The Best And Worst Back Exercises (Ranked By Science)

The Best And Worst Back Exercises (Ranked By Science)

Jeff Nippard

55 лет назад

6,725,416 Просмотров

Ranking 20 back exercises on a tier list based on the latest science. This is how you should interpret my tier list:

All exercises are ranked based on muscle building potential.

S tier - My favorite. Do them if you can.
A tier - Strongly recommend.
B tier - I still do these in certain contexts. There may be better options.
C tier - There are better options for most people. Can still have value in some contexts.
D tier - Probably not a great option for most people.
F tier - Generally not recommended.


0:00 - What makes an exercise S tier?
0:49 - Renegade Rows
1:40 - Deadlift
2:31 - Above-The-Knee Rack Pull
2:46 - Wide-Grip Pull-Up
3:16 - Neutral-Grip Pull-Up
3:23 - Chin-Up
3:38 - Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown
3:59 - Neutral-Grip Lat Pulldown
4:08 - Half-Kneeling 1-Arm Lat Pulldown
4:38 - Cross-Body Lat Pull-Around
4:59 - Barbell Row
5:26 - Yates Row
5:51 - Pendlay Row
6:18 - Deficit Pendlay Row
6:28 - Meadows Row
6:52 - Inverted Row
7:26 - 1-Arm Dumbbell Row
7:57 - Kroc Row
8:25 - Free-Standing Row
8:53 - Chest-Supported Row
9:22 - Cable Row
9:37 - Wide-Grip Cable Row
9:50 - Rope Face-Pull
10:37 - Cable Lat Pull-Over
11:14 - DB Lat Pull-Over


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