New Player Tries: Scholar & Summoner | FFXIV 2023 Gameplay

New Player Tries: Scholar & Summoner | FFXIV 2023 Gameplay


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Nienna - 06.08.2023 10:13

As the White Mage, it makes me happy to see you trying SCH/SMN xD

Bolt - 07.05.2023 02:50

The fairy is just a regen btw. Not much. Other healers have a regen except fairy cant be directed so thats a con when youre in a raid.

Bolt - 07.05.2023 02:47

You really need to learn how to play ffxiv. Always be casting which you're missing in your videos. You're playing so slowly. for example. sacred soil should be casted when your GCD is charging ( on CD ) not when you could start another gcd

S. S.
S. S. - 17.04.2023 16:44

Wait a second, I ragequit back in Shadowbringers 2-3 years ago because they removed all but two DPS skills from all healers, making my solo SCH main useless. Do you mean to tell me they came to their senses and returned their damage skills so that the game is playable again?!

Capo Lean
Capo Lean - 09.03.2023 22:55

can you pvp at any level ?

Vargala Svett
Vargala Svett - 02.03.2023 18:49

Ive been debating about playing both ffxiv and gw2. Been kind of mising the tank healer dps roles for dungeons plus having a working LFG

Dan Ryder
Dan Ryder - 11.02.2023 17:47

I main sch psy Is a good heal people just dont know how or when to use it. Try coupling it with Fey illumination emergency tactics or dissipation. You dont main sch if this is not common knowledge to you.

Benjamin Fast
Benjamin Fast - 10.02.2023 17:00

I've been maining SCH as well and I've really enjoyed it. I am kind of just grinding to 70 so I can finally unlock Sage and if I enjoy it enough I'll probably continue the story with that one.
I also enjoy SMN and it's nice that it can level with SCH, but I agree that the summons lack the flavour they used to before I returned to the game. You see each of them for a few seconds and Carbuncle is useless for the most part except for it's cuteness. Lol.

gangrel1234 - 10.02.2023 15:59

How is the free Player experience?

DevilSeiji - 10.02.2023 12:15

Eos supremacy <3
Dont at me Selene people

For sch always have aetherflow up. If you dont need to use lustrate/ sacred soil for 60 sec, dump your stacks into energy drain, then use aetherflow.

Another reason not to drop physicks from your bar is getting low lvl dungeons in duty finder. Where you get lvl synced below adlo.
WeskAlber has really good videos going through the skills by lvl. FFxivMomo has some healer guides for rotations.

Vaith - 10.02.2023 00:16

Oooo ffxiv kroof! gl and hf! sch/smn was my first jobs i played up to 70 during Stormblood then i switched to warrior and fell in love with tanking.

iknothatukno - 10.02.2023 00:00

About the summoner part.
It will all change. Like, heavily. All of those carbuncle buttons turn into their own rotations and you'll honestly never see the little guy once you're really rolling that rotation.

And because this seems to be a video aimed at newbies. Biggest healing tip is
Never use cure 1 when cure 2 is available or physick when adloquium is available.

Yes cure 1 can give "free cure" but it's a trap and physick just doesn't make up for that shielding.

(edit) only exception being those times where you're level scaled so low you only have cure 1 or physick. And regen and medica 2 stack.

Memyx - 09.02.2023 23:58

Funny thing about Carbuncle is that this it has always been a purely defensive summon in other FF games, so this is about as true to form as it can get. That said, take this current iteration of SMN as a.. clean slate for the devs to build upon on further expansions, and expect more flashy goodness down the line.

Danny C
Danny C - 09.02.2023 23:54

Ifrit egi was melee. Garuda was a ranged caster pet the real fun is lv 86 when u get the primal favor spells

Ramoth Rickson
Ramoth Rickson - 09.02.2023 23:31

