Creepiest OSINT Tool to Date

The Cyber Mentor

2 года назад

611,604 Просмотров

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Indethbed - 29.10.2023 14:18

don't talk about dicks. it is creepy and sign of mindrot

Yacov Drori
Yacov Drori - 23.10.2023 10:38

A few years ago I did it with an open ai api, I assume it's still there

Ramahadran Hennessy
Ramahadran Hennessy - 21.10.2023 16:31

Your AI overlords are just warming up for your Chinese style social credit system.

Yevhen Honchar
Yevhen Honchar - 12.10.2023 08:58

From my old photo it found me in uniform on the funeral of my army friend a year ago in Kyiv... also few photos of me 10-15 years ago...few photos of guys who just look like me. At all its a good tool for intelligence

CyberZeroDay - 05.10.2023 22:54

they seem to have changed all paths to pay for this product

Ant - 02.10.2023 20:40

Love this guy, even though he's a d*ck!

Michael Griffis
Michael Griffis - 30.09.2023 16:39

I uploaded a pic of myself, and nothing came up. I know I have many pics of myself on the internet over the past 25 years. I think they are collecting pictures of people who are uploading pics to there site.

RyzechDev - 29.09.2023 09:22

It certainly doesn’t like me looking myself up, thinks I’m too young lmao

G - 29.09.2023 02:33

Bro, Deepface is free...

G - 29.09.2023 02:29

I had a fb scraper thats starting script was ''want to hear a story?'' ''Y/N'' . Y would que script to scrape your fb and tell your info like schools, bday, phone number, and so on.

What is this?
What is this? - 26.09.2023 17:55

The technology is moving way too fast for everyday people to understand the risks involved. Thank you for what you do

Paracausal Affinity
Paracausal Affinity - 18.09.2023 14:27

😂😂😂😂😂 Why do so many men like to take photos of their dingalong and post it on the internet. Maybe we should have a dingalong AI recognition engine to one day.

Ian - 18.09.2023 03:48

The free version is obviously limited, but $15 for full access to that kind of info is a little scary.

Jamie Morales
Jamie Morales - 12.09.2023 22:23

Perhaps Dick faces...😅

Clinton Glasener
Clinton Glasener - 12.09.2023 20:37

Normally people include a link to the website that they make an ENTIRE video about.
You know what this dude's favorite word is?
Its "dick".
He loves to say dick.

Deepak Thakkar
Deepak Thakkar - 10.09.2023 03:16

Google photos is amazing too at identifying people. I have thousands of photos in google photos synced from my phone and it recognized my photo from 30 years ago. I have my aunt who is 70 years old and it identified her from her high school group photo . The only difference is google photos will identify anyone from our library and albums but doesn’t go out on the internet looking for it.

James C. Blanton
James C. Blanton - 06.09.2023 00:42

Dick free search 🤣🤣

Cows Go Huh
Cows Go Huh - 04.09.2023 09:59

I loaded 6 pics of myself and it came back with zero results.

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor - 03.09.2023 20:33

Oh cool we finally found the Bitcoin founder

Jade - 20.07.2023 17:22

Jeffery's exif viewer is offline. Does anyone have any recommendations for another good one?

Psycho op
Psycho op - 16.07.2023 07:01

FixIt - 13.07.2023 06:09

Just one of the 20 pictures found was actually me. An old article I'd written. Disappointed :D It doesn't even check facebook? Or linkedin, twitter... I tried again with my actual main image for these. The same single hit was correct. This time together with 81 images of other women. I guess I have a boring face lol. Just noticed this videos age and now I'm more curious why it popped up than why the tool didn't work :D

