iOS Reverse Engineering :: Part I :: Dynamic Reversing and iOS Basics

iOS Reverse Engineering :: Part I :: Dynamic Reversing and iOS Basics


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@drygordspellweaver8761 - 29.01.2024 04:54

I'm loving the channel so far, thank you!

Could you clarify more on this debugging combo method you talked about at the end?

"ios Debugger combo:
attach frida to inject fuzzing payload
set breakpoint in target. Attach debug server
Use IDA to decompile, press f5 and see your code, set breakpoint on something that looks like c code
while still having advantage of being able to inject something with frida."

So is this basically like a free workaround to have a dynamic way of interacting with IDA without paying for the pro/debugger setup? Would IDA free static analysis also be able to provide C-like code or is that only available with Pro version + IOkit?

@josefmostafa5121 - 13.12.2023 04:39

Richtig Gut!

@anasshaikh5778 - 21.03.2023 10:01

Can you recommend a book or any other resources which is noob friendly

@anasshaikh5778 - 28.02.2023 16:03

This went above my head.

@depressivepumpkin7312 - 12.09.2022 17:25

this is pure gold, thank you

@rafalr5719 - 12.04.2022 01:28

Thanks for doing this! Great stuff!

@kiyotaka31337 - 23.03.2022 17:24

Hey jiska thanks for the videos, Im new to iOS security research I've been doing my research on ios baseband Im able to extract baseband firmware and RE the baseband but to debug I jailbreaked my iphone now I can't use simcard tried many ways to fix but It won't work or did I do anything wrong, or any other ways to emulate ios baseband firmware ? This would be helpful. I used iphone 7 ios 14.7.1
