Straight Dialogue with Ferdous Ara - 25/11/2013 - Part - 1

Straight Dialogue with Ferdous Ara - 25/11/2013 - Part - 1

Straight Dialogue

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Straight Dialogue with Ferdous Ara - 25/11/2013
Apart from Nazrul songs Mrs. Ferdous Ara is equally proficient in rendering songs of older days as well as many modern songs. Being prolific in publishing long plays, audio-cassettes and CDs, she has strongly familiarized her in widening her reputation too. One of her CDs has come to tight under auspices of HMV, the most famous Music Company of India. She has to her credit truly earned the legacy of Feroza Begum, the most time transcending Nazrul singer of Bangladesh. The audio CD "SHAON-A-RATHE" is the first of its kind that has found its publication both nationally and internationally to the sole credit of Ferdous Ara. She currently conducts and presents a monthly program titled "SHANCHITA" in the Satellite TV. She is still bent upon her continued hard efforts to hold up the Nazrul Songs in its own splendors and varying dimensions.
Ferdous Ara, an instructor of Nazrul Institute, has of late founded "SHUR SHAPTAK" -the only music school of her own. In strict adherence to grammatical accuracy, the effortless song of Ferdous Ara's melts into tasters of melody and spontaneity, in many a celebrated occasions both at home and abroad Ferdous Ara has made her audience and viewers spell-bound with the magic of her songs. She has taken parts in as many concerts as just uncountable including the Gala Concert at Royat Albert Halt, London on invitation of Inner London Education Authority.
The most remarkable writing of Ferdous Ara's lone publication entitled "SHANGIT BHUBANE NAZRUL" testifies to her potentials as a master in Nazrul Musics. Other than in both Bengals, She has globally earned a permanent seat in the hearts of her fans as well. Crowned with glorious success this merited Artist Ferdous Ara humbly and earnestly aspires to impart higher course the Nazrul Music too. Her efforts are under way to internationalize Nazrul Songs and to translate them into multiple languages across the world. She now dedicates her entries efforts and devotion to rise to the apex of fame and glory excelling herself.


#Straight_Dialogue #Ferdous_Ara #Channel_I_Europe #Talk_Show_(TV_Genre)
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