Harley Pelleg
Harley Pelleg - 12.07.2023 15:01

Tin eye a decade ago was better

Harley Pelleg
Harley Pelleg - 12.07.2023 15:00

Lmmfao. This website is garbage u just lost any and all credibility hahhahahsha

M Frusciante
M Frusciante - 03.07.2023 19:45

The progress of technology will only cultivate this sort of thing, potentially to levels few expect. It could be the case that our world will be akin to a video game, where everything, including people, has an examine tab. Not to mention what AI brings to the table with its probability oriented pattern matching capabilities. Imagine AI scanning your environment and telling you what probability a particular dog will bite you, and it causes you to fear that dog and dogs like it, even if the particular dog is a great gentle dog. You can see how this could be applied to other things as well, and the potential issues that could arise. To be judged based on superficial pattern matching and probability. Imagine the societal divisiveness such a technology could cultivate. Theres good and cool stuff too for sure, amazing stuff, but hopefully it unfolds in a compassionate and logical way.

Tom Starwalker
Tom Starwalker - 03.07.2023 14:48

About me it found a few other photos taken around ten years ago and photos of two other guys. Apparently I'm not famous yet.

Darren Soulier
Darren Soulier - 30.06.2023 20:31

"dick free?" pass

ٴ ٴ
ٴ ٴ - 30.06.2023 03:30

Tool didn’t find me. But I also don’t use social media

Lance Marchetti
Lance Marchetti - 29.06.2023 15:49


Veteran Stacker
Veteran Stacker - 18.06.2023 00:16

I don’t show up haha NICE!

hamidou baguira
hamidou baguira - 04.06.2023 22:18

Yandex image results are better than this site

Pison Dale
Pison Dale - 04.06.2023 15:57

This does not work at all

oOo GG
oOo GG - 27.05.2023 16:40

Easy guys... stop posting ALL YOUR LIFE ON THE NET... STOP, WTH WHY???? Then i have to ear people cry for privacy??

CoStY Crypto
CoStY Crypto - 21.05.2023 12:36

Thank you for the amazing TIPS! I learned a lot and benefited from your courses!

Raman Preet
Raman Preet - 09.05.2023 15:56

Now its paid tool

Marcus Jones
Marcus Jones - 04.05.2023 19:44

Took me a few hours to decide to go for it. I have worked in Club 18-30 in Faliraki, Mallorca and Portugal and I was really worried what might turn up. I do remember vaguely seeing Faliraki Uncovered camera crew during my time there. Really glad to say not 1 photo turned up. So pleased as I am the Photographer than being in the photo. 🤸

InacioB - 24.04.2023 20:05

Does anyone know how to at least get the link to the photo without paying the 30bucks?

Rxonmymind - 19.04.2023 09:19

Zero results here. 👍

ODan75 - 15.04.2023 17:21

Is it dick free?
Not, that’s a feature…

Md. Towfiqur Rahman
Md. Towfiqur Rahman - 08.04.2023 08:19

thanks for sharing. but it failed the first time when I searched a face.

D TOLL - 17.03.2023 16:00

It found nothing on me but all the people that came up looked crazy, I must look like a psychopath.

j-day - 18.02.2023 07:04

Took a selfie and tried this - 0 results. Phew!

Chris Sherlock
Chris Sherlock - 10.02.2023 19:36

I found a photo of me stood in a crowd of a wrestling match

Florin D
Florin D - 28.01.2023 17:45

Barely accurate searches. If the face is a widely common one, the results are close to none.

B. A.
B. A. - 20.01.2023 05:07

i tried this tool for my own photo and also for a friends photo... it didnt find a single result for either of us. there was only 1 photo result returned for my photo and it wasn't me...and for my friend there was 2, but both weren't her

iHack - 16.01.2023 15:04

It only found 2 photos of me. Wrapped with that

Taj Mirage
Taj Mirage - 13.01.2023 01:13

I have only recently got into oisnt and like the net in general I am blown away by the awesome beautiful potential of it all BUT leave it to the human race to dive at breaknet speed to the bottom of the moral barrel! Thanks for the info, like all things web related eduction is the key

Desi Richert
Desi Richert - 02.01.2023 22:24

Well it did not find ANY photos of me, not a one.